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Jan 14, 2011 – Take the 1090t and 1100t as examples, all of the chips binned as 1090t are guaranteed to do that speed at that voltage, whereas all the ones .
View Single Product View Comparison. Benchmark Results. AMD Phenom II X6 1100T BE - 3.3GHz - 2MB L2 - 6MB L3. vs. Intel Core i5 2500K - 3.3GHz - 1MB .
9 hours ago – I have a 15$ off coupon for any AMD 6 core at newegg. My question is this. . . 1090T or 1100T. Either is a nice step above my 2 yr old 945 .
AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Processor, Black Edition (HDE00ZFBGRBOX) 4.9 out of 5 . .. 7, Jan 6, 2011. AMD Phenom II X6 1090T or intel core i7, 6, Jan 6, 2011 .
In other words, the difference between the 1090T and the 1100T is less than 1090T vs 1075T, and exactly the same as any other pair of consecutive Phenom II .
6 days ago – now look at 1090T vs 1100T: http://www.anandtech.com/bench .
13 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jul 18Which one of these is better? I might be overclocking and there is a price difference of about 30 euros. So which should I consider to buy?
Dec 6, 2010 – The X6 1100T does not replace the 3.2Ghz X6 1090T, but it .
14 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Feb 151. Is this chip's multiplier locked or unlocked? 2. How is the 1100T compared to the 1090T, 1055T. etc.? 3. What's a good price for it [presently 3 .
3 posts - 1 author - Last post: Dec 10, 2010I've been looking at some CPU's to add to one of my aging computers and I cannot work out the difference between the CPU's, I can only see .
Dec 7, 2010 – The AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Black Edition processor is a terrific option . the Phenom II X6 1090T Black Edition ($295 list as tested, 4 stars) wasn't . quicker ( 2 minutes 6 seconds versus 2:08); and the 1100T managed 176 .
13 posts - 9 authors - Last post: May 221100T really no difference from 1090T? . I've noticed most 1100T's generally have a better NB, but my chip needs 1.35V on the CPU-NB to .
1100T*. 3.3 GHz. 3MB. 6MB. socket AM3. 125W. 45nm SOI. 1090T*. 3.2 GHz .
5 answersTop answer: The 1100T is better but only by 100mhz in core speed there is no other differnce between the two. Considering the 1090T is a BE (black edition) it has .
Oct 7, 2011 – Hopefully i will be upgrading to either the 1090t or the 1100t. Is there any difference between the two apart from 0.1 GHz? Is it worth the extra .
10 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Dec 12, 2010This is BS, finally broke down and went to buy the 1090T and when I got there I see the new 1100T. $70 more just for 100 MHz. Anybody know .
Are you a hardcore gamer or a computer enthusiast that is looking for the best . x6 review (6),A3850 vs phenom II (5),1090t vs bulldozer (5),phenom II x6 1100T .
Dec 7, 2010 – It's good to see Big Green as strong as Intel again, or close enough to . . As I noted in my conclusion, the 1075T/1090T/1100 are all the same .
Dec 6, 2010 – Please tell me what CPU is better AMD Phenom II X6 1100T or I5 2500K CPU for . Phenom x6 1090T 4.46ghz Vantage with 5970 on As. by .
6 posts - 1 authorIn Newegg website it states that the 1090T have the following features: MMX .
Phenom II X6 1090T is going to be the fastest six-core AMD desktop microprocessor once it's released at . Running at 3.2 GHz, or 200 MHz slower than Phenom II X4 965 (the fastest quad-core CPU as of March . . AMD Phenom II X6 1100T ? .
9 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Apr 24The official Newegg tech support community and Newegg tech support forums. Learn about PC building, case mods, computer repairs, and .
Feb 27, 2011 – This is based on AthlonII vs Core 2, and Core i (before Sandy Bridge) . greatly outperform the best PhenomII 1090T BE or even the 1100T BE. .
3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Feb 27i heard from some people that the extra $40 you spend on the 1100 isnt worth the performance gain. i am purchasing one or the other and want .
