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Oct 6, 2010 . You just updated your Samsung Captivate to Android 2.2 .
Feb 16, 2011 . Without any official notice, the Samsung Captivate appears to be finally getting a taste of Froyo.
50 posts - 30 authors - Last post: Sep 19, 2010Wondering when the Galaxy S will be getting its own cup full of Froyo, the 2.2 build that every Google handset is screaming for?
Oct 22, 2009 . Has anyone heard when we (ATT Customers) or more specificly Captivate owners will be getting the Android 2.2 Froyo upgrade?
Feb 16, 2011 . Samsung certainly took their own sweet time to release the GPS fix for the Captivate over at AT&T, and it [. ]
6 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Apr 11I had no idea what advanced was when I got NY captivate but after reading I .
Sep 22, 2010 . We were told the Captivate would require a wired update to receive Android 2.2, so maybe the smaller file size played a factor in this .
Oct 1, 2010 . It tooks 1 1/2 hours for downloading odin3 file, because of my old laptop computer, but only 5 minutes for downloading 2.2 to my Captivate. .
5 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Mar 26Hey guys, I looked around HoFo and couldn't find any tips on updating Captivate's OS to 2.2 exclusively on a Mac. My entire family/network .
30 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Jan 23The Samsung Captivate has Android 2.1, but does anyone know if I will be able to upgrade to Android 2.2? Also, I heard ATT is strict about .
Feb 24, 2011 . The latest device to get a long-overdue upgrade to Android OS 2.2 is AT&T's Samsung Captivate. This new version of Google's operating system .
Feb 24, 2011 . The Samsung Captivate is Android 2.2 Froyo compatible now that the update is available from Samsung.
Feb 25, 2011 . The first real indication of the Android 2.2 Froyo update for the AT&T Captivate surfaced last week and Wednesday AT&T confirmed the .
Feb 24, 2011 . Samsung has announced that the Android 2.2 Froyo update for the Captivate on AT&T is now available. The new features include support for USB .
Feb 25, 2011 . AT&T customers who own a Samsung Captivate smartphone can now update their handsets to the Android 2.2 Froyo platform version, .
Oct 2, 2010 . We brought you an inside scoop earlier regarding Android 2.2 heading for the Samsung Captivate and Vibrant around the middle of this month.
Feb 25, 2011 . Samsung's Captivate smartphone is now available for an upgrade to Google's Android 2.2 “Froyo” operating system, but it .
Feb 26, 2011 . This video will walk you through exactly how upgrade your Captivate to the latest official release firmware from Samsung/ATT.
Feb 15, 2011 . That's right: according to a recently published page on Samsung's own support site, Android 2.2 for the Captivate will roll out via Kies .
The Captivate launched with Android 2.1 and will get Android 2.2 Froyo sometime later this year. It will feature Samsung's custom TouchWiz 3.0 interface, .
Feb 24, 2011 . Good news, Samsung Captivate owners! Your Android 2.2. update has finally arrived, right on schedule. Ready for some bad news?
Apr 14, 2011 . Android Froyo 2.2 Operating System upgrade is now available for the SGH-i897 ( Captivate). Please read the FAQ below for information on how .
Feb 24, 2011 . Those of you with the cup-of-beer of phones, that Samsung Captivate, will be happy to hear that the update to Android 2.2 Froyo is available .
Feb 25, 2011 . Samsung and AT&T have prepared an Android 2.2 "Froyo" upgrade for the Samsung Captivate. However, it's not over the air; users must download .
Feb 27, 2011 . It's tough to believe just how many months ago we reviewed Froyo. It was sunny, summer evening in 2010 when Android 2.2 began hitting the .
hey guys. well i just updated to firmware 2.2 i was wondering if anyone .
Feb 24, 2011 . It's been a very long wait, but it seems that Samsung Captivate owners on AT&T's network can finally have a taste of the Android 2.2 Froyo .
Jan 23, 2011 . My Droid X has had 2.2 forever, but not my Vibrant, . Today I called AT&T to get the reason that the captivate was not up graded. .
Feb 24, 2011 . UPDATE: Now available. Download from here. It's been slow but more Galaxy S users in US will now see their phones getting updated to the .
Feb 23, 2011 . This Thursday AT&T will push an Android 2.2 firmware update for Samsung Captivate users, leaving Verizon's Fascinate as the only member of .
Feb 23, 2011 . Fantastic news for Galaxy S lovers locked in with Ma Bell: your Froyo update will be available via a link tomorrow.
Feb 24, 2011 . Samsung has released the Android 2.2 Froyo update for the Samsung Captivate today.
Feb 24, 2011 . Owners of the Samsung Captivate can grab an update right now to Android 2.2 but it must be done using the Samsung Kies software and a PC; .
Feb 24, 2011 . AT&T Samsung Captivate owners can taste some Android 2.2 Froyo love with an official update! You'll need Samsung Kies desktop program and .
Feb 16, 2011 . It took about two months for Samsung to roll out the much-needed GPS fix for the Captivate, and now, a mere seven months after Google.
15 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Oct 4, 2010Saw this on the XDA Captivate forums, looks like designgears has pulled another rabbit out of his hat! .
Aug 2, 2010 . And when the Captivate gains Android 2.2 — Samsung is shooting for September — the phone should experience a performance boost in browsing .
Captivate with Froyo 2.2 vs Captivate with Eclair 2.1 13 min - Oct 5, 2010 - Uploaded by CareAceNet
Jan 24, 2011 . You read the title right. An official Samsung build of .
10 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Oct 2, 2010I897UCJI6 - FROYO - for real Captivate Android Development. . [ROM][2.2][ Inspire] Cognition HD Current Phone(s): Samsung Captivate .
Feb 17, 2011 . If there are any Samsung Captivate owners out there who haven't yet thrown their devices out a window due to frustration, today is your .
10 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Jan 27So here's the deal. If you decide to upgrade to the unofficial 2.2 on your captivate then it will unroot your phone.
Feb 24, 2011 . The Android 2.2 Froyo Update will not fix standby shut-down problems experienced on Samsung Captivate phones made before 11/06/201, .
Feb 23, 2011 . Today, AT&T has announced that they will be rolling out the Android 2.2 update for the Samsung Captivate handset from tomorrow!
Feb 24, 2011 . Samsung has posted the instructions on how to update your Samsung Captivate. As expected, you will need to upgrade via the Samsung Mini .
Oct 4, 2010 . Finally we have some great news for Samsung Captivate owners waiting for their delicious Froyo. Although it's not official, but the official .
Feb 23, 2011 . The Galaxy S support team has used Twitter to announce that the Samsung Captivate on AT&T will get the long-awaited upgrade to Android 2.2 .
May 26, 2011 . Android 2.2 Froyo Is Hacked by xda developers for Samsung Captivate and its not official.It is also with Flash 10.1,mobile hotspot and many .
Jan 18, 2011 . And the Samsung Captivate, Fascinate, Vibrant and Epic 4G Android 2.2 update DRAMA continues. If until a week or two ago the US Samsung .