Oct 1, 11
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  • . to this unease--the Homestead strike of 1892 and the Pullman Railroad strike of 1894. . At Pullman, a worker reportedly told the Chicago Herald that "the only .
  • One strike in particular, the Pullman strike of 1894, was especially important in American . plants were in a company-owned town on the outskirts of Chicago. .
  • The Pullman Strike began on 11 May 1894, when workers at the Pullman Car Works in Chicago laid down their tools and walked off their jobs. Multiple factors .
  • Aug 15, 2009 – Troops Escort a Train Leaving Chicago 1894 - Library of Congress: . The 1894 Pullman Strike was one of the most significant labor disruptions .
  • The Pullman Strike of 1894. . In the summer of 1894, employees of Pullman Palace Car Company near Chicago decided they were fed up with their work .
  • In 1894 George Pullman, the president of the Pullman Palace Car Company, decided to reduced the wages of his . Starting in Chicago it spread to 27 states. .
  • The Insurrection of June and July 1894 Growing out of the Pullman Strike at Chicago Oct, 1894. An Address Delivered before the National Statistical Association .
  • The Pullman strike of 1894 shut down the rail system from Chicago to the West Coast, culminating two decades of labor unrest and helping to define an epochal .
  • 1893-May 1894 The Pullman Works reduced wages, on the average by 25 percent, while . August 15 Hearings of the US Strike Commission began in Chicago. .
  • This site explores the Pullman Strike of 1894, in which federal troops and court . When it held its first convention in Chicago in June 1894, it boasted 150000 .
  • Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document.
  • The Pullman Strike May 11, 1894. On May 11, 1894, workers of the Pullman Palace Car Company in Chicago struck to protest wage cuts and the firing of union .
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  • The Pullman Strike of 1894 is one such struggle that not only "helped split the . in 1881, he established a town in his name on the outskirts of Chicago, Illinois. .
  • Jul 22, 2009 – The Pullman Strike of 1894. was the first national strike in U.S. history. More than 150000 persons were involved, in 27 different states and .
  • It was the great Pullman strike of 1894, a virtual insurrection of working people . town of Pullman the corporation had built on the southern edge of Chicago. .
  • Mar 26, 2011 – Violence in Chicago escalated when federal troops came to break the 1894 Pullman factory strike, as illustrated in this drawing from Harper's .
  • . of Chicago Politics. Everything about Chicago Politics . The big Pullman Strike began on May 11, 1894. . Page tags: boycott depression labor pullman strike .
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  • Sep 4, 2011 – On America's mental calendar, Labor Day marks summer's end with a reminder to close up beach cottages and get the kids to school. But the .
  • It was on a three-thousand-acre tract located south of Chicago in the area of . On May 11,1894, three thousand Pullman workers went on a "wildcat" strike, that .
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  • Entries : Pullman Strike . the Pullman Strike began May 11, 1894, with a walkout by Pullman Palace Car . Report on the Chicago Strike of June–July, 1894. .
  • In May 1894, the workers struck the Pullman Company. Debs directed the strike and widened its scope, asking other train workers outside Chicago to refuse to .
  • Report on the Chicago strike of June-July, 1894: with appendices containing . By United . The Pullman boycott: A complete history of the great R. R. Strike‎ .
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  • Sep 10, 2006 – 1894: The Pullman railway strike. Howard Zinn on the history of the militant struggle of workers at the Pullman railway car company in Chicago .
  • Jump to Pullman Strike‎: In 1894 Debs became involved in the Pullman Strike, which grew . for support to the union at its convention in Chicago, Illinois. .
  • Report on the Chicago strike of June-July, 1894 - United States. Strike Commission Keywords: Pullman Strike, 1894. Downloads: 227. [texts] .
  • Jump to Strike & Labor‎: 1894: The Pullman Strike - Chicago Public Library web site. Provides a brief synopsis of the strike and some bibliography .
  • The Pullman Strike was a nationwide conflict between labor unions and . . States Strike Commission, Report on the Chicago strike of June–July, 1894‎ (1895), .
  • Violence in Chicago escalated when federal troops came to break the 1894 Pullman factory strike, as illustrated in this drawing from Harper's Weekly. More than .
  • This site explores the Pullman Strike of 1894, in which federal troops and court . the well-appointed company town of Pullman, located near Chicago, Illinois. .
  • Many of the nation's most famous strikes involved the railroads. . the Haymarket Square bombing in Chicago in 1886, the Homestead Steel Strike near . and the Pullman Strike in 1894 ushered in the world's first Labor Day parade in 1882. .
  • The great national railroad strike and boycott of 1894, sometimes referred to as the Chicago Railroad Strike, but more commonly known as the Pullman Strike, .
  • Pullman strike, in U.S. history, an important labor dispute. On May 11, 1894, workers of the Pullman Palace Car Company in Chicago struck to protest wage cuts .
  • 1893 Attends Congress of Representative Women at Chicago World's Fair; continues expansion of Hull-House. 1894 Defends Pullman strike, and criticizes .
  • Amazon.com: The Pullman Strike of 1894: American Labor Comes of Age (Great . so successful that George Pullman decided to build a factory near Chicago, .
  • The American Railway Union's unsuccessful strike against the Pullman Palace Car Company in 1894 left many workers without jobs. Not only did the . August 19, 1894. To George M. Pullman, President Pullman Palace Car Co., Chicago: .
  • The Pullman Strike. In 1894, reelected president Grover Cleveland made a decision similar to Harrison's to end the Pullman Strike in Chicago. When Pullman, a .
  • An excerpt from Citizen: Jane Addams and the Struggle for Democracy by Louise W. Knight. Also available on web site: online catalogs, secure online ordering, .
  • Mar 7, 2011 – Date: May-July, 1894. Place: Chicago, Illinois Significance: The Pullman strikers not only received better wages as a result of the strike but also .
  • The Railroad Crisis of 1894 was a strike that originated in Chicago yet affected the entire railway industry. This strike, the Pullman Strike, was a union of workers .
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  • Mar 3, 1998 – The Pullman Strike of 1894 was the first national strike in United States history. Before coming to an end, it involved over 150000 persons and .
  • May 7, 2011 – The Pullman strike/boycott of 1894 was one of the largest, most dramatic, . or railway, strike of 1894 which, though centered in Chicago, also .
  • Meanwhile, near Chicago, George Pullman founded Pullman, Illinois, in 1880, to house the . on June 28, 1894, just six days after the end of the Pullman strike. .
  • Click Here To Play: Pullman Strike (1894) . Where in Chicago is Pullman City located? . 114th and Cottage Grove are located on the south side of Chicago. .

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