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Jan 21, 2011 – Write the words "standard deduction allowed under US-India Tax Treaty" article 21(2) on Page 2 Question J of the 1040NR-EZ. If you are filing .
15+ items – . RI-1040/RI-1040NR - Standard Deduction Schedule for .
Get Publication 501, Exemptions, Standard Deduction, and Filing Information for . Refer to the Instructions for Form 1040NR-EZ to determine if they may use .
Apr 22, 2011 – Since the standard deduction for 2010 is $5700 if you are .
Deductions (line 37, 1040; line 36 1040NR). Most students (but not NRs) will use the standard deduction. For 2003, the standard deduction is $4750 for single .
Enter the total here and on Form 1040NR, line 38 (or Form 1040NR-EZ, line 11). Print "Standard Deduction Allowed Under U.S.–India Income Tax Treaty" in the .
Only students from India may claim the standard deduction ($5350-single, $10700-married). If claiming the standard deduction, fill in line J of Form 1040NR -EZ. .
In most cases, Form 1040NR is used by nonresident aliens for whom the . 1099 as independent contractor - Form 1040NR; claiming itemized deductions such .
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Mar 6, 2011 – I would still have to file 1040NR/1040NRez for either case but the differences I know of is that I could get a Standard Deduction (of $5700) .
Mar 26, 2010 – www.scribd.com/doc/28970363/Form-1040NR-EZ-Standard-DeductionISO :: Tax Treaty Information for Nationals of India :: University of . You +1'd this publicly. UndoStandard Deduction: Indian students can claim the U.S.-India Tax Treaty for students deduction (for the 2008 tax year: $5350 on line 11 Form 1040NR-EZ). .
Jump to I am a student from India, and I've heard that my country's tax treaty . : On form 1040NR EZ, enter $4150 . write: Standard deduction .
Jump to Itemized vs. Standard Deduction: Everyone is entitled to a standard deduction, which reduces your taxable . Nonresidents (Form 1040NR): .
10 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Mar 24But filing a 1040NR with a pro forma 1040 for MFJ rates won't give me the standard deduction, I will have to itemize, right? It is definitely worth .
If you are filing Form 1040NR, enter the standard deduction on line 35 of Form 1040NR. In the space to the left of line 35, print, "Standard Deduction Allowed .
9 answers - Apr 27, 2006Since you are an Indian citizen, you would be allowed to claim the standard deduction on the Form 1040NR/1040NR-EZ or the itemized deductions on Form .
Form 1040NR-EZ (along with Form 8843) can be used by most international . . the standard deduction, the earned income credit and the child care credit, but .
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Even though you may be required to claim itemized deductions on your federal 1040NR, you have the option to claim the Maryland standard deduction or .
Jump to Deductions and Credits: If you have additional itemized deductions, you must file Form 1040NR. Back to top. The standard deduction .
Can I claim the standard deduction? My country has a tax . If you are filing Form 1040NR-EZ or Form 1040NR, the deadline to file is April 15. If you are filing .
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Dec 12, 2010 – To claim the standard deduction on Form 1040NR write "Standard Deduction Allowed Under US-India Tax Treaty" on line 3 of Schedule A .
If claiming the standard deduction, fill in line J of Form 1040NR-EZ with .
Only students from India may claim the standard deduction ($5350-single or married filing separately) and should also enter on M, p.5, of the Form 1040NR the .
Form 1040NR Instructions - Form 1040NR Standard Deduction - Form 1040NR Software - Form 1040NR Mailing Address - Form 1040NR Tax Rate - Form .
Form 1040NR EZ Instructions - F1, J1 International Student and Non Resident .
If your itemized deductions do not greatly exceed your standard deduction you . of your Form 1040NR or the amount included on the itemized deduction line of .
The only itemized deduction you can claim is for state and local income taxes ( you may still take the "standard deduction" offered on the 1040NR-EZ form). .
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International Student Tax Rate - International Student Tax Exemption - Form .
Jul 16, 2008 – Hi, I am an indian citizen. I came to US in 2003 on F1. was on F1 till May 2005 and then on OPT till feb 12 2006. From Feb 12 2006 I am on H1.
Mar 9, 2010 – I think I do not have any itemized deductions and status is single. So I may be able to fill 1040NR-EZ and get the standard deduction+india .
This exemption should be noted on line 13 of form 1040NR-EZ. (Residents of Canada . 1040NR. VI. Special Itemized/Standard Deduction for Residents of India .
For 2010 the standard deduction for filing single is $5800. Visiting Scholars . For those claiming itemized deductions, you must use Form 1040NR. 18. Should I .
If you took the standard deduction last year, do not put anything on Line 4 of 1040NR-EZ or Line 11 of 1040NR even if you received a refund of state taxes. 3. .
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Jan 6, 2011 – Due to a tax treaty provision, only students from India may claim the standard deduction on the nonresident tax forms (1040NR/1040NR-EZ). .
You must file Form 1040NR if you are engaged in a trade or business in the United States, or have . . Nonresident aliens cannot claim the standard deduction. .
10 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Mar 24But filing a 1040NR with a pro forma 1040 for MFJ rates won't give me the .
Schedule L is used to figure an increased standard deduction in certain cases. . The Form 1040NR, U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return, and its "easy" .
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Dec 9, 2010 – If you are a nonresident alien filing Form 1040NR (PDF), you .
If you generally must file Form 1040NR-EZ by April 15, the due date for your 2010 return . For 2010, you will no longer lose part of your deduction for personal . .. You cannot take the standard deduction even for the part of the year you were a .
Jan 13, 2011 – 1040, line 40; 1040NR, line 38; 1040NR-EZ, line 11. Standard Deduction. If you used the standard deduction on your federal return, enter that .