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4 answers - Jun 23Answers - My 7 yr old has 101.7 fever what medicine? . childs age you can .
Oct 19, 2009 – In children over 6 months old, a temperature over 101 F generally needs treatment. It is important to consider how your child is acting when .
5 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jan 9, 2010fever 101.7. dd woke up screamiing. she got her shots today along with . . Blended Families, |- Breastfeeding, |- Child Free: Not by choice .
Jump to What should I do if my child has a fever (temperature)?: If your child has an elevated temperature. do not worry if she is well .
Fever in Children 101. Knowing what to do when your child has a fever can save you . Let eHow's Quick Guide to Fever in Children 101 give you tips to help .
Feb 11, 2011 – Any fever in a child 2 months or younger, however, should be reported to a physician, as this age is more susceptible to serious infections. .
Jun 11, 2009 – Your child is 3-6 month old with fever >101 ○ F (38.2 ○ C) . Always take your child's temperature before you treat the fever! .
Bug woke up this morning with a 101.7 fever. . It's not the fear that their children won't pass school, it's the panic that they will! .
What to do about your child's fever, including a description of what a fever .
My 3 year old child has a fever of 101.7 and has very severe cough, she has also been vomiting? She was diagnosed with flu type A about 10 days ago, s.
7 month old has fever of 101.7 - My son has a fever of 101.7 and his .
Jul 15, 2011 – 9 month old with 101.7 fever? . When your child as a low grade fever, but is actin. . 3 year old child keeps crying in sleep? .
15 answers - Nov 3, 2006Both my kids have a fever? My daughter has a fever of 100.4 and my son has a fever of 101.7 i took these tempertaures under the arm and have .
A medical thermometer showing a temperature of 38.7 °C or 101.7 °F . .. The antipyretic ibuprofen is effective in reducing fevers in children. .
For young children and infants, even slightly elevated temperatures may indicate a serious infection. In newborns, either a subnormal temperature or a fever .
Take anti-fever medicines only when necessary. For children under 18 years .
Apr 16, 2011 – is 101.7 even a fever still or no?! her doc is confusing me, she told me the number on the thermometer does not matter and its how the child .
What to do when a child has a fever: Advice and fever facts, symptoms, treatments, medications, seizures, causes of fevers, and when to call the doctor .
Information for parents about fever in infants and children.
101.7 fever is even yet or not! your doc is confusing me, told me the number on the thermometer does not matter and how it reacts your child . .
Results 1 - 10 – Read all 12 questions with answers, advice and tips about 101.7 fever from moms' communities. Some of the advice from Moms is: 5 Yr Old with a .
Aug 17, 2010 – This information is about taking a child's temperature and fever in children. It covers what a fever in kids is and what to do about fever .
Jun 17, 2010 – The child had vomited once, and the mother reported that he was irritable. The child's temperature was 101.7° F, pulse was 118 beats per .
May 25, 2010 – His temp is back up at 101.7 i gave him more motrin and it .
My daughter has been running a temperature ranging from 99.8 to 101.7 for the . I am a nurse and with a child that young with a high fever for at least 3 .
It's normal for your immune system to produce fever. The reason we lower a fever is to make the infant or child more comfortable, not treat the illness. .
The book I've used tons for my kids is called 'How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor". It says that a fever in children 9 - 24 months is very .
Taking your baby's temperature can confirm your suspicions and help you and .
If a young child has a fever, defined as a temperature 1° or more above the normal 98.6°, it is important to take precautions. Follow this chart for more .
15 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Dec 31, 2010The last 2 days my son has had a fever. It goes from 99 to 101.7. . normal child development and immune systems to elevate temperature to .
Apr 12, 2008 – There will always be bugs going around. either one child or another has a runny nose or a cough, or a low-grade fever or an ear ache. .
How can I reduce my child's fever without using medicine? .
A fever is an elevation in body temperature above normal. Your child has a fever if his temperature is higher than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit measured .
My child was sent home for school monday with a fever of 101.7. has been sick with a fever and cough/sore throat.i gave her tylenol jr fever reducer-pain .
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DD has her first fever (she's a year this month). I just took it while she .
10 answers - Jan 12, 2009should I take my toddler to the er for a fever of 101.7 in my 3 year old. . If you have a generally healthy child, they aren't complaining .
5 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Dec 31, 2010re: 101.7 fever in 10 month old. Kyrie ♥'s Monkeys 48554 posts .
According to Wake Forest Pediatrics, a fever is an above-normal elevation in .
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Dec 9, 2007 – 101.7 fever ?! on 'Parenting' . Clingy behaviour is ok and normal for a sick child, especially one who hasn't experienced illness within .
7 posts - 1 author - Last post: Jun 17, 2004ds has 101.7 fever do i call dr.? can i take him out for a walk? . Both my kids had this this week and one tested pos. for strp throat I .
41 answers - Apr 25Low grade fever for 10 days with (mostly) no other symptoms. . . Taiwan and I'm shivering with a fever of 101.7 degrees F - at what . Please help me figure out the titles of two movies that freaked me out as a child, .
Jan 21, 2011 – If my temperature is 101.7, is it high? ChaCha Answer .
Sep 30, 2007 – What to do when a 14month old child is having fever 101.7 along with stomach flu and vomitting.
Mar 22, 2011 – Is 101.7 a dangerous fever? ChaCha Answer: Children can generally tolerate temperatures up to 106F without harm although such fevers .
Question - Son has headache with 101.7 fever, no joint pain or symptoms. . have a fever, a child will usually start out a cold with 2 or 3 days of fever. .
50 posts - 22 authors - Last post: Jan 13It is coming down with Tylenol (it's now 101.7), but seriously-WHAT ELSE . . I just hate that she has had a fever for 48 hours straight. .
15 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Apr 28I figure I should just try to treat the fever and wait to call until .
"When to Worry About Fever" article from the Summer 2007 issue of Young and Healthy, a newsletter for families written and distributed by Cincinnati .