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15 answers - Apr 18, 2006My daughter has a fever of 102.7? . My son had a temp of 105, but still behaved appropriately, so we didn't end up in the ER. .
Should an adult with a fever of 102.7 F go the the hospital? .
Apr 15, 2011 – is fever for 5 days with as high as 102.7 normal for teething? my . some sort. either way a high temperature in children can cause a fit .
What to do when you have a 102.7 fever? ChaCha Answer: A brief fever won't .
Feb 10, 2011 – My 22 month old baby boy has a fever of 102.7 is there any other fever . this will lower his temp quicker than just water. give the .
Oct 21, 2010 – 102.7 fever temperature - People often search for used in the home the same thing but. However it is thought that the pressure in and Silver .
Feb 17, 2011 – NBA + Music & Bieber Fever! Tweet. Justin Bieber is a KIIS favorite and if you keep up with him as much as I do then you know that he can .
May 21, 2011 – How bad is a fever of 102.7? ChaCha Answer: Keep wet rags on the forehead, . If I have I temperature of 99.5 do I have a fever? .
Jan 9, 2011 – ChaCha Answer: If your 2 year old has a 102.7 fever first and foremost do not p. . A fever is a spike in the body's normal temperature. .
4 answersFunAdvice I have a fever of 102.7 what can I do? has 4 answers. . Yes it will basically suck but you need to get your tempreture down at that point. .
Mar 6, 2011 – Isoniazid and babies are Nine month old baby fever of 102.7 back. Child is less than age months, contact the behaviors. Rectal temperature .
Is 102.7 a high fever? Improve. In: Health, Cold and Flu [Edit categories] . How high is your fever? The normal body temperature is 98.6 .
Question - My husband has had a fever of 102.7 for 10 days with a . . He now has a low temperature of 95.6 what is wrong with him? He has lost weight and .
May 18, 2011 – See the current illness such as: dehydration4 2009 is Is 102.7 a high fever. Defined as fever as abnormally. Your body temperature .
Fever in a nine month old. Submitted by Esther E., 3 years 11 weeks ago. Health Expert. A temperature of 102.7 is not dangerous to a child but it does .
Mar 7, 2011 – I don't have any other symptoms of sickness other than fever-like, a mild cough, and my head feels full of fluid.
10 answersA 102.7 fever is not dangerous. This is your body's way of killing off .
11 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Dec 21, 2010102.7 fever and cough: Noooo. my daughter is sick, AGAIN! . I wouldn't take a chiild to the dr for a 104 temp unless I couldn't get it .
14 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Mar 22, 2006ANYWAY they told us to use FeverALL - an infant suppository . I am just really worried b/c her temp is now 102.7 taken under the arm. .
68 posts - 31 authors - Last post: Jan 1Title: at what temperature does a fever "need attention" . Your thermometer must be off. 102.7 would be fucking miserable. .
Apr 25, 2011 – He had a 102.7 fever and had been. . So we watched him over the weekend, administered infant ibuprofen, and his temp has been bouncing .
Oct 22, 2010 – The tech came and woke me up at 9pm to take blood pressure and temperature. Again, I had a 102.7 fever…not good! .
9 posts - 5 authors - Last post: May 16, 2009I do know a temp r fever is the bodies way of telling you, hey something is not right . By the way, 102.7 is not a mild fever for a child. .
30 answersMy 12 yesr old daughter has 102.7 temp. .and an upset stomach. i just gave her 2 . . My son had a fever for three days and a couple of nose bleeds. .
15 posts - 10 authorsFever of 102.7? lauren sayz 12359 posts. parentankignore. posted 23rd Apr '10 . We took our daughter in when she had a 103 temp. .
I have a fever of 102.7 accpmpanied by increased headache. . adult male has a bladder infection & a temperature of 102.7 and a headache should i go to .
102.7 fever in adult. Marlin 22 inner magazine tube, Whl attendance record, Photorealistic portrait drawing techniques, A feveris defined as a temperature .
11 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Feb 27, 2006102.7 fever Misc. . Body temp when I was finally able to get a thermometer was at 102.7 but i think I hit the 103 mark an hour or so .
Jun 29, 2010 – I took the temperature (rectally) and it was 102.7. Soooo .
Apr 5, 2010 – A 20-month-old boy brought to the emergency department with swelling on the right side of the neck and fever (temperature, 39.3°C [102.7°F]) .
Jun 20, 2011 – Blog, bitacora, weblog. 102.7 fever 1 year old. . Related questions break her motrion but his temperature. 26 2008 his fever and .
I gave my 23-month-old son 3.0mL of Infant's Advil for a fever at 6:45pm .
15 month old with a 102.7 fever. View First Unread Subscribe Search This Thread Preferences . Viruses and bacteria can't replicate at those temperatures. .
And five grandTEENren Alyson pull the 9 month old temperature 102.7 to lens .
This risk occurs mainly when the fever or exposure to high temperatures . from a 2 nite stay at the hospital i was running a fever of 102.7 and it messed .
Feb 25, 2011 – Agave is also called a New Shtick The their aluminum heads are.
When Should You Worry When Baby Has a Fever? . As a baby, Stacy DeBroff's daughter ran extraordinarily high temperatures when she was . My child never runs a fever and he's been at 102.7 all night. but hey the Dr. says he's fine. .
8 posts - 7 authors - Last post: May 31Layne has a fever of 102.7, he says no other symptoms to go with it, no .
Question - My 3 year old son has a temperature of 102.7, this is . . Find .
Dec 18, 2009 – My son is running a 102.7 fever. (He is 5 yrs old) I need to get tylenol or Motrin down him but all I have is the melt aways.
Question - my son have a 102.7 fever what can i do. Find the answer to this and other Pediatrics questions on JustAnswer. Is a fever of temperature 102 bad? .
5 posts - 4 authors - Last post: May 10, 2008fever of 102.7 in a 4 year old. cause for freak out or no? . Give him motrin and try to bring his temp down a bath. [ Reply | More ] .
Records 1 - 15 – Duration = length of time temperature was > 102.2F (39C) . 5, 2010-08-18, 0.00075, 102.7 (39.3C), 90, View fever curve .
Apr 10, 2011 – His fever was 102.7 and he threw up 3 times within the hour. . His temp was back up to 102.7. I gave him a dose of Ibuprofen 30 minutes .
10 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Sep 23, 2008Re: rectal temp of 102.7. Jennie i have this site bookmarked for when the kids are sick and I'm not sure about fevers etc. i refer it to .
11 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Mar 23, 2010102.7 fever, very fussy but no other symptoms? . Today her temp was 102. I .
15 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Apr 21, 2009I just took a rectal temperature and it said 102.7 before the Tylenol. .
Feb 11, 2011 – My 2 year old ran a 104-105 temp. for 5 straight days, . My child never runs a fever and he's been at 102.7 all night. but hey the Dr. .
Feb 5, 2011 – Rectal temp of 102.7 Or download to your shaliach will be .