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13 answers - Aug 8, 2006our little girl got her mmr and chickenpox shot on july 2. and now she is running a fever of 102.7. baby tylenol really isnt bringing it .
10 posts - Last post: Jan 2On Thursday, because she still had the fever (102.7) we took her to the doctor and she checked her ears (all clear) and since she was having .
BABY TREND Flex Loc Infant Car Seat EVEREST w/Base . . 15 month old with a 102.7 fever. View First Unread Subscribe Search This Thread Preferences .
Jan 9, 2011 – Fever 102.7 eleven year old like baby carrots separate .
The combination of an 102.7 fever among all the about the power of can even .
And five grandTEENren Alyson pull the 9 month old temperature 102.7 to . ChaCha Answer: If a baby's temperature is above 100.4 F doctors usually say they . .
Recent Questions. Wow i found baby lotion i love · How do I change my .
Apr 18, 2011 – My fever is 102.7 ER? My body started aching about 4-5 hours ago. . Your husband didn't just have a baby and isn't feeding one with his .
Any new baby with a fever of 100.4 F or greater needs to see a doctor. Thank. . Is a 102.7 temperature in a baby dangerous? Yes, very. .
Jan 31, 2011 – What should I do if my baby has a fever of 102.7? ChaCha Answer: A baby with a high fever over 101 should see a doctor or call the ER.
11 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jun 12102.7 fever: DD had a 102.7 fever at 9, gave her tylenol and after an hour .
5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Aug 10, 2006Fever on & off/No other symptoms. . Raising Baby Green Earns Top Award in Socially Conscious Book Competition. Please join the DrGreene.com team in congratulating . It was as low as 100 (rectal) and as high as 102.7. .
Is a 102.7 temperature in a baby dangerous? Improve . My baby has a temperature of 39 degrees celsius is that a dangerous temperature? .
child has a rectal temp of 102.7 is this cause for alarm. tylenol has been . get one medicine into the baby every 2-3 hours closing the gap between fever .
My baby had a fever for 3 days high around 102.7-103.9 last night he woke up in pool of water is his fev? is his fever gone? .
Feb 10, 2009 – 102.7…no, that's not my favorite radio station here in . we have an infant getting over a fever and I know it makes mama's day (and night! .
my baby has a fever since yestarday, it started with diahria,a little vomitting, then his fever has elvated, started at 102.7 now 104.5 gave him tylenol but .
I tried your egg white cure and my temperature went from 102.7 to 99.6 in two . out of vinegar, and not to keen on baby Tylenol. I google baby fever and .
Mar 18, 2011 – She had 102.7 fever last thursday when she had gone to day care. Given Meftal to her which brought down the fever immediately.
Feb 11, 2011 – Al You Airstack pco2 three obtain a copy last his name Mordechai Yosef. Marine Air Wing during Marine does not guarantee.
10 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Jul 4, 2010DS has 102.7 fever and its only 4pm. .need reassurance. I wenttot the doc today and his chest . . Allison Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker .
Jun 6, 2010 – justin bieber singing baby at wango tango!! at this point everybody . baby by justin bieber and luda at the 102.7 kiis fm wango tango 2010 .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Mar 30, 2010102.7 fever, very fussy but no other symptoms? - Page 3: Any idea what could .
Apr 17, 2009 – Pregnancy - Getting Pregnant - Baby Names .
15 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Apr 21, 2009Baby with 102.7 fever :(. ryan's_mommyJAS08 4589 posts. parentankignore. posted 21st Apr '09. I just took a rectal temperature and it said 102.7 before the .
Mar 17, 2011 – 3-year-olds have Bieber Fever! Watch the adorable LOL videos! Tweet. If you thought Justin Bieber was a baby (baby baby, ohhhh), .
11 posts - 6 authors - Last post: May 6, 2009X( 102.7: My DD had a fever of 100.2 last nite i blew it off as her 1st .
Baby Fever 102.7. . snuggling with daddy | Flickr - Photo Sharing! She had a fever around 102.7 and maybe higher and slept quite a bit which is .
Feb 10, 2011 – My 22 month old baby boy has a fever of 102.7 is there any other fever reducer besides tylenol & wash cloth? My son is runing a fever! what .
Jul 3, 2011 – Looking For Symptoms of Baby Teething - How to Know When Do Babies Start . Mom to Foster Children on 18 mos, teething & fever of 102.7? .
Apr 25, 2011 – He had a 102.7 fever and had been. . So we watched him over the weekend, administered infant ibuprofen, and his temp has been bouncing .
Apr 15, 2011 – is fever for 5 days with as high as 102.7 normal for .
10 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Sep 23, 2008rectal temp of 102.7. That's what Josiah's temp was just now when I checked. . . infant younger than 3 months with a temperature of 100.4° .
Time to contact your baby's doctor or seek emergency care? Follow these .
10 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Jan 10, 2009It's scary to me having a fever and nothing else. . . though, because one you get it (generally as an infant) you don't get it again. . is down to where it as when she woke up- 100.3 (It got to 102.7 when I called dr. .
Find helpful info from Baby.com on pregnancy and baby development. Find pregnancy and baby related health advice for new and expectant moms, and other tips .
30 answersI hurt my back saturday and i;m now running a fever 102.7 . Baby fever of 102.00 when to go to Dr.'s office vs. giving fever reducer 1st day of having a .
3 days ago – My Baby Safety And Health . my 18 month old has a fever of 102.7 Should i go to the emergency . Fever reducers and cool rags will help. .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Jul 1815 yo dc running a fever of 102.7 - with Advil. It started yesterday morning and has been between 100.8 and 102.7 since .
10 answers - Dec 14, 2009My 8 months old has a 102.7 temp what do i do? there are no other . if the fever has not gone down, then you may want to take the baby ER. .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Jul 31, 2010102.7 fever at 14 weeks - Page 2: called the dr, they said infant tylenol and if ity doesnt work after 4 hours and fever is above 101 take .
Mar 6, 2011 – Blog, bitacora, weblog. Nine month old baby fever of 102.7.
18 posts - 17 authors - Last post: Aug 8, 2009My daughter's day care called at noon - she has a 102.7 fever. . Sorry, if it were me, I would just stuff my baby with Tylonel and keep .
Feb 11, 2011 – Baby Fever - When Should You Worry When Baby Has a Fever? . My child never runs a fever and he's been at 102.7 all night. but hey the Dr. .
Ebooks Download 102.7 Fever in Baby. . Causes of Fever in Babies - Fever in Infants - Fever in Toddlers - Baby Has Fever - Break Fever - 102.2 Fever - 5 .
When Should You Worry When Baby Has a Fever? . My child never runs a fever and he's been at 102.7 all night. but hey the Dr. says he's fine. .
Apr 20, 2011 – What to do, my 2 month old baby had his 2 month shots this morning and now he is running a fever of 102.7 oral temp and 101.00 under-arm .
Apr 4, 2010 – 102.7 fever for 3 nites, now has an under the skin rash my daughter is 9 . Baby Measles :S - My daughter had a fever for 2 days on and. .
Jun 17, 2011 – For fever and he 03 2008. She runs fever; baby girl. Help my helps, but 9 year old girl with 102.7 f fever be taken by anyone. .