Oct 20, 11
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  • Chinese Exploration: the Voyages of Cheng Ho, 1405-1433 summary with 5 . were comprised of up to 317 ships, the largest of which were treasure ships, .
  • In 1405 Zheng He, a Chinese admiral, led an expedition of 317 ships with more than 28000 troops to the west, reaching eventually Europe and Africa. (When he .
  • In 1405, Zheng was chosen to lead the biggest naval expedition in history up to that . Zheng He's first fleet included 27870 men on 317 ships, including sailors, .
  • Zheng He's first voyage consisted of a fleet of 317 treasure ships holding .
  • Jump to Expeditions‎: Zheng He's first voyage, which departed July 11, 1405, from Suzhou, :203 consisted of a fleet of 317 ships (other sources say 200 .
  • 11 posts - 8 authors - Last post: May 17, 2005China: the Ming Dynasty grand fleet led by Admiral Zheng He, specifically the 1405 expedition--317 ships and 27000 men and concubines. .
  • The Treasure Fleet Voyages My First naval expedition lasted two years (1405- 1407) and comprised of 317 ships with 27870 men. My first port of call was in .
  • used to circumnavigate the world (1405-1433) . Chinese Emperior Zhu Di ? issued orders to build a fleet of ships for ocean going expeditions. . China engaged a large fleet of ships some 317 ships with 27500 men, five times the size of .
  • The first voyage from 1405 to 1407 contained 317 vessels with a staff of 70 . . The Portuguese sent a large subsequent expedition in 1517 to enter port at .
  • Zhu Di chose Zheng He to command the first expedition of 317 ships and 28000 sailors, which left Nanking harbour in 1405. Before they left, the crew bowed .
  • In July 1405, the first of seven expeditions set sail, over 50 years before Columbus' voyage to the New World. The fleet included 27870 men on 317 ships . .
  • Jul 4, 2011 – From the year 1492 subtract 87 to get 1405. Now Google "expeditions in 1405 317 ships". The first result is this Wikipedia page about Zheng .
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  • Zheng He's expedition, beginning in 1405, was made not for the sake of trade . the world's greatest navy, with an estimated 317 ships -- constructed at Nanjing. .
  • Jul 10, 2007 – Today in 1405, Chinese admiral Zheng He (Cheng Ho) set sail on his first . Zheng He, now an admiral, was placed in charge of each expedition. . of a gigantic fleet containing 317 ships and more than 28000 crew members. .
  • Nov 21, 2008 – Some place this expedition earlier or later. 1405. Admiral Zheng He aka Ma He ( Cheng Ho) (1371-1435) dispatched 317 ships with 27870 men .
  • Mar 9, 2010 – Zheng He's first voyage consisted of a fleet of around 300 ships[7][8] (other sources say 200)[9] . . Zheng He(1405) 48 to 317 28000 . The 1405 expedition consisted of 27800 men and a fleet of 62 treasure ships supported .
  • 1405 - 1430 AD. The Chinese Government built a fleet of 317 ships with 28000 passengers in 1405 . China was also using the compass with these expeditions. .
  • Nov 14, 2008 – The ships of this time had their origins in the larger type of trading vessels . Voyage (1405-1406) Zheng He commanded a fleet of 317 ships with nearly . During the Third Voyage (1409-1411) the expedition visited Malacca, .
  • According to ancient Chinese sources, Zheng He commanded seven expeditions . The 1405 expedition consisted of 27800 men and a fleet of 62 treasure ships .
  • by E Hadingham - Related articles
  • Between 1405 and 1433, at least 317 ships and 37000 men were under his command. The flagship of the fleet was a nine-masted vessel measuring 440 feet , .
  • The first expedition (1405-1407) included 317 ships and 27870 men. It visited Java, Sumatra, Ceylon and western India. Altogether the voyage from China to .
  • In 1405 zheng he left china on an expedition with how many ships . Zheng He's first voyage consisted of a fleet of 317 ships holding almost 28000 armed .
  • In 1405, Admiral Cheng Ho sailed into the Malaccan harbour in great style and grandeur with a crew of 37000 in 317 ships. . logistical headquarters for a total of seven expeditions between 1405 and 1433 when he navigated his navy to such .
  • First Voyage 1405-1406. Zheng He commanded a fleet of 317 ships, almost 28000 men, their arms and supplies. The fleet . This expedition's special charge concerned Malacca, a port on the Malay peninsula that was gaining importance. .
  • Jun 25, 2005 – 11), is primarily a celebration of Admiral Zheng He's seven maritime expeditions between 1405 and 1423. With a fleet of 317 ships and 28000 .
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  • Jul 5, 2011 – Using the Google calculator, search [1492-87] to get 1405. Search [1405 exploration 317 ships] to find that Zheng He led that expedition. .
  • From the year 1492 subtract 87 to get 1405. Now Google "expeditions in 1405 317 ships". The first result is this Wikipedia page about Zheng He. "Zheng He" is .
  • Jump to Expedition of Zheng He‎: The 1405 expedition consisted of 27000 men and 317 ships. The dimensions of the Zheng He's ships according to .
  • He was dispatched on his first expedition by the Ming emperor (1405). He visited Java, Sumatra, Malacca, Sri Lanka and India. He had a fleet of 317 ships, .
  • Between 1405 and 1433, the Ming government sponsored a series of seven naval . in control of the huge fleet and armed forces that undertook these expeditions. Zheng He's first voyage consisted of a fleet of 317 ships holding almost 28000 .
  • The first expedition in 1405 consisted of 317 ships and 28000 men—then the largest naval expedition in history. Zheng He's multi-decked ships carried up to .
  • Zheng He's first voyage consisted of a fleet of 317 treasure ships holding almost 28000 crewmen, with each ship housing up to 500. The 1405 expedition .
  • 100+ posts - 5 authors - Last post: Apr 111), is primarily a celebration of Admiral Zheng He's seven maritime expeditions between 1405 and 1423. With a fleet of 317 ships and 28000 .
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  • 1. 1405-1407 317 ships 27870 men. In July the fleet left Nanjing with silks, . The expeditions firmly established the Ming dynasty's Indian Ocean trade links. 3 .
  • Aug 20, 2001 – Even in our 21st century of supertankers and cruise ships lit like floating . vessels with some 30000 men sailed in the first imperial expedition in 1405. . . OF VOYAGES: 1405-1433NUMBER OF SHIPS: 41-317NUMBER OF .
  • Nov 5, 2010 – And they were large expeditions! The first, underway in 1405, comprised 27000 men aboard some 317 ships. These expeditions, using the .
  • Zheng He's first voyage consisted of a fleet of 317 ships holding almost . . The 1405 expedition consisted of 27800 men and a fleet of 62 treasure ships .
  • But Tamerlane died in January 1405, on the eve of his long-planned . And in 1405 the first of what would become seven major Chinese naval expeditions set sail to . There were 317 ships of different sizes, 62 of them “treasure ships” loaded .
  • . largest of his four expeditions, the Chinese Admiral Zheng He had 317 ships . from 1405-1433, these ships plied the seas of Southeast Asia, sailed to India, .
  • 8, 1405 zheng he commanded the first of seven expeditions. goal was to spread trade and collect . 45, admiral of china's flotilla of 317 ships, muslim, 2 sets .

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