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Web safe = #3399CC RGB 0-255 = 54.25 175.56 222.47. RGB 0-FF = 36 AF DE RGB .
Web safe = #3399CC RGB 0-255 = 33.97 146.49 216.82. RGB 0-FF = 21 92 D8 RGB 0- 0.1 = 0.13322 0.57447 0.85027. CMY 0-0.1 = 0.86678 0.42553 0.14973. CMYK .
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. it to the appropriate RGB and/or CMYK values for your design. If you already have your RGB or CMYK colors we can make the Hex selection for you! .
iDStyle uses a Four Colour (CMYK) and Pantone Colour printing process for most of our . 00FFCC, 33FFCC, 00FFFF, 00CCCC, 009999, 006666, 003333, 3399CC .
Working on adding CMYK translation to this site. . #336633; #336666; #336699; #3366CC; #3366FF; #339900; #339933; #339966; #339999; #3399CC; #3399FF .
Other color code values of #3399CC for RGB (percentage & decimal), HSL, and .
. 33CC66, 33CC33, 33CC00, 3399FF, 3399CC, 339999, 339966, 339933, 339900 .
Description BETA, Moderate bluish cyan. RGB Hexdecimal, 3399CC. RGB 0÷255, 51, 153, 204. RGB %, 20, 60, 80. CMYK %, 75, 25, 0, 20. HSV, 200°, 75, 80 .
Hexadecimal: 3399CC. Mid Blue: Pantone 7462 C. CMYK: 100C/ 50M/ 0Y/ 10K . The colors shown on this page have not been evaluated by Pantone, .
CMYK 100c 90m 10y 0k. Web colors #333399. RGB 51r 51g 153b. Light Blue PMS Pantone solid coated 2985. CMYK 60c 0m 0m 15k. Web colors #3399cc .
Although the CMYK (Cyan Magenta Yellow Black) is the "color space" used for print documents, RGB (Red Green . 006699, 3399CC, 66CCFF, 99FF00, CC0033, FF3366.
The RGB and CMYK values are compatible with Adobe Photoshop 6® on a pc running . . #3399cc. R=51 G=153 B=204. C=73 M=26 Y=5 K=0. #006699. R=0 G=102 B=153 .
rgbcmyk.gif. RGB ja CMYK värvikoodid. Loe edasi. . 3399CC, 0099CC, 003333. 99CCCC, 66CCCC, 339999. 669999, 006666, 336666. CCFFFF, 99FFFF, 66FFFF .
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Process (CMYK), 28-24-6-0, 47-39-40-4, 31-24-25-0. Spot (RGB), 0-153-204, 141- 140-139, 179-179-179. Websafe, #3399CC, #8D8C8B, #B3B3B3 .
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Jul 1, 2011 – 3399cc hex color · 3399cc cmyk · dolf-de-vries || zhang-haijie || brigid- brannagh || karlheinz-bohm || cate-blanchett || karena-lam .
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Jun 2, 2011 – 3399cc, 3399cc in the news, 3399cc blogs, 3399cc wiki, about 3399cc, 3399cc . rgb,3399cc pantone,3399cc hex,3399cc hex color,3399cc cmyk.
#3399CC, rgb(51, 153, 204), rgb(20%, 60%, 80%), hsl(200, 60%, 50%), cmyk(75%, 25 %, 0%, 20%). #006699, rgb(0, 102, 153), rgb(0%, 40%, 60%), hsl(200, 100%, .
Web Safe Colour Code, HEX Code, HTML Colour Code, HEX, RGB, CMYK, 100, 255, 102, 153 153, colour, web, hex, #0000ff, #3399cc, #0099cc, #006666, #003333.
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3399CC Color values for hexadecimal, rgb, hsl, and cmyk. . #3399CC. rgb(51, 153, 204). rgb(20%, 60%, 80%). hsl(200, 60%, 50%). cmyk(75%, 25%, 0%, 20%) .
Online conversion from RGB to CMYK, HSV color codes.
Color name: RGB #3299CC, Websafe 3399CC . CMYK %, 75, 25, 0, 20. HSV, 200°, 75 , 80. HSL, 200°, 61, 50. CIE-L*ab, 59.7, -12.1, -34.5. XYZ, 23.6, 27.8, 61.3 .
