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Area code 408-218 introduced on Apr 15 1996 belongs to SANTA CLARA county .
Location map for area code 218 in Minnesota. Loading Map . Area Code 218- 400 - Area Code 218-450 (Covers 218-4 xx-xxxx phone numbers). 218-449 (Holt .
EASY TO REMEMBER URL: 'AreaCode.org/218' provides info on 218 Area Code . helpful information on the 218 area code, including 218 area code location. .
Map of Area Codes in Minnesota. MN Area Codes. . Map for Minnesota. Back to nationwide map. Single Area Code Multiple Area Codes Area Code Boundary .
360+ items – Listing of the majority of Area Codes throughout the US and the .
Find information on phone numbers in area code 218. . NPA NXX, Location, Company. 218-201, WARREN, MN, CELLULAR ONE. 218-202, BAUDETTE, MN .
Find 218 Area Code apartments & houses for rent, homes for sale and foreclosures on HotPads.com Map-based Real Estate Search.
Facts about Area Code 218. Location: MN. Time Zone: Central. Date Started: 12/ 31/1899. Previous area code: Area Code Overlay: Single area code only. .
Following is reverse lookup detail & reviews for area code 218 2xx including 218 area code location map. Major cities such as Moorhead, Duluth, Bovey, Park .
area code 218. map, location, cities, number of people, number of exchanges, . Refresh nowCached page. Input interpretation: Area code properties: .
EASY TO REMEMBER URL: 'AreaCode.org/256' provides info on 256 Area . 218. 715. 320. 612. 507. 651. 763. 952. 440. 563. 989. 585. 269. 734 & 278 . . find helpful information on the 256 area code, including 256 area code location. .
218 Area code: Locate any phone, cell phone or unlisted number in this complete Minnesota Phone . CellPhone, Location. 218-201-xxxx, Warren, Minnesota .
A project from 2004 in which one guy dials 867-5309 in every area code in the . 313: "Please hold, you are being transferred to another location" and then . .. 149 (218)867-5309 12/11 08:14P O 1 Home Area Rothsay MN W Included .00 .00 .
Area codes 201 to 289 - locations and more . 210 area code - Texas; 211 area code - Local community services; 212 area code - New York . 216 area code - Ohio; 217 area code - Illinois; 218 area code - Minnesota; 219 area code - Indiana .
218 Area Code Location Information Database. Get Information on any 218 Area Code Phone Number.
EASY TO REMEMBER URL: 'AreaCode.org/507' provides info on 507 Area . 218. 715. 320. 612. 507. 651. 763. 952. 440. 563. 989. 585. 269. 734 & 278 . . find helpful information on the 507 area code, including 507 area code location. .
Reported phone numbers in 1-518 area code. Did you get a call from a .
Area Code 870 with detailed information about Area Code 870 including .
This section provides an area code look up for places in the United States .
Location and cities for area code 281, map, time zone, overlay codes and .
Lists U.S. and Canada area codes, the state the area code belongs to, and the . 218 . 219 224 . 225 . 228 . 229 . 231 . 234 . 236 . 239 . 240 . 242 . 246 . 248 . . Note: Area codes in gray represents the location is outside of the 50 states of the .
Area Code 218. Number, Location, Static-IP, Shell, Auth, Idle, Provider. 218-226- 5006, Silver Bay, Yes, No, AUTH, 10, MegaPOP. 218-257-4046, Bennettvl, Yes .
Listings 1 - 150 of 9999 – +1-(416)-218-xxxx Mobile and fixed phone numbers under 416-218 Area Code, Canada . Canada mobile and phone number location tracker.
218 is the North American telephone area code for the northern part of the state of Minnesota, making it the northernmost area code in the contiguous United .
Reported phone numbers in 1-402 area code . 218; 402-935-7733; I just found a $1 charge from PayPal on my bank statement that included this phone number .
Plus Links To Each Area Code Map, AC Road Map, Exact Location Within AC For Local . AREA CODE 218 MINNESOTA (MN) USA, LOOKUP DIRECTORY, .
Sep 6, 2011 – Reverse phone lookup for phone numbers in 218 area code Find any 218-area- code caller's name, address, email, and photos.
By Location or Area Code · By Country Code · U.S. Nationwide · Canada Nationwide . Minnesota ISPs for Area Code 218 .
Google. Custom Search. U R Here: Home » Phone/Codes » US Area Codes by Location. Home . . 218, 320, 507, 612, 651, 763, 952. Mississippi Area Codes .
12 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Jul 1218 Area Code Location Best 218 Area Code Location Downloads: 218AreaCodeLocation Software Free.
EASY TO REMEMBER URL: 'AreaCode.org/952' provides info on 952 Area . 218. 715. 320. 612. 507. 651. 763. 952. 440. 563. 989. 585. 269. 734 & 278 . . find helpful information on the 952 area code, including 952 area code location. .
Listings 1 - 150 of 9999 – +1-(210)-218-xxxx Mobile and fixed phone .
Reported phone numbers in 1-218 area code. Did you get a call from a phone . 218 area code. Country: USA Location: Minnesota (Duluth, Ely, Moorhead) .
Where is area code 218 location? ANSWER: Area code 218 located in various cities in the state of Minnesota 218 Ada MN 218 Aitkin MN 218 Akeley MN 218 Argyle .
281 area code locations, including a complete list of the cities that use this area code and a map marking the coverage. Answers the question of where is the .
Area Code 218 Map and Location. Area code 218 is located in Minnesota. The approximate area that is served by this exchange is inside the circle on the map .
Area code 651. The 651 area code belongs to the state of Minnesota (MN) and .
Listings 1 - 150 of 9999 – +1-(302)-218-xxxx Mobile and fixed phone .
Location and cities for area code 218, map, time zone, overlay codes and related info.
The area that an area code is officially assigned to is known as a Numbering .
Table of all North American area codes including area code maps. . See also our Area code list ordered by area code. . Minnesota - area code map, 218. 320 .
. out current local time in Tripoli – Libya. Get Tripoli's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Tripoli's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
Area code 218 was setup on Feb 04 1994. Click for Free Reverse Phone Lookup on any mobile/landline in . Location map for area code 218 in MINNESOTA .
Feb 1, 2011 – 620-218 area code locator service has determined Geo .
Area Code 218 with detailed information about Area Code 218 including location , places and . Area Code Look Up - Select An Area Code To Find Its Location .
Other resources about area code 218 in Minnesota. Wikipedia Article on Area Code 218 · State Resources for Minnesota (State Information) · CitySites .
290+ items – Table listing all of the telephone area codes in North America .
EASY TO REMEMBER URL: 'AreaCode.org/281' provides info on 281 Area .
AreaCode.org lists US and Canada telephone area codes for reverse area . Area Code 218, Minnesota, Duluth, Ely, Moorhead, 218 Area Code . .. At AreaCode.org, you'll find helpful information on area codes, including area code location. .
US And Canadian Area Code Listings Provided By ABTolls.com,FREE and IMPARTIAL . Location. 201, NJ. 202, DC. 203, CT. 204, MANITOBA, CANADA. 205, AL . 218, MN. 219, IN. 224, IL. 225, LA. 228, MS. 229, GA. 231, MI. 234, OH .