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Aug 10, 2011 – 127 Yard Sale Blowout. 127 yard sale. Description. Across from DQ. 76pc Dinner set-Tea Rose. Portable Closet-Large. Standing Mirror-Gold. .
20 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Jul 26The 127 yard sale is a joke. these people try to sell items that cost more than the dollar store or the flea market. the flea market is not much .
Welcome to the "World's Longest Yard Sale" along US Highway 127 and the Lookout Mountain Parkway from Gadsden, Al., to Covington, Ky., passing through .
127 Yard Sale. A trip from August 06, 2008 to August 10, 2008, travelling to Chattanooga, Crossville, Albany, Danville. Trip Tags:None yet!More .
U.S. 127. Yard Sale August 2-5, 2012 (World's Longest!) Roller Coaster Yard Sale September 29-30, October 1, 2011. Quick Links to the Four Photos Shown .
Aug 5, 2011 – The 127 Yard Sale, aka 127 corridor Sale, World's Longest Yard Sale and HGTV's Endless Yard Sale. I shot and edited August of 06.
The annual four-day World's Longest Yardsale starts on the first Thursday in August and spans more than 650 miles through the Southeast.
Lodge · Stables · Woodland Cabins · Breaking news · Home cooking · Grounds · Activities · Innkeepers · How to get here · General policy · FAQs · 127 Yard Sale .
The Highway 127 Corridor Sale (also shortened to 127 Yard Sale) is an outdoor second-hand sale held annually for four days beginning the first Thursday in .
Aug 8, 2010 – Don Jenkins and his wife Marie had several tables of merchandise for sale at the US 127 yard sale, but on Friday afternoon he was taking one .
Oct 4, 2010 – Kiddin' Around USA is a family travel TV show for kids by kids. Travel with kids? You need to watch Kiddin Around USA travel show.
Oct 26, 2010 – We are on Day 1 of two day and about 150 miles of traveling the Route 127 World's Longest Yard Sale! Here are ALOT of photos of this .
The Van Wert Fairgrounds will be hosting the World's Longest Yard Sale on US127, as well as the Lincoln Highway Buy-Way Sale. The dates are Aug. 3, 4, 5 .
Aug 25, 2008 – Billed as "The World's Longest Yard Sale," the U.S. 127 corridor sale, held each August from Michigan to Alabama and through the heart of .
18 posts - 3 authorsWHOO HOO. it's time again for the famous 127 Yard sale!! I'm wondering who is going, where you will be doing most of your shopping and maybe if people .
The World's Longest Yard Sale - the U. S. 127 Yard Sale, comes to Van Wert the 1st weekend in August. Hundreds of visitors come to search out bargains in .
Jun 10, 2008 – Has anybody here been to the 127 yard sale? I plan on going to the yard sale this summer, staying mostly on route 127 in Kentucky.
bigsouthforkpark.com/127map.htm - CachedHwy 127 Sale - Day 1You +1'd this publicly. UndoWell you ain't seen nothing, my little shopaholic, until you've experienced the longest yard sale in America. The Highway 127 Yard Sale. The 127 Sale is four .
Aug 8, 2008 – Photo By State Journal/Hilly SchifferHelen Hawkins of Frankfort rearranges items to be sold during the U.S. 127 Yard Sale on Demerson Lane .
Aug 5, 2011 – This is a trip around heritage fellowship's annual worlds .
Aug 5, 2011 – Visit A.A.R.F. at the 127 Yard Sale! News. A.A.R.F. is holding a sale to support Non Profit Animal Rescue Efforts – THIS WEEKEND ONLY! .
Events - Highway 127 Yard Sale. 127 Yard Sale. Click Here To See More Photos. The US 127 Corridor Sale started in 1987. It now runs from north of West Unity, .
We braved the 675-mile Highway 127 Yard Sale on August 5. We usually hit the few miles between Russell Springs and the Amish community in Casey County. .
64 posts - 51 authors - Last post: Aug 5I know a lot of folks look forward to the 127 Yard sale each year. Yes, much of it is just like the junk you have at home, but to someone else, .
Aug 1, 2011 – it's 127 yard sale time again!!! Yes, as i write this post we are making our way to Kentucky to shop at the largest yard sale in the country. .
20 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Aug 9Jun 14, 2011. Judged: 1. when is the 127 yard sale? oh no. Dunlap, TN .
Find The Longest Yard Sale, Frankfort Kentucky and more at 127yardsale.com. Get the best of Frankfort KY or Pricing Garage Sale Items, browse our section on .
The Highway 127 Corridor Sale bills itself as the World's Longest Yard Sale .
Enjoy the US 127 Corridor Yard Sale Kentucky and stay at historic Beaumont Inn bed and breakfast in Harrodsburg.
127 yard sale the world's longest yard sale on the US 127 corridor Premeier highly visible sale spaces for rent large level lawn 2 acres vendors welcome .
Hwy 127 Yard Sale. Click here for information on the 2011 127 Sale. WE STILL HAVE A FEW SPACES LEFT FOR THE 127 SALE IF YOU SELL "OLD" STUFF. .
Jul 31, 2011 – "Mapmakers call it Highway 127, but the folks who live inside the dots on the map just call it Main Street.
Welcome to the World's Longest Yard Sale! Dekalb County Alabama is home to this multi-state yard sale each year in August and deemed the longest yard sale .
World's Longest Yard Sale - The 127 Corridor Sale - The World's Longest Yard Sale starts on the first Thursday every August and runs for 4 days, through .
Aug 10, 2011 – Highway 127 Yard Sale. PostDateIcon August 10th, 2011 | PostAuthorIcon Author: Chris. Great Vacation!! Here we are in Tenn. having a great .
General Information about The World's Longest Yard Sale. Welcome to the .
This is the official website for the World's Longest Yard Sale, the 127 Corridor Sale, headquartered in Jamestown, TN. Inside you will find information regarding .
Last year I went to the World's Longest Yard Sale for the first time. I carried a notebook and took notes along the way, just so I could put together a review that .
Jul 18, 2006 – On TripAdvisor's Kentucky travel forum, travelers are asking questions and offering advice on topics like "Highway 127 Yard Sale".
Aug 4, 2011 – The World's Longest Yard Sale just keeps growing. The event, also known as the 127 Corridor Sale, runs Thursday through Sunday along a .
Aug 7, 2011 – The worlds longest yard sale stretches from somewhere around Georgia to Michigan along Highway 127. We had not ever been to any of it so my .
Sherwood 127 Yard Sales Sherwood area residents are looking forward to their fourth year of participation in the "World's Longest Yard Sale" Thursday, August .
Northwest Ohio Calendar of Events 127 Yard Sale Northwest Ohio, part of the world's longest yard sale.
Aug 18, 2011 – The world's longest Yard Sale is an annual event on a 675 mile stretch that goes from Gadsden, Alabama to Hudson, Michigan starting on the .
Aug 3, 2011 – This week starts the 127 Yard Sale. If you live near 127, you know this sale brings in tons of traffic, lots of dealers and sometimes some really .
Aug 3, 2011 – Vendors participating in the World's Longest Yard sale are banking on a strong weekend even though retail numbers are down across the .
The World's Longest Yardsale, also known as the 127 Corridor Sale. The headquarters are located at the Fentress County Chamber of Commerce in Jamestown .
World's Longest Yardsale Hwy 127. It was a hairy start that first day when we ran into lots of rain and wind and lightning just before we got to Chattanooga, .
127 Yard Sale. God 1st Sports. God 1st Youth Basketball · God 1st Youth Soccer. Sunday School. Adults · Children's. Children's Programs. SPARC Ministry .