Aug 3, 11
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  • Dec 16, 2006 – I started getting “iPod can't sync error (-48)” on my 60GB video iPod shortly after version 7 of iTunes came out. It is really frustrating .
  • An unknown error occurred (13013)". I have been able to unistall & reinstall .
  • . http://www.blogsdna.com/14873/how-to-wirelessly-sync-iphone-ipod-touch- . . 2010-10-16T19:11:09+00:00 weekly 0.6 http://www.blogsdna.com/13013/new-11 . . screen-of-death-bsod-error-stop-0x0000000a.htm 2010-02-11T03:31:54+00:00 .
  • Ipod error 13013 How to setup the franklin mint civil war chess setCamel 99 nicotine contentWhat is backlight balance kdl Ipod error 13013Hello there, .
  • Sep 9, 2010 – Topic : The ipod "Mm's ipod" cannot be synced. An unknown .
  • 15 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Jun 9, 2003Hi, any convert here? Thinking of getting a Mac but know nuts about Mac except that it's really good for DTP & video editing.
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  • Mar 26, 2009 – Iphone Error 13013. Default, Featured items, Bestselling, Average customer review: high . Car Charger for Apple iPod iPhone 3G 3GS (White) .
  • Jul 11, 2011 – 5137, nor, P4, All, qa-pkg-cli, CLOSED, DUPLICAT, pkg error . CLOSED, INVALID, pkg install should not fail due to an out of sync authority mirror . . 12343, nor, P3, All, jerry.tan, CLOSED, WONTFIX, rhythmbox - Import file from iPod failed . . 13013, nor, P4, All, richlowe, RESOLV, FIXINSOU .
  • Jun 12, 2009 – My 80g classic 1st gen ipod connects to the laptop and its drivers load . with any problems, errors or issues you are experiencing with Windows 7. . Itunes x64/Ipod Classic Sync issue, Music, Pictures & Video .
  • Ipod sync error 13013. Alpha labs steroids. Main Forums > Supplements .
  • I see a unknown error 13019 when I sync my iPod touch. . An unknown error .
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  • Jun 24, 2010 – EXAMPLE - Control LabVIEW from the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch - This is a VI that . This is then synced to your device using the 'Sync' button in the layout . no timeout error.vi (19.9 K). 1111 Downloads. Like (6) .
  • Results 61 - 80 of 92 – If you receive a synchronization error during the sync process, use the steps below to . This document explains how to configure Apple iPhone / iPod Touch with UW services. . 3254, WiscCal, 2011-04-01, 13013 .
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  • Cancel the sync photos. Error 48 - Attempting to copy to the disk "ipod name here" . . Errors 13001, 13013 - The iTunes application could not be opened. .
  • Jan 4, 2011 – 13013 cr points. Send Message: Send PM GB Post. Offline . I just received the iPod on Christmas and so it can't be the product. . . watch stating that there has been an error. video and subtitles are out of sync for .
  • If you are receiving "The iPod [iPod Name Here] Cannot Be Synced. The Required File Is Locked" error while trying to sync your Apple iPod using iTunes as .
  • Sep 9, 2010 – Thread: The ipod "Mm's ipod" cannot be synced. An unknown error . The error number was 13013 but I figured out the problem was the itunes .
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  • Then when you sync, the iPod format version of the video is moved to the iPod. . . when i go to open it, it just send an error report. . . 13013 writes.. . try and get an iskin or a hard clear case, if anyone knows of a skin or .
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  • 4 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Nov 6, 2000iPad/iPhone/iPod . . Summary: I am getting a fatal error on shutdown with loadwc.exe on shutdown. Does not occur every time I shut down. .
  • How to fix ipod sync error13013\. I installed Itunes 10.0 before my 1st attempt at manually syncing songs to the nano. When I click ok on the above error .
  • Itunes error 13013, Removing codeine from paracetamol. . I installed Itunes10. 0 before my 1st attempt at manually syncing songs to the nano. . I've imported a .mov file into iTunes, to watch on my iPod video, but when it comes. .
  • versions and fix a parsing error caused by and old <context> tag. . . 2008/11 /25 05:58:07, 19154, kormoc, Add in job control to the ipod template . . Does a better job in keeping the sync between video and audio streams. . . 2007/03 /11 22:05:12, 13013, xris, change music's artist display so that albums .
  • 3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Oct 12, 2010now when i plug in the ipod, i get "cannot sync ipod, an unknown error has occured (13013), " yesterday i exported my library, deleted some .
  • Jan 27, 2009 – Error (13013) message when trying to open itunes. . I want to play with my new Ipod touch. Windows XP. Like (0) .
  • 4 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Aug 23, 2007I can play it through iTunes but when I try to sync it to the iPod I get an .
  • Jan 9, 2009 – Reload this Page Error loading iTunes 13013 . Newer Technology NuGuard GripStand + GripBase for iPad + iPad 2 · ThinkFast, LLC Sleeve360 .
  • Sep 9, 2008 – However after the upgrade – at some point during a sync, my iPod Touch with v2.1 firmware had the error “The iPod xxx cannot be synced. .
  • 3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jul 28, 2008[Archive] Ipod cannot be synced. An unknown error occurred (-48) iPod Info Center.
  • Popping oxycodone Ipod 4g 4.1 firmware unknown error 3194Section 19-2 .
  • . .vista.general/2008-01/08572/Re-Windows-Defender-Error.html yearly 0.5000 . . .vista.general/2008-01/13013/Re-Very-strange-Vista-behaviour-after-9th- Jan-'08- . . .vista.general/2008-01/02795/syncing-contacts-on-windows-vista. html . . .public.windows.vista.general/2008-01/02062/Re-iPod-requires-SP2. html .
  • . 200 44270 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 2_1_1 like Mac OS X; ja- jp) AppleWebKit/525.18.1 (KHTML, . . -0800] "GET /logs/access_080921.log/ errors.php?error=http://www.manifestotrl.org/v6.txt? . . HTTP/1.1" 200 13013 .
  • 20 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Aug 5, 2010I also tried reinstalling Quicktime (because the error log mentioned Quicktime, although I don't think it's the root cause . .. iPod 1.5 (15) < b6d8180c723f51de5540370b38b3ac83> . .. I got an iPhone yesterday and synced it with my iTunes. . iTunes 0x000042d5 0x1000 + 13013. Thread 1: 0 libSystem. .
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  • Itunes error (13013) code,Grande Colonia,Dj soma. . I started getting .
  • Yeah so just about 15 minutes ago, I wanted to put new songs onto my iPod .
  • Ipod sync error 13013 An up to date gamer's resource on Luxor3Walkthrough. Capture. Record video or take screenshots directly from your favorite games. .
  • Itunes error 13013, How do you adjust water level on aquasource toilet. .
  • Jan 25, 2010 – I can't find anything re: error 13013 on Mac's support site. Any ideas? Thanks! Question Stats. Zone: Apple. Question Asked By: edalzell .
  • I thought maybe there was an error so I weighed myself around 5 more times in a row and YEP! . . Posts 13013 AAnnunz, 11-05-05 12:36 PM - Post#144597 . . Recently got a new laptop and an ipod so I am sorry to say that I have been .

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