10 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Jan 7if youre gonna be overclocking anyway just grab the 1090t. both are the same .
Dec 7, 2010 – AMD Phenom II Six Core 1100T Thuban vs i7 920 Review. Around Eight months ago AMD introduced their first Phenom II X6 processor 1090T. .
5 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Dec 19, 2010I am currently building a new rig i was wondering which of these I should buy as they are too similar. I Could not find anything concrete that .
14 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Dec 18, 20101100t cheaper than 1090t! . nvm i took the 1090t from my old cart list . . In the end, a $5 cheaper chip will be put in a Dell or HP that will be .
Jun 22, 2011 – AMD 1090t or 1100t Very good for everything $$$ and run.Intel lately drop-off the price but still over price.Thank to AMD with-out ATI & AMD I .
Dec 7, 2010 – After all, the new 1100T is only clocked 3% higher than the .
Jan 3, 2011 – Phenom II X6 1090T, Thuban, 3.2 GHz, 3.6 GHz, 6/6, 6MB, 95W, $230 . vs AMD: Sandy Bridge Core i7 2600 & i5 2500 vs Phenom II X6 1100T .
6 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Apr 17Phenom X6 1090T VS 1100T question General Hardware.
Jan 6, 2011 – The reason the 1100T isn't notably faster in any application other than multi- threaded challenges when compared to say the 1075T or 1090T is .
Dec 7, 2010 – 3 Step Guide To Overclock Your Core i3, i5, or i7 – Updated! .
15 posts - 10 authorsnow look at 1090T vs 1100T: http://www.anandtech.com/bench/Product/146?vs= 203. WTF? This is why im doing my own benchmarks with my current 1090T .
7 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Aug 16Should I buy an AMD 1090T or AMD 1100T Or Intel i7-2600k or wait for AMD Bulldozer, Motherboard Processor & RAM, All the components of .
3 answers - Aug 18, 2006Top answer: In most cases, not worth it. . what would use be using the computer for? For gaming neither is the best choice. The overwhelming majority of games .
High End CPU's - Intel vs AMD . Intel processors vs AMD chips - find out which CPU's performance is best for your new gaming rig or server! . AMD Phenom II X6 1100T, 6298, $189.99* . AMD Phenom II X6 1090T, 6055, $169.99* .
Sep 13, 2011 – Re: AMD Phenom II X6 1100T VS Intel Core i7 990X . Phenom II X6 1090T @ 4 Ghz per core / 2.4 Ghz NB-Cpu cooled by a Coolermaster .
10 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Mar 25AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Vs Intel Core i7 2600K For 3D rendering CPUs. . the Core i7 2600k is slightly faster than the Phenom II X6 1100T. .
Oct 16, 2010 – Intel Core i7 920 vs AMD Phenom II X6 1090T .
Dec 7, 2010 – AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Black Edition Review. . to keep the pricing of the new processors similar to the chips they replace or supersede. . be able to tell, the 1100T BE is a revision of the Phenom II X6 1090T Black Edition, .
Review by Jeremy Laird - Feb 4, 2011
4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jun 29Compared to our retail purchased X6 1090T, which was manufactured in the 13th week of 2010, this new X6 1100T was manufactured in the .
22 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Jun 5Dollar diff which one should I get.Does the 1100t offer anything over 1090t other than that 3% clock raise.
11 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Dec 13, 2010the 1090T has a 3.5ghz turbo vs the 3.7ghz turbo on the 1100T. they are basically the same processor only the 1100T's are cherry picked .
13 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Jan 71090t or 1100t ? Processors and motherboards AMD.
Feb 8, 2011 – What is the best one for the money, all of these fit my budget for my upcoming build but I can't decide which CPU to choose! I want to be able to .
Apr 20, 2011 – Intel Core i7 920 vs AMD Phenom II X6 1090Tby .
Cores, 2, 3, 4 or 6. Socket(s) . . Clock rate: 2.6 to 3.3 GHz, up to 3.7 GHz with Turbo Core; Models: Phenom II X6 1035T, 1055T, 1075T, 1090T and 1100T .