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3 answersIf they tell you they are treating you as a "1099 employee," what they mean is that you are responsible for paying your own income tax and self-employment tax .
. to employees and a 1099-MISC to report income to independent contractors. . much has been withheld from employee pay for federal, state and local taxes. .
W2 vs 1099 - For most of us the actual difference between 1099 Independent . pay all of the necessary employee income taxes which are required by the IRS. .
For Ohio income tax purposes, how does Ohio define an “employee? . Are we required to send a copy of our 1099 forms to the State of Ohio? Can I file our W-2 .
5 answersTop answer: Self-employment Tax The self-employment tax is similar to the social security tax and Medicare tax for employees. The self-employment tax is calculated on .
An independent contractor paid 10.4 percent in the same period. This is known as the self-employment tax. In addition, a 1099 employee is without .
25 answers - Jul 18, 2007The only technical difference (that I'm aware of) is the tax status. Being a 1099 contractor rather than a W-2 employee means that the company .
Mar 19, 2008 – This 1099-misc income is treated as self-employed income (even if you are a regular employee). A self employed person must file the tax return .
Sep 14, 2010 – Quick question for everyone. i own a technology business. we go into offices and set up their computers/ telephone systems/ and the cable .
As a 1099 employee (Realtor) is it beneficial to form and LLC? Are there any tax advantages to the income I receive? I currently have opportunities to receive .
Clear explanation of 1099 vs w-2, and what you need to know to ensure you are filing your taxes correctly.
Feb 1, 2011 – . 'subcontractors' because you don't pay their taxes? What's the real difference between a W2-employee and someone paid on a '1099' basis?
It is essential because the W-2 employee will have paid state and federal taxes through automatic deductions from their paycheck all year and the 1099 .
For example, Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income, is filed with the IRS to report payments of $600 or more to persons not treated as employees (e.g. .
Updated for Tax Year: 2010 As a freelancer, independent contractor, . your work for any individual client, you should receive a 1099-MISC from your customer. .
Nov 17, 2010 – Am I required to file copies of federal Form 1099 with my annual summary? . Do we have to withhold Virginia income tax for our employees? .
Combined Income Tax, Employee Social Security Tax, and Employee . For employment tax purposes, no distinction is made between classes of employees. . .. Megabyte will file Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income, to report the amount .
Wages, Salaries, Tips (W-2) and Other Employee Compensation (Form 1099) . Wage and Tax Statement, Box item Explanations; Procedures for Employees .
Not all workers are employees as they may be volunteers or independent . ( EDD), which is concerned with employment-related taxes, and the Division of Labor . Id.at 349), and the fact that a worker is issued a 1099 form rather than a W-2 .
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Feb 21, 2011 – Will the IRS consider me that company's employee? Answer: The IRS . How to tell whether you need a 1099 or a W2 at tax time. Also: Making .
Aug 23, 2011 – A 1099 contractor, or, more accurately an independent contractor, is a legal and tax-related term used in the United States to refer to the type of .
Withholding Tax - General Information, >, 1099-MISC Filing Requirements. > Magnetic . Am I still required to withhold Michigan tax from employees? Yes. .
You calculate your employment taxes on Schedule H, which is attached to . with a 1099-MISC by January 31st to report non-employee compensation for the .
4 answers - Nov 29, 2006Subject: Re: 1099 Contractor vs. Full Time Employee (FTE) . See Fund/Class L190 - the tax is $5.73 per $1000 of income over $18000 + $103. .
Jan 13, 2007 – 1099-MISC, Independent Contractors, and Self-employed (2004 IRS FAQ). From TaxAlmanac, A Free Online Resource for Tax Professionals .
Aug 10, 2010 – Independent Contractors treatment as soon as you say 1099 employee. Employees have taxes withheld. Never say employee, payroll, salary, .
What form should I use to report my employee withholding tax? How do I file the return . How do I file my reconciliations, W-2s, and 1099s? My account number .
Feb 18, 2011 – For more information on your tax obligations if you are self-employed (an independent contractor), see our Self-Employed Tax Center. I hire or .
Learn more about self-employment taxes from H&R Block. . Form 1099-MISC - Miscellaneous Income (Info Copy Only); Schedule C (Form 1040) - Profit or Loss .
An employer's tax liability is determined by the worker's employment status. . .. The contract eneded and the company I was working as a 1099 contractor. .
Aug 22, 2011 – Manhattan. 1099 Employee Tax Returns Professional Preparation: $175 Fee.
1 answerThat all depends on the number of dependents and the number of deductions. People who make less than $8000 a year are not required to file income taxes at all. .
6 answers - Nov 11, 2007Top answer: You don't need a dba. That is just an alias because if you are looking up Mom's Cafe that is owned by Joe Smith, you aren't going to look up Joe in the yellow .
Jan 6, 2011 – Small Business/Self-Employed Topics. A-Z Index for Business .
File Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income, for each person to whom you have . Wages paid to employees (report on Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement); .
You must pay self-employment taxes. You may be personally liable for business debts. You have no employer-provided benefits. You have no unemployment .
How to File Taxes for a 1099 Employee. If you are an independent contractor, you will receive a Form 1099-MISC from each company that paid you to do work .
Unlike an employee, an independent contractor does not work regularly for an . . 1099-MISC [2]; ^ "U.S. Cracks Down on 'Contractors' as a Tax Dodge" article by .
A: A 1099 contractor pays self employment taxes which include the entire amount the employer and employee share for social security tax; so the 1099 .
Jun 12, 2006 – 1099 workers are independent professionals under contract, not regular employees. “1099 worker” comes from a US tax form 1099. It's used by .
Tips on Hiring a 1099 Contractor vs an Employee. . An outside consultant is responsible for their own taxes. (Note that if you are an outside consultant, most of .
Jump to series: Form 1099 series is used to report various types of income other than . transactions are amounts paid to independent contractor for services (in .
Then, when you realize that you have to pay self employment taxes on top of regular taxes on that 1099 income, your next question should be "what 1099 tax .
. nanny, elder care giver, or other domestic (household) employee is your employee . a 1099 Form instead of a W-2, and avoid the entire issue of payroll taxes. .
1099 Employee Tax Deductions. The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS .
Expect to be taxed much like a sole proprietor when you work as a 1099 contractor.
1099. by June Walker “Am I actually self-employed?” Answering that question is the first step in getting through the maze of tax rules for the self-employed. .
Jan 27, 2011 – If you are an independent contractor, you are self-employed. To find out what your tax obligations are, visit the Self-Employed Tax Center. .
Jump to Filing your Income Taxes: As far as taxes go, you should receive a 1099-MISC from your . What they really saying is you're a self-employed sole .