Jul 31, 11
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  • 10 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Jan 10, 2009I gave one dose of tylenol and the fever is down to where it as when she woke up - 100.3 (It got to 102.7 when I called dr.) .
  • Question - My husband has had a fever of 102.7 for 10 days with a . .
  • Dec 28, 2007 – Babies can take a higher fever than adults can. In fact, many times Drs. will just suggest keeping them comfortable. If she is "feeling" ok, .
  • 11 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Mar 17, 2010102.7(ear) 100.5 (underarm) - big difference how come? . What is a fever .
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  • 10 answersA 102.7 fever is not dangerous. This is your body's way of killing off .
  • YES - go now! Should an adult with a fever of 102.7 F go the the hospital .
  • 32 posts - 17 authors - Last post: Apr 5, 2007Typically when she runs a fever her face turns beet red, but not today. Her body was on fire. I took her temp and it jumped to 102.7 pretty .
  • May 18, 2011 – Lives in any answers, and adults can types. Strep throat question: how . Fever -reducing medications for a Is 102.7 a high fever or try. .
  • Mar 20, 2005 – Nocturnal Fever, Swollen Lymph Nodes, Joint Pain . . disease of the connective tissues has a much more benign course in adults. . When he was given the first dose of medicine, his fever was 102.7, and the rash glowed. .
  • 13 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Oct 15, 2009. is almost ten months and last week she was running a pretty high fever of 102.7. . . Adults can get it, but this is much less common. .
  • 14 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Mar 22, 2006We had a really good explanation for the higher fever in babies than in .
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  • 4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jan 26, 2010Sincere had a high fever and we had no clue what to do. This was his first real fever. He had a slightly elevated temperature when. . Children have so many more fevers than adults because they are born without . I had to put the thermometer under his arm it was 102.7 and you have to add 1 degree .
  • May 23, 2011 – Miss Banana had a fever seizure yesterday around 5:30 and . by a very high fever (Eric's was 102.7 before I could convince him to take . .. And by "we," I mean the four adults who've inhabited this house and been c. .
  • What to do when you have a 102.7 fever? ChaCha Answer: A brief fever won't do any harm. . In adults, a fever of 104 is reason to visit the emergency ro. .
  • Feb 22, 2008 – Question - I have temprature 102.7 F. Is it too high What do you . . If you're an adult and have a fever 103 degrees or above, .
  • Ask a doctor about can a fever trigger post concussion symptoms, symptoms, . tests: a) Dengue b) Chikungunya c) Rickketsial Fever d) Adult Rubella e) Leptospirosis . I was coughing constantly and I developed a fever of 102.7. .
  • 10 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Mar 21, 2006I am just really worried b/c her temp is now 102.7 taken under the arm. . . for the higher fever in babies than in adults from our ped. .
  • Oct 19, 2009 – They've mostly been pediatric patients, not adults. . Is the rash caused by a fever, over the counter flu medicines, Tamiflu, etc. . .. of the typical symptoms, fever (102.7 at the highest), sore throat, cough, etc. .
  • 102.7 fever in adult. Last updated: 5/6/2009 · 6 posts&nbsp . 102.7 fever in adult. Marlin 22 inner magazine tube, Whl attendance record, .
  • Should an adult with a fever of 102.7 F go the the hospital? Yes, absolutely .
  • Adults can also take aspirin, but children with fevers should not take aspirin. . . check his temp and he's at 102.7. . so I gave him Tylenol but should I .
  • Ryanair also fly from roofing materials to build stand around like decorations. Having said all that is visible in the battle the hounds of flow is required .
  • Read about causes of fever in adults, treatment, medications that may cause fevers, and different types of fevers. Justin Bieber Body Contest 102.7 Da Bomb .
  • 15 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jan 11, 2007Well, I have a fever and my joints are aching, but nothing else. . I took my temp a few minutes ago and it was 102.7 . .
  • 9 posts - 5 authors - Last post: May 16, 2009His fever doesn't stay longer, it goes out and come back after 7-8 hours. . By the way, 102.7 is not a mild fever for a child. . . The products in question are zicam cold remedy nasal gel, and nasal swabs for adults .
  • 102.7 temperature flu. . Read about causes of fever in adults, treatment .
  • A fever is a body temperature of 100.4 F or greater. Read about causes of fever in adults, treatment, medications that may cause fevers, and different types .
  • 14 answers - Jan 23, 2008My girlfriend has the flu and her fever is 102.7 should he be rushed . . her to the Dr. Fever in adults can be quite dangerous and is she .
  • Should an adult with a fever of 102.7 F go the the hospital? Improve . Any fever over 100 degrees, you should really go see a doctor. .
  • X( 102.7: My DD had a fever of 100.2 last nite i blew it off as her 1st .
  • She has had fevers around 102.7 that don't reduce with tylenol or motrin, . but then return with fever and worse cough• Fever with a rashIn adults:• .
  • Listen xhgas - 102.7 fm monclova, ci radio live; 99.1 temp u; 102.7 degree fahrenheit to celcius - true knowledge; Fever (in adults) causes, symptoms, .
  • Question - 6 year old son has 102.7 fever, and a cough with congestion,. . Get the facts on fever treatment (in TEENren and adults). .
  • 6 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Jul 12Hi my 2 year old has had a fever of 102.7 for the past two days. I know that's not considered a super high fever for a toddler but I am only. . Older preschoolers are as passionate about collecting things as adults. .
  • by OI late May - Related articles
  • Jul 23, 2007 – . counseling and not one person noticed the kid had the blazing hot fever. . she didn't look right and took her temp, she was burning up - 102.7. . . sick and yet somehow the adults in the visit didn't notice! .
  • Jun 7, 2010 – Its been about 24-36 hours since she has been fever free.. last night i noticed a rash on her . . Its cause of inner body heat and infection from adults flu. . 102.7 fever for 3 nites, now has an under the skin rash .
  • Seek immediate medical attention if you are an adult and your fever reaches to 103 F or more. Children should be monitored and get medical attention if .
  • 17 posts - 12 authors - Last post: Jan 1. he could not get up out of bed and was running a 102.7 fever. . It seems that a majority of adults are immune due to the swine flu in .
  • Report This | Share this: FEVER - How high is too high? hey i know they say childrens temperature is higher than adults lets say they're 103 is like a 101 .
  • Foals: 99.0 - 102.7 deg. F [37.5 - 39.3 deg. C], Foals up to 3 mo. . Adults: 99.0 - 101.3 deg. F [37.2 - 38.5 deg. C] . -Rabies and Potomac Horse Fever. The annual schedule is different for horses that share a fence with neighboring .
  • Aug 22, 2006 – Worsening Symptoms of Fever, Chills, Cough, Fatigue, and Muscle Soreness . Physical Exam Findings: Temperature, 102.7°F (mother); 103.9°F daughter). . . of Cardiovascular Risk in Asymptomatic Adults: Executive Summary .
  • 15 month old with a 102.7 fever. View First Unread Subscribe Search This Thread Preferences . I know it's scary- adults rarely get temps that high! .
  • Apr 20, 2011 – Child with Rocky Mountain spotted fever has the rash that is . 2 days of fever (102.7°F [39.3°C]), malaise, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. . . treatment for RMSF in both adults and pediatric patients and is .
  • 5 answersI picked up a nasty flu that's been going around school. I have had a fever . I`ll bet you feel dreadful right now? Unfortunately colds and flu are viruses .
  • 8 posts - 7 authors - Last post: May 31Layne has a fever of 102.7, he says no other symptoms to go with it, no earache, . Adults can be carriers but never have symptoms. .

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