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Flickriver - view images as a 'river of photos' and more.
365 Portraits - #59 ~ André Mostert . I am going to try to take at least .
Jan 2, 2011 – Last year DPS challenged you to start a Project 365, or .
Nov 28, 2009 – One of the most popular groups on Flickr is one aptly called 365 Days , a year- long creative Flickr self portrait project started by Flickr member, .
The user-led Topaz Software Flickr Group regularly holds Topaz challenges. . I recently completed the 365 self portrait project, this image was one of them." .
Aug 1, 2011 – Sometimes just by surfing aimlessly stumble upon Flickr excellent things . 5789407838 Jerry 95b4bebffc b 800x824: 365 Portraits of Strangers .
I am in the process of moving Flickr Hive Mind to flickrhivemind.net. . 105 of 365 Andre climbs (todaymightbe) Tags: seattle trees sunset portrait tree art .
Jul 1, 2007 – I created a photo set on flickr and named it the 365 Day Visual Diary. Day after day I would take a self portrait accompanied by a short .
Nov 9, 2009 – Need inspiration? And a home for uploading your pictures? Flickr has multiple groups: Project 365, Project 365!, 365 Days, and Project 366-1. .
365 Self Portraits Day 2 Screaming Flickr Photo Sharing Tattoo Design.
1 answer - Jan 10, 2009What is this flickr 365 day thing? ? . picture every day for 365 days. Some of the groups specify that the pictures all have to be self-portraits. .
Jan 7, 2010 – On a bit of a whim, I decided to throw my camera into the ring for a 365-day, self- portrait-a-day-for-a-year flickr project. I'm always shooting .
Jan 7, 2011 – Read that interview below after enjoying his very creative self-portraits. What have you learned from your 365 project? How did your style .
365 Self Portraits Day 28 Panda Stance Flickr Photo Sharing Tattoo Design.
Hivemind: http://flickrhivemind.net/Tags/portraits/Recent Hits: 5764 Pages: 116 Flickr Hive Mind is a data mining tool for the Flickr photography database. Where .
Jump to Day 365: Portraits: This is an exercise that invites people to create a self-portrait each day for a complete year. While seemingly simple at .
Aug 7, 2011 – Chris was the first to create 365 Days, a photo pool dedicated to taking a . His Flickr account has a number of self portraits, as well as shots of .
365/243 - Morning Mist on Flickr.©Rachel Marie Smith . 365/242 - Laundry Day on Flickr.©Rachel Marie . 365/241 - Sleepy Angel on Flickr.©Rachel Marie .
Apr 12, 2007 – carpeicthus - http://www.flickr.com/photos/carpeicthus . 365 Portraits - The Book is now on sale at: http://www.365portraits.com/book/ Order .
Jul 18, 2009 – The 365 Self Portrait Project on Flickr. Anyone that knows me really well, knows that I am addicted to flickr. It is the greatest outlet for a .
My first big project was the 365 Day Self-Portrait Project. Every portrait was done on consecutive days and posted the same day to my Flickr account. This year .
Jul 5, 2010 – Roni is the most beautiful woman on Flickr, on the inside and out. . self portrait photographer and I'm now selling my 365 book of self portraits. .
365 - 38 - plup friction. take a self portrait every day for 365 days. 363 .
Aug 19, 2011 – How Self-Portrait Artists Market Themselves with Flickr Contests . Is the idea of 365 photos a little much for you to handle? If you know you .
by Lisa Bettany
Oct 12, 2006 – Flickr. "Take Photos? You Need this Newsletter." -- Jim Heid Columnist, Los Angeles Times . Project 365: How to Create a Daily Photographic History . . into every portrait! Perfect for parties, portraits, and photo booths. .
Each day, take a self portrait, tag it with "365days", and submit it to the pool. It's that simple! For our detailed rules, please have a read through our group rules. .
Jan 15, 2010 – It originally started out with the project “365 Days” , a year-long creative Flickr self portrait project started by Flickr member, Chris Maverick. .
73/365 - The Making of "72/365 - Gingered Self-Portrait" | Flickr . Aug 12, 2011
Apr 20, 2011 – Making use of yesterday's self portraits I took one image of 4 self portrait and layered on top of another using iPhone app Iris Photo Studio.
Aug 5, 2011 – Chris was the first to create 365 Days, a photo pool dedicated to taking a . His Flickr account has a number of self portraits, as well as shots of .
Jul 21, 2011 – Best Flickr Groups for Self-Portraits: Here are, in my opinion, the best Flickr groups for self-portraits. . 17/365: i could be your magician .
Jan 13, 2010 – I did the 365 self portrait project in 2007: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jspad/sets/ 7215759… I learned a lot about my camera, and about .
Jan 1, 2010 – 365 Take 3 Flickr Self portraits Todd Jordan I'm taking another year of self portraits for the Flickr 365 group. Cheers.
This is the set for ALL the versions of the portraits I am doing for my 365 project. 320 photos | 2647 views. items are from between 10 May 2007 & 29 Jun 2007. .
. adventure with photography, this is a project to take a picture of myself every single day for a year (365 days). . 365 Days 365 Self-PortraitsFlickr .
I completed my goal of achieving 365 shots for 2010. Here's a sampling of some of my photos: Here is my link to my Flickr Set for the entire year- 365 pictures! .
Jul 24, 2009 – Self-portraits can be an amazing learning tool. You've probably heard of this before, but the 365 Days group on Flickr is one in which people .
Aug 5, 2011 – A Blank Stare by Danikapierce, on Flickr. 23 2bf33 3278830770 99145cb5f6 Dark and Gritty Portraits That Rock · 45/365: V by jin.thai, on Flickr .
Apr 3, 2011 – You can see my whole years worth of Project 365 pictures at my Flickr set here. -- --- I'm in the process of closing up Mug Rug Madness and .
Sep 4, 2011 – ~Nizaad's self-portrait 365′ing ~. bismillah~. just came across this photographer on flickr. i love her work! http://www.flickr.com/photos/nizaad/ .
Jul 12, 2010 – www.brymorrow.com www.brymorrow.wordpress.com.
Jul 15, 2011 – 7/15/2011 --- Godot - The Fragrance of Dark Coffee ( Open .
Jun 4, 2010 – Flickr user Stéfan shot 365 near-daily portraits of his Star Wars Stormtrooper dollies undertaking humorous and dramatic tasks, and has put .
bargos,portraits · Flickr Hive Mind Users: Penny and the Pirates (more) (Zeitgeist) Preferences (New). Viewer: . 26/365 She makes the boys go hell-oh. (Penny .
Sign UpFlickr 365 Portraits is on FacebookSign up for Facebook to connect with . Talli Miller added 19 new photos to the album Flickr 365 Portraits. .
Jun 1, 2011 – Just wanted to share some pictures of a photo shoot I did for work last week! . I finally got all my 365 photo project pics uploaded to flickr, which .
Dec 28, 2009 – I created a photo set on flickr and named it the “365 Day Visual Diary”. Day after day I would take a self portrait accompanied by a short .
Aug 6, 2010 – Interview with Self Portrait and 365 Photographer – Anna Gay . I first came across the photography of Anna Gay on her Flickr Account when .
Every day Flickr admins choose 500 of the most interesting images determined by . of narcissism to the next level with daily self-portraits called Flickr 365. .