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4 posts - 4 authors - Last post: May 5, 2008I went to Urgent Care on Thursday evening with a really bad sore throat and a fever. My fever was 101.7 there and the strep test came back .
Apr 18, 2011 – Stayed around there most of the day but back up to 101.7 .
Dec 14, 2007 – My dd has a fever of 101.7 I don't know how high I should .
A high fever can often be an indication that he is not just sick, . The normal temperature of a toddler (or an adult, for that matter) will be somewhere .
7 month old has fever of 101.7 - My son has a fever of 101.7 and his stomach . How often should I breastfeed? Your newborn should be nursing eight to 12 .
13 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Aug 10, 20094 month old, fever of 101.7 wwyd? ds has had a fever pretty much all day. . 6 pm when he woke up from a long nap it was 101.7, the highest for the . .. Blended Families, |- Breastfeeding, |- Child Free: Not by choice .
Feb 11, 2011 – Baby Fever - When Should You Worry When Baby Has a Fever? . today articles · toddlers today q&a · breastfeed.com articles · breastfeed.com .
Aug 30, 2010 – Our mother, who calls herself The Human Thermometer, pronounced that he had a fever. A quick stick in the butt confirmed it: 101.7. .
May 26, 2008 – Read all 17 responses: "Its kinda late to be asking becasue ive been bf throughout but i was just wondering tonight if its bad to bf while i .
I had something a month ago that started with a fever (101.7) aches, and weakness. In addition, I had nausea, vomiting and diarhea. The fever lasted 4 days .
Dec 9, 2007 – 101.7 fever ?! on 'Parenting' . I was a bit nervous but I just kept nursing him and keeping an eye on him. He was a bit cranky but showed .
Jan 31, 2009 – Like my title says my one year son has a 101.7 temp and puking, he has only puked a couple . 36 months old.. it killed his fever within an hour.. he is still running a temp this morn. . Lilypie Breastfeeding Ticker .
Jun 9, 2011 – His head was still very hot and still had a fever of about 101.7. . Breastfeeding moms: cut raw, mix with butter on toast or swallow .
1 post - Last post: Sep 21, 2010Fever, breastfeeding what to do?:I am 10 days post delivery of my 3rd son. . My fever spiked to 101.7 degrees. I not only had a high fever .
My child was sent home for school monday with a fever of 101.7. has been sick . . We have limited daytime nursing to almost nothing, but can't seem to get .
Her fever was 101.7 axillary ( I think ur supposed to add 1 degree to that). .
Jun 6, 2011 – When would you take them to the hospital for a high fever? . . Scared the living s-h-i-t out of me, but her fever was only 101.7 when the ambulance arrived just a . .. more from the knot: Mommyhood | Breastfeeding.com .
Fever hit 101.7, at least that we measured. The doctor said to sell at 103, . so it's probably a good thing mom is weaning the breastfeeding. .
Apr 29, 2011 – By the time I made it into work my fever rose to 101.7. . being sick after I continued to breastfeed (as instructed by the doctor to pass .
4 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jun 30, 2009I have a 101.7 fever should i keep bfing or feed her pumped milk . the doc gave me vicodin and told me it was ok to breastfeed on it, .
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Dec 11, 2007 – First fever- 101.7. Good? Bad? on 'Parenting' .
101.7 fever ?! . had a fever for the last 48 hours. . . I need a copy of the 101 reasons to breastfeed that I can save in Microsoft word, .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Mar 28Is 101.7 normal for a teething baby?? - Page 2: So I have heard many .
Sep 30, 2007 – What to do when a 14month old child is having fever 101.7 .
DD has her first fever (she's a year this month). I just took it while she .
11 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Apr 1I know I should take my temperature but im scared to do it because maybe I just . . Wife and mother of 2: (3 and 7yrs) Both breastfed . So my fever is 101.7 and I called the assistant at my PSs office to make sure and .
Popular Topics in Breastfeeding. nickname for milk/breasts? . Recent Discussions in Breastfeeding. . . Okay, temp is up to 101.7, heading out soon. . Got the prescription an hour later. fever broke that night. .
Dec 24, 2010 – MMR Vaccine with a rash and fever. someone please calm my .
May 25, 2010 – Bottle & Breastfeeding · Digestion · Eating Disorders .
Breastfeeding mothers may also want to stock up on calming and pain-relieving . He is sleeping now and calm but his fever is at 101.7 and i am scared. .
5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Apr 25LO is breastfed btw. He had a temp of 99.7 last night; . 101.7 isnt TOO .
11 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Mar 24. to run a fever. I can understand a low grade, but my LO is 101.7 with no .
Ask a doctor about low wbc and breast feeding - Questions and answers, . Q : one week ago i was sick with a fever of 101.7 for several days. now my body .
26 posts - 15 authors - Last post: Jul 19The Earth Clinic library of the best expert and reader Fever Cures. . breastfeeding them it helps to bring down the fever. something to do with the . .. By 8:15 her temperature went down to 101.7. I can't believe it. .
She right now has a fever of 101.7, I'm in a nursing program therefore I know that's not good. However, I don't know what to do pediatrically about such a .
Care guide for Fever In Adults possible causes, signs and symptoms, standard treatment options . Breastfeeding Information · Havard Health Topics (New) .
Results 1 - 10 – Some of the advice from Moms is: 5 Yr Old with a 101.7 Temp, Should I Be Alarmed ?? Please Read, Baby Fever's, My Son Has a Fever with No Other Symptoms. . Bottle & Breastfeeding · Digestion · Eating Disorders .
12 answers - Oct 17, 2006Top answer: just keep breastfeeding as you normally would. A lady at la leche told me that your body produces immunities to the illness that you have, so it helps to .
Jan 1, 1999 – If your 20 month old has a temperature of 101.2 or 101.7, and you are not sure . They are both fevers. And some toddlers feel just awful with a temperature of 101 . ex. napping, breastfeeding. Search. Need Advice? .
My ds had a fever last week up to 102.7. I was a bit nervous but I just kept nursing him and keeping an eye on him. He was a bit cranky but showed no other .
10 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Jul 31, 2007[Archive] Mastitis and almost 8 months old? Breastfeeding Support. . before when my first son was tiny) and I now have a fever of 101.7. .
Ask a doctor about breastfeeding and wbc - Questions and answers, symptoms, .
Sep 30, 2010 – Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF). COLCRYS™(colchicine, USP) tablets . .. of adverse effects in breast-feeding infants of mothers taking colchicine, . . Ketoconazole, 200 mg BID, 5 days, 0.6 mg single-dose, 24, 101.7 .
Jan 23, 2009 – My daughter who is almost three has had a fever since .
Jun 14, 2010 – I actually went to the ER last night because I was running a 101.7 fever and had redness and was sooo achy all night. .
Fever days after labor and during breast feeding? This question isn't about .
Results 1 - 10 – Some of the advice from Moms is: Fever Seizures, Fever .
Aug 11, 2010 – First fever- 101.7. Good? Bad