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May 25, 2011 . In general, entities that are 340B eligible may purchase covered drugs at a discount under the PHS Program. Under the Patient Protection and .
Aug 26, 2010 . 340B Pricing by Matthew Helms: There are some components or portions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, as modified by the .
Press Release: Norfolk Community Health Care and SUNRx Launch 340B Program to Provide Low Cost Medications to Madison County Families .
Our Premier Collection Saab 340B model includes three liveries created and by well-known designer Brian Gladden. We hope that you enjoy flying this set of .
Maintain Compliance. Maximize Savings. 340B Compliance is complicated and while the positive financial impact is significant, so is the.
The 340B Coalition represents the thousands of safety net providers and programs participating in the Public Health Service's Section 340B drug discount .
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How Section 340B of the Public Health Service Act helps outpatients receiving care from health centers save anywhere from 15% to 60% on certain prescription .
The legislation that created the 340B program1 required the Secretary of Health and Human Services to set up a mechanism to ensure that manufacturers did .
The primary mission of the 340B Prime Vendor Program is to improve access to affordable medications for covered entities and their patients.
The 340B Drug Discount program provides discounted outpatient pharmaceuticals to safety net providers serving high numbers of low-income and uninsured .
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Mar 29, 2011 . The U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously Tuesday that local providers of medical service for the poor cannot sue drug companies for .
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A: The 340B Program does not have any income requirements. Any patient of a participating 340B entity is considered a 340B patient provided the entity .
Mar 31, 2011 . Section 340B of the Public Health Services Act puts ceilings on drug manufacturers, limiting, what they charge for medications sold to .
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340B Ceiling Price: The maximum price that manufacturers can charge covered entities participating in the Public Health Service's 340B Drug Pricing Program. .
Our mission is to help you implement the federal 340B pharmaceutical program - to enable you to use the buying power of 340B to generate revenues, .
AutoSplit 340B: 340B Split-Billing Software Solutions from Talyst.
The PDX-Rx.com 340B Management Solution is a comprehensive, turnkey solution for CHCs, DSHs and other safety net entities seeking a way to manage their 340B .
The 340B Drug Pricing Program was established in response to the passage of Section 340B of U.S. Public Law 102-585, the Veterans Health Care Act of 1992. .
Over a year has passed since health care reform legislation was enacted, but many questions remain about the law's impact on the 340B program as the .
The 340B Covered Entity Solution is offered as a suite of solutions; or can be customized based on specific program needs; or available as individual .
Welcome to the 340B Resource Network! This group is designed for 340B stakeholders to share information on access to pharmaceuticals, best practices, .
In the past year the 340B program has seen some significant changes. The passage of the Patient Protections and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) on March 23rd, .
Exclusion of Orphan Drugs for Certain Covered Entities under 340B Program .
Capture savings and maximize 340B Drug Pricing Program participation with McKesson's 340B Solution Suite.
340B limits the cost of covered outpatient drugs to certain federal grantees, federally-qualified health center look-alikes and qualified disproportionate .
Below you will find information about conferences hosted by The 340B Coalition, Safety Net Hospitals for Pharmaceutical Access (SNHPA) and Apexus, .
For example, it would allow you to keep 340B-qualified medications separate from . This includes reporting for 340B prescriptions versus non 340B eligible .
May 20, 2011 . Under the proposed rule, these newly covered entities could purchase outpatient orphan drugs at 340B prices to treat common conditions for .
Saab 340B. Additional Aircraft Layouts, Airbus A319-100, Airbus A319-100 Charter , Airbus A320-200, Airbus A330-200, Airbus A330-300, Boeing 737-700 .
With the historic national health reform initiative now a reality, 340B stakeholders turn to the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and .
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The 340B drug pricing program enables certain types of safety net organizations to obtain deeply discounted medications, at prices below the "best price" .
The 340B Drug Pricing Program resulted from enactment of Public Law 102-585, the Veterans Health Care Act of 1992, which is codified as Section 340B of the .
The final third generation version, the 340B Plus, was delivered for service . One of the improvements introduced in the 340B Plus was the installation of .
In November 1992, Congress enacted Section 340B of the Public Health Service Act , which requires pharmaceutical manufacturers participating in the Medicaid .
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The 340B program allows qualifying health systems to purchase pharmaceuticals below the Medicaid rebate price to better manage the cost of serving .
Bridge to 340B: Comprehensive Pharmacy Services Solutions in Underserved . Implementing a Comprehensive 340B Contracted Pharmacy Service (2004) (pdf) .
In 1992, Congress established the 340B program to help health care providers serve low-income people. The law requires pharmaceutical manufacturers .
Nov 16, 2010 . The 340B program, established by federal law in 1992, reduces the cost of drugs for covered entities through discounts from manufacturers .
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The federal 340B Drug Pricing Program provides access to reduced price prescription drugs to over 12404 health care facilities certified by the U.S. .
Apr 1, 2011 . Santa Clara County.1 In a unanimous decision, the Court determined that 340B entities, including public hospitals and community health .
pssc.aphanet.org/about/whatisthe340b.htm - Similar340(b)Federal law provides an opportunity for discount pricing of prescription drugs through Section 340B of the Public Health Service Act. This provision .