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Oct 1, 2011 – Sep 12 – In the latest Minor Planet Circulars, 5 asteroids discovered at . of these minor planets: (1718) Namibia, (3103) Eger (BYORP target), .
by LAM Benner - 1996 - Cited by 1 - Related articles
3103 Eger is an Apollo and Mars-crosser asteroid that was discovered in 1982, by Miklós Lovas. It was named after the city of Eger, Hungary. .
Aug 1, 2011 – 3103 Eger is an Apollo and Mars-crosser asteroid that was discovered in 1982, by Miklós Lovas. It was named after the city of Eger, Hungary. .
3103 Eger is an Apollo and Mars-crosser asteroid that was discovered in 1982, . 3103 Eger is the only asteroid besides 4 Vesta identified as the parent body for .
Jun 17, 2011 – Currently there are about 16'608 asteroids named officially by the . . Efremiana (16516) Efremlevitan (12975) Efremov (3103) Eger (13) .
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7 posts - 3 authors - Last post: May 11, 2008One Olivine Diogenite micromount (meteorite from Asteroid 4 Vesta) One Aubrite micromount (meteorite from Asteroid 3103 Eger) .
Jul 28, 2001 – 296, Radar Detection of Near-Earth Asteroids 2062 Aten, 2101 Adonis, 3103 Eger, 4544 Xanthus, and 1992 QN Lance A.M. Benner, Steven J. .
We have observed this asteroid in support of radar observations at Goldstone. Lightcurves in R band were . in Pravec et al. (1998). (3103) Eger lightcurve .
Buy Near-Earth Asteroids: 5751 Zao, 2007 Vk184, 54509 Yorp, 1580 Betulia, 2009 Dd45, 3103 Eger, 1989 Va, 3554 Amun, 163693 Atira, 1916 Boreas by Books LLC .
by J Durech - 2009 - Cited by 4 - Related articles
3103 Eger is the only asteroid besides 4 Vesta identified as the parent body for specific meteorites. 4 Vesta is the parent body for Howardite, Eucrite, and .
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by LE Bykova - 2001 - Cited by 3 - Related articles
It is classified as a rare class E asteroid and is probably the largest of this . Information and research on 3103 Eger on FindTarget Reference online .
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Current spectral studies link the aubrites to a few near-Earth Apollo asteroids, specifically 3103 Eger and 434 Hungaria (Kelley and Gaffey, 2002). These two .
Orbital simulation from JPL (Java); SDSS image taken on 01APR2003 /Fermats Brother · Relation between 434 Hungaria, 3103 Eger, and e-type asteroids .
A type of achondrite (a stony meteorite lacking inclusions known as chondrules) . A small near-Earth asteroid, 3103 Eger, which is the only known E-class NEA, .
The light spectra of aubrites is similar to asteroid 44 Nysa and a small near-earth asteroid 3103 Eger. Eger is suspected of being the actual parent body of the .
Radar observations of 214 near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) reveal a very strong . body may be 3103 Eger, and the V class, derived from the mainbelt asteroid .
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Aubrites are meteorites named for Aubres, a small achondrite meteorite that fell . A small member of this asteroid family, 3103 Eger, exhibits a near-Earth orbit, .
Jan 20, 1982 – (Detection of the YORP Effect in Asteroid (3103) Eger). ( 8) Tholen, D.J. (1989) in "Asteroids II" (Eds. R.P.Binzel et al.), Univ.Ariz.Press, Tucson .
asteroid (3103 Eger) missed earth by 60 lunar distances: diameter 1500 m, velocity 16.36 km/s, energy ~170 gigatons. http://j.mp/q53PDq.
by LAM Benner - 1997 - Cited by 26 - Related articles
Analyzing reflective spectra they match up with asteroid 44 Nysa, the brightest asteroid known and also a smaller near Earth asteroid 3103 Eger. This very large .
Current spectral studies link the aubrites to a few near-Earth Apollo asteroids, specifically 3103 Eger and 434 Hungaria (Kelley and Gaffey, 2002). These two .
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Jun 6, 2008 – Reflectance spectra for the NEA 1999 HF1 and the asteroids 5751 Zao, 3691 Beder, 3103 Eger and 2000 CK33 with spectral types X, Xc, .
120+ items – Please send hardcopy requests to vokrouhl@cesnet.cz .
by S Fornasier - 2007 - Cited by 11 - Related articles
3103 Eger is an Apollo and Mars-crosser asteroid that was discovered in 1982, by Miklós Lovas. It was named after the city of Eger, Hungary. .
Sep 13, 2011 – . observations and orbits of minor planets (asteroids) and comets. . Efremiana (16516) Efremlevitan (12975) Efremov (3103) Eger (13) .
3103 Eger is an Apollo and Mars-crosser asteroid that was discovered in 1982, by Mikls Lovas. It was named after the city of Eger, Hungary. .
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CM2: Asteroid: Ceres & Asteroid: 19 Fortuna CR2: Asteroid: 2 Pallas CO3: Eos Asteroid Family. Achondrites: Aubrites: Asteroid: 44 Nysa & Asteroid: 3103 Eger .
May 19, 2011 – Asteroid orbit evolution . Asteroid General Data. 1982 BB (3103 Eger) . Preliminary designation, 1982 BB. Name, Eger. Number, 3103 .
newton.dm.unipi.it/neodys/index.php?pc=1.1.0&n=EgerAsteroid (3103) Eger - Astronomy NewsYou +1'd this publicly. Undo3 posts - 1 author - Last post: Aug 4Asteroid (3103) Eger is closest to the Earth at 23.20 UT, 4th August, 2011. . Asteroid (3103) Eger is brightest on the 31st July, 2011. .
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! 3103 Eger is an Apollo and Mars- crosser asteroid that was discovered in 1982, by Mikls Lovas. It was named after .
A possible source object for the Horse Creek meteorite is the Earth-crossing asteroid 3103 Eger, itself possibly derived from a larger main belt object. .
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Aug 2, 2011 – 3103 Eger is an Apollo and Mars-crosser asteroid that was discovered in 1982, by Miklós Lovas. It was named after the city of Eger, Hungary. .
Asteroid Vom Typ E: 2867 Teins, (44) Nysa, (434) Hungaria, (3103) Eger, (3022) Dobermann [Paperback]. Currently unavailable. .
A small near-Earth asteroid, (3103) Eger, which is the only known E-class NEA, is suspected of being the actual parent body of the aubrites. Related topics: .