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IQ testing has ornamented the study of intelligence with a colorful tapestry of secrets, . whole, whereas an IQ of 135 puts the person ahead of 99% percent of the pack. . by this test is a very good predictor of a correspondingly high SAT score. .
Aug 17, 2011 – Information on IQ scores, assessment, testing, classification, and distribution. . % ile in the general population descriptions, | standard deviation High-IQ . O 1.33 120 121 132 510 480 44 1060 25 93.0 1.47 121 122 135 530 .
Highly gifted, 135 - 145 . High genius, 166 - 180. Highest genius . For example, 1 out of 100 people are expected to achieve an I.Q. score of 137 or higher. .
What is an average score on an iq test? Here the answers to those . How high can an IQ be? Here are some answers . 135-144 - Very gifted 145-164 - Genius .
by John Pozadzides
Mensa, the high IQ society, require members to have a Stanford-Binet IQ test score of at least 132. The genius range starting at around 135, with super genius at .
What is a good IQ score? What is a high IQ score? . (e.g., university students); 125-134 - Gifted (e.g., post-graduate students); 135-144 - Highly gifted (e.g., .
51 posts - 30 authors - Last post: Aug 19, 2009[Archive] X-Men's IQ scores X-Books. . Jean Grey- 135 (strikes me as an intellectual, a leader, capable of understanding great . He's also a capable team leader and a good strategist, but not quite on par with his brother). .
The criteria you handed out says 'a score in the 97th percentile or above. . Apparently, the IQ gives a good indication of the occupational group that a person will . 95, 37. 100, 50. 105, 63. 110, 75. 115, 84. 120, 91. 125, 95. 130, 98. 135, 99 .
Weegy: IQ question: Is an IQ of 135 good? An IQ of 100 is average. . just .
Only approximately 1% of the people in the world have an IQ of 135 or over. . average iq test score, high iq society, good iq score, iq test score meaning, take .
Oct 25, 2010 – 135-144 Very gifted. 145-164 Genius. 165-179 High genius. 180-200 Highest genius. Normal Distribution of IQ Scores. 50% of IQ .
IQ question: Is 135 a good IQ score for a 13 year old? It depends on what .
Jump to What Do the Scores Mean: Statistically the following statements are true about IQ scores obtained by taking this test: . gifted and appearing to be a Genius to most others: 135 - 145. Genius: 145 - 165. High genius: 166 - 180 .
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Oct 11, 2010 – Ross Erstling's IQ Score: 135 = 99th Percentile Ross Erstling. . Nice brah, that is pretty freakin high. Always wondered what mine would be if I .
"Is 131 a high IQ score for a 15 year old boy?" - Find the answer to this . It's thought that university distinction is unlikely below 135-ish. My IQ was 147 when I .
Weegy: IQ question: Is an IQ of 135 good? An IQ of 100 is average. . Is an iq of 135 good for a 13 year old? Is an iq of 135 good for a 14 year old? Is IQ score of .
Apr 21, 1998 – Only approximately 1% of the people in the world have an IQ of 135 or . . COMMENT: With regard to super-high childhood IQ scores [derived .
10 answers"Why do some people question the validity of an IQ score?" - Find the . I score in the top 1-2% with 135. 2 months ago . 4 people rated this as good. Action Bar .
Mar 29, 2010 – source: Ruf Estimates of Levels of Giftedness, Full Scale IQ score . profoundly gifted (PG), 152-160, 175+, 135-141+, 180 and above (SB L-M only) . It's not what I tell them to do, and it's not what a good clinician ought to do. .
Nov 26, 2005 – Jesus H. Christ, also known as James Christian, has a 144 IQ score, . .. Well I took the classic IQ test and scored 135, which seems too high. .
Relevant answers: Is 99 a good IQ score? The average score is 100, so you have an average IQ. http://www.mensa.org.uk/iq-levels/. Is a iq score of 113 good? .
135. This score is pretty much in the same area as other IQ tests I have completed. . Whether the 'chance of someone getting 140 this early on' is high or low .
Jun 9, 2009 – i thought bill gates had an iq score of 135 . The problem is that the newer IQ tests generally measure high enough for the very high scores to .
