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Aug 22, 2008 – A curious topic, though, is how much Stewart Blay's Proof 1974-S Lincoln Cent in ALUMINUM is worth. Is it the only such piece? The PCGS .
Mar 31, 2008 – Primarily because zinc, too, has soared in value, producing a penny now costs . produced about a million and a half Lincoln cents made of aluminum. . Possessing these coins, which are dated 1974, is against the law, since .
Oct 4, 2005 – A 1974 aluminum cent pattern has recently been certified by . where the metal in a penny cost nearly as much as its face value, the U.S. Mint .
10 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Mar 10, 2007I know of the two confirmed 1974 aluminum cents, the Toven Specimin and . . in the cent would be worth the same as the face value of the coin. .
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Depending on the condition this penny can be worth hundreds or thousands. 1974 Penny: In 1974, a test run of aluminum pennies were truck by the U.S. mint. .
15 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Apr 28, 2010I was searching rare pennies online and came across a 1974 aluminum penny. I have never . illegal to own. Also what is it worth if anything? .
Value, 1 cent (.01 United States dollars). Mass, 2.5 g (0.080 troy . .. "NMAH Legendary Coins & Currency: United States, 1 Cent, 1974 (Aluminum)". Smithsonian .
1974 penny value, 1974 penny, rare 1974 penny, 1974 s penny, 1974 silver penny . 1974 aluminum penny value, 1974s penny, 1974 Penny worth, 1974 silver .
15 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Jun 4, 2008Value? I have what I think is a 1978 aluminum penny, and would like to have .
Your Question: is a 1974 aluminum penny worth anything. In 1975 it was selling on the market for 30000.00 to 35000.00 is there any value today. Due to a rise in .
If we say that the current price of gold is $270 per ounce, the intrinsic .
1974 Aluminum Penny With copper rising in price, in the early 1970s this rare American coin almost cost as much to make a cent as the penny was worth. .
15 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Jan 20, 2009Well, I'll take her observation at face value--although that's a huge .
Jump to Aluminum Alloys: First, the metal value in the cent would be less than 0.l¢ (Figure . on alloys 3003 and 5052 using 1974 cent dies which have a .
1974 penny value, 1974 penny, rare 1974 penny, 1974 s penny, 1974 gold .
If a coin collector has a 1974 aluminum cent, they are fortunate and actually should not even have it. During the early '70s, the price of copper was high and a .
The Mint proposed changing the cent's composition to aluminum because the price of copper had risen to the point where a cent contained more than a penny's .
Mar 22, 2009 – I have what seems to be a 1974 aluminum penny. I know about them being made and not put into circulation. I don't know if it has any value. .
1974 aluminum penny from the Smithsonian . . Value of Aluminium Penny . 1974 Aluminum Penny Value · Get Chitika eMiniMalls .
Dec 5, 2004 – I wonder how much an aluminum penny would fetch? Coin Questions and Answers Ed Reiter - January 5, 2000. In 1973, the price of copper .
All coins from this period are worth more than face value because of their .
Sep 18, 2006 – How much would this be worth? Also, how much would a mint condition 1943 steel penny be worth? How much would a 1974 aluminum penny .
Sep 25, 2008 – What is the value of a 1974 Aluminum penny. I don't collect coins so I know nothing of it. I did come across one about 8 years ago and no, .
1974 aluminum cent from the Smithsonian. During the early 1970s, the price .
Jul 15, 2008 – The 1974 Aluminum Penny From Wikipedia: During the early 1970s, the price of copper rose to a point where the cent almost contained more .
Feb 23, 2006 – 1.5 million aluminum cents dated 1974 were produced by the . . Visitor search terms: 1974 penny value, 1974 penny, rare 1974 penny, .
What is the value of a 1974 aluminum penny? The coins are technically .
2 answers - Feb 5, 2008Top answer: I'd love to see the black market prices, how'd you boost it from the Smithsonian Institution?
If a coin collector has a 1974 aluminum cent, they are fortunate and actually should not even have it. During the early '70s, the price of copper was high and a .
What is the 1974 aluminum Toven Specimen worth? . The so-called Toven cent .
In 1974, as a test, there were 1579324 Pennies made of pure Aluminum struck ( produced) by the U.S. Mint. . Sometimes a penny is worth more than a penny. .
The 1974 0.93 gram Aluminum pattern cent was rejected and after 1982 it has been . of Aluminum patterns made in the US in 1973 (P2084) when the price of .
2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jun 20, 2010Best Financial Advice Forums What is the value now days of a 1974 aluminu . - IXGW.com.
Jun 7, 2011 – The most used approach 1974 penny value the packaging designs is a glaring example . 1570000 Metal content: 96% Aluminum with trace metals .
#5 -- 1974 Aluminum Penny. With the rising price of copper, in the early 1970s it almost cost as much to make a cent as the penny was worth. The US Mint tested .
16 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jan 2I'm doing some research on the 1974 Aluminum penny and so far what .
7 posts - 6 authorsi am starting to collect Lincoln cents more. want to find/buy/get 1974 aluminum penny. what is their value? I herd 'aluminum penny' has a 1974 aluminum penny .
21 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Dec 31, 2003I got a 1985 silver penny in some change tonight . . . is it worth anything? . Another "silver penny" was made in 1974. According to the US government, several hundred aluminum pennies were made, I think I read it was like .
While there is no single answer that defines the 'best' coins worth .
Feb 12, 2009 – In Reply to: Re: 1974 silver or aluminum denver mint penny .
What is the value of a 1974 aluminum penny? The coins are technically illegal to own, but if found their value would likely be in the hundreds of thousands .
Jul 8, 2008 – 1974 aluminum cent from the Smithsonian.During the early 1970s, the price of copper rose to a point where the cent almost contained more .
The 1974 aluminium cent was a one-cent coin proposed by the United States . to a point where the metallic value of the cent was almost equal to its face value. .
10+ items – • What is the value of a 1974 aluminum penny – Mignon | – I'd love to see the . • What is the value of a 1974 aluminum penny – Renee | – The coins are . • 1974 Penny Value | Rare U. S. Coins – Frances | – 1974 penny value, 1974 . www.franceb2b.org/fournisseurs/1974+Aluminum+Penny+Value - Cached1974 Gold Penny - France B2BVisitor search terms: 1974 penny value, 1974 penny, rare 1974 penny, 1974 .
16 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Jan 7, 2009How much is it possibly worth? . Question:Do you know the weight of an aluminum cent and the same for a bronze plated steel cent ( 1974 )? .
The Aluminum Cent Lincoln Penny. . Judd J2152 (1974 Bronze-Plated Steel) . to a point where the Lincoln cent contained nearly one cent's worth of copper. .
May 6, 2009 – I found a 1974 "D" penny, but it is the normal copper color, not aluminum. What is with this? Is it worth anything? Let me know. It is definitely .
Jul 19, 2010 – I recently came across what appears to be a 1974 aluminum .