339900, 339933, 339966, 339999, 3399CC, 3399FF. 33CC00, 33CC33, 33CC66, 33CC99, 33CCCC, 33CCFF . CMYK Color Chart. Find information on cmyk color chart. .
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. 4CB2E5,33AAE5,19A1E5,0099E5,,CCCCCC,B2C3CC,99BBCC,7FB2CC,66AACC,4CA1CC, 3399CC,1990CC,0088CC, . CMYK %, 3, 1, 0, 61. HSV, 200°, 3, 39. HSL, 200°, 2, 38 .
Web safe = #3399CC RGB 0-255 = 75.85 152.98 214.66. RGB 0-FF = 4B 98 D6 RGB 0- 0.1 = 0.29745 0.59992 0.84180. CMY 0-0.1 = 0.70255 0.40008 0.15820. CMYK .
. 4CB2E5,33AAE5,19A1E5,0099E5,,CCCCCC,B2C3CC,99BBCC,7FB2CC,66AACC,4CA1CC, 3399CC,1990CC,0088CC, . CMYK %, 7, 2, 0, 64. HSV, 200°, 7, 36. HSL, 200°, 3, 35 .
Colour Converter v2.5 by Airliner: RBG to CMYK to RGB. Free download. 03/28/04; CMYK to RGB Converter: . 339900, 339933, 339966, 339999, 3399CC, 3399FF .
Pantone shades have equivalents in four color reproduction (CMYK) and RGB . Four-color reproduction colors (CMYK) . #FF6600, #669933, #3399CC, #CCCCCC .
RGB -> CMYK Conversion ---------------------- SETTINGS: 100% Red . .. C:73% M: 11% Y:0% K:40% #3399CC -> C:59% M:9% Y:0% K:20% #66CCFF -> C:44% M:7% Y:0% .
photos gallery Anterovium · FFFFFF-3399CC-FFCC00 photos by Anterovium · buy this photo Printing inks cmyk · Send this photograph on a mobile phone .
CMYK %, 100, 27, 0, 13. HSV, 196°, 100, 87. HSL, 196°, 100, 44. CIE-L*ab, 62.3, -13.3, -40.6 . . 3399CC. 97%, Websafe 3399CC. 0099CC. 97%, Websafe 0099CC .
Pantone 299C,U / C87 M18 / R0 G118 B189 / 3399CC / S 2060-B . Inaccuracies in other documents: note the Pantone and CMYK values for at least three of the .
CMYK: C=20 M=0 Y=60 K=20. HSL: H=80° S=60% L=50% HSV/HSB: H=80° S=75% V=80 .
3399cc color hex, #39C color chart,rgb,hsl,hsv color number values, . HSL, 0.56, 0.60, 0.50. HSV, 200°, 75°, 80°. CMYK, 0.75, 0.25, 0.00, 0.20 .
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3399cc stats. 3399cc, Best! 3399cc pantone, 2 best. 3399cc rgb, 3 best. 3399cc hex, (alt.) 3399cc hex color, (alt.) 3399cc cmyk, (alt.) .
22 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Jul 28, 2010I let the print shop find the closest cmyk matches for the designs. . #3399cc. So perhaps a dark blue could be #000099 in rgb that might .
Unlike the CMYK color chart, Html color charts are used in a wide variety of arenas including website . 339900, 339933, 339966, 339999, 3399CC, 3399FF .
The designer's definitions are shown to the left in the "CMYK" scheme. . (# 3399CC or 51, 153, 204). C57 M0 Y100 K0. #72BD0A or 114189,10 .
Web-safe colours that can be matched when printed in CMYK inks, with their hexadecimal . 3399CC, 339999, 339966, 339933, 336699, 336666, 336633, 333366 .
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Jul 25, 2005 – Pantone 299C,U / C87 M18 / R0 G118 B189 / 3399CC / S 2060-B . Inaccuracies in other documents: note the Pantone and CMYK values for at .
CMYK: C=0 M=40 Y=60 K=20. HSL: H=20° S=60% L=50% . 3399CC. B233CC B233CC. The Color Picker was designed using the PHP GD2 Library. .
. 4CB2E5,33AAE5,19A1E5,0099E5,,CCCCCC,B2C3CC,99BBCC,7FB2CC,66AACC,4CA1CC, 3399CC,1990CC,0088CC, . CMYK %, 2, 1, 0, 44. HSV, 200°, 2, 56. HSL, 200°, 1, 55 .