What is a good IQ score? What is a high IQ score? . (e.g., university students); 125-134 - Gifted (e.g., post-graduate students); 135-144 - Highly gifted (e.g., .
. can i get summary of your intellectual strengths from certified staff PhDs? Wat is the average IQ scores? . my IQ score is 135, How my IQ compares to others? .
I got a 134 score. But still, I feel normal. Nothing's change when my IQ was still 122. Oh yes. Back in 4th year high school, I hate school. hehe. asteriks. 135 . .
Apr 21, 2011 – Is it possible for you to increase your IQ test scores? . That's because they took cheesy online IQ tests that aim to flatter people with high scores and . more successful than a self-absorbed loser with an IQ of 135 who lives in .
Like, what is a good IQ score? . An IQ score of around 100 is said to be a normal IQ score. Ways To Calculate . The IQ range of intellectuals is from 135 to 144. .
What is Good IQ Score? Does 120 IQ score fall in this category? Have you obtained the highest IQ test score?
This means that based on answers, IQ score is between 125 and 135. . You scored relatively high, which means you're probably the one your friends look to .
Jan 8, 2009 – I found five data points from five high-IQ societies that accept LSAT scores. . Intertel accepts a 172 LSAT Score, which corresponds to a 135 IQ; .
Two Standard Deviations Above the Average (IQ = 135) . .. gifted children, that there are a lot more very high IQ score than would be predicted by the bell-curve. .
Find 5 questions and answers about 135 IQ Score at Ask.com Read more. . 125- 135 is well above average, so 135 is a score indicating a high potential for .
. has made the famous list of celebrities in that he has a very high IQ. To learn more interesting trivia on the IQ scores of famous people, scroll . IQ Score 135 .
. IQ scores of 145 and 147, with an official "Mensa tested" score of 135 IQ (bad . I scored even higher as a kid in school, many times, and as high as the top .
42 posts - 36 authors - Last post: Aug 4, 2006I took a test for a laugh a while ago and scored high enough to qualify. . A score of 135 is usually from an internet IQ test which gives everyone .
Apr 12, 2004 – Cautions for Interpreting IQ Scores . What is a good IQ score? . post-graduate students); 135-144 - Highly gifted (e.g., intellectuals); 145-154 .
7 answers - Nov 19, 2006Top answer: There are no "bad" scores. 90-110 is average, so about 50% of the population falls in that range. 110-125 is above average. 125-135 is well above average, .
Oct 6, 2005 – iq scores, gifted class, wedsite: Hi Athena, You ask some good questions. First let s . Now I would like to know how gifted is a score of 135? .
A high IQ society is an organization that limits its membership to people who are within a . spatially, verbally, etc. slanted and are proctored or not) and how high one must score in . Top 1% (99th percentile; 1/100; IQ 135 sd15 / 137 sd16): .
I also scored a 135 at lunch with considerable distractions in about 10 minutes . . another google search for "135 iq" here! a waste of time, but good for smiles! .
This article on IQ Score examines how IQ tests came to be created and how they . 95, 37. 100, 50. 105, 63. 110, 75. 115, 84. 120, 91. 125, 95. 130, 98. 135, 99 . A good IQ test does not measure your quantity of knowledge but seeks to probe .
IQ question: Is 135 a good IQ score for a 12 year old? It's excellent.
Did you know that IQ scores can fluctuate by as many as 15 IQ points? It's .
Mensa The High IQ Society . On most intelligence tests, average IQ score is 100, but some tests give different . Cattell III B - 148; Culture Fair - 132; Ravens Advanced Matrices - 135; Ravens Standard Matrices - 131; Wechsler Scales - 132 .
Nov 15, 2004 – While these numbers look good, the parents are often left to wonder "What . These scores look a lot like IQ scores, but should not be confused with . Barb might again score around 135, proving that her original score was .
Feb 13, 2011 – Question About How good is an IQ score of 135? Answers About How good is an IQ score of 135?
Oct 5, 2010 – He may not have scored high on his IQ test, but Warhol could sure paint a mean can of soup. Arnold Schwarzenegger 135 IQ. While many .