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Jan 1, 2000 – California Labor Code Section 1308.3 (a) Except as provided .
Lady Lake Zip Code Map Estimated median household income in 2009: $34599 (it was $32581 in . . per 100000, 886.0, 1018.3, 1203.2, 1018.8, 1308.3, 1274.7, 1394.7 . and child care workers (5%); Laborers and material movers, hand (5%) .
Cornell University (Insignia) Cornell Law School. Search Cornell Law School home . Code of Federal Regulations. Title 29 -- Labor .
LABOR CODE SECTION 1285-1312. 1285. It is the intent of the Legislature in . .. or of any entity described in Section 12583 of the Government Code. 1308.3. .
45 CFR 1308.3(a) — The term ACYF means the Administration on Children, . . be entered into and administered under Federal procurement laws and regulations. . . Start program that serves families who are engaged in agricultural labor .
THE LABOR CODE PRIVATE ATTORNEYS GENERAL ACT OF 2004, 2698-2699.5 . . suspend , or refuse to renew any registration under Section 1308.2 or 1308.3 when .
Jan 15, 2011 – The Labor Commissioner may revoke, suspend, or refuse to renew any registration under Section 1308.2 or 1308.3 when any of the following .
Service shall be completed pursuant to Section 1013 of the Code of Civil .
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Jan 15, 2011 – California Labor Code Section 1303. Legal Research Home > California Laws > Labor Code > California Labor Code Section 1303 .
Apr 20, 2011 – "Employer" means a person subject to Labor Code Section 1308.3 and. Subchapter 10 of Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations who .
[Labor Code Sections 1308.2, 1308.3, and 1308.4]. Registration of Employers, Transporters, and Supervisors of Minors Engaged in Door-To-Door Sales .
(f) "Employer" means a person subject to Labor Code Section 1308.3 and this Subchapter who exercises control, direction or supervision, either directly or .
Compliance Assistance Logo. Help Navigating DOL Laws and Regulations. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is committed to providing America's workers, .
code : labor code · division 2: employment regulation and supervision · part 4: employees · chapter 2: occupational privileges and restrictions .
(c) Registration is not required by those exempted by Labor Code Sections 1308.2 (f) and 1308.3(g): a person, group of individuals, corporation, .
Jan 15, 2011 – California Labor Code Section 1310. Legal Research Home > California Laws > Labor Code > California Labor Code Section 1310 .
LABOR CODE SECTION 1285-1312. 1285. It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting . .. 1308.3. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (g), any individual , .
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(California Labor Code Sections 1308.1 ¾ 1308.4). § 1308.1. . . any agent of the registrant has violated or failed to comply with Section 1308.2 or 1308.3. .
code : labor code · division 2: employment regulation and supervision · part .
(b) For purposes of enforcing state labor and employment laws, . . or of any entity described in Section 12583 of the Government Code. 1308.3. .
Note: Authority cited: Sections 54, 55, 59, 1308.2, 1308.3, 1311, 1398 .
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Jan 15, 2011 – California Labor Code Section 1308.5 . The written consent of the Labor Commissioner is required for any minor, not otherwise exempted by .
Note: Authority cited: Sections 54, 55, 59, 1311, 1398, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 1286, 1308.1, 1308.2, 1308.3, 1308.4, Labor Code. History .
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Note: Authority cited: Sections 54, 55, 59, 1308.2, 1308.3, 1311, 1398 .
LAB. CODE § 1308.3 : California Code - Section 1308.3 for Lawyers, Law Students, etc. . (2)The Labor Commissioner, following an investigation thereof, .
Jun 16, 2011 – 1308.3. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (g), any individual, association, corporation,. Lookup California laws Labor Code easily. .
2005 California Labor Code Sections 1285-1312 Article 2. .
Class A violations include violations of Labor Code Sections 1290 . 1199, 1303 , 1308, 1308.2, 1308.3, 1308.5, 1391, 1392, 1308.7, 1309 and 1309.5, .
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The Labor Commissioner may revoke, suspend, or refuse to renew any registration under Section 1308.2 or 1308.3 when any of the following have occurred: (a) .
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2009 California Labor Code - Section 1285-1312 :: Article 2. . .. suspend, or refuse to renew any registration under Section 1308.2 or 1308.3 when any of .
Jan 15, 2011 – California Labor Code Section 1308. Legal Research Home > California Laws > Labor Code > California Labor Code Section 1308 .
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(b) For purposes of enforcing state labor and employment laws, .
Jan 15, 2011 – California Labor Code Section 1308.9. Legal Research Home > California Laws > Labor Code > California Labor Code Section 1308.9 .
(d) "Labor Commissioner" means the Chief of the Division of Labor Law . .. or refuse to renew any registration under Section 1308.2 or 1308.3 when any of .
. between the District government and a labor organization shall take precedence over . 1304.1 Pursuant to § 955 of the CMPA (D.C. Official Code § 609.55) (2001), . 1308.3 Training shall not be allowed in or by any facility that .
Jan 15, 2011 – California Labor Code Section 1309. Legal Research Home > California Laws > Labor Code > California Labor Code Section 1309 .
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An Act to Provide for a. Labour Standards Code. Short title. 1 This Act may be cited as the Labour Standards Code. R.S., c. 246, s. 1. .
(d) "Labor Commissioner" means the Chief of the Division of Labor Law .
Search the Labor Code for: . . 1308.4, Refusal to renew registration under section 1308.2 or 1308.3. spacer, arrow, 1308.5, Employment of minors; .
California Labor Code Section 1308.4. The Labor Commissioner may revoke, suspend , or refuse to renew any registration under Section 1308.2 or 1308.3 when .
California Laws: Labor Code Section 1308.4. The Labor Commissioner may revoke, suspend, or refuse to renew any registration under Section 1308.2 or 1308.3 .
Note: Authority cited: Sections 1311, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 1308.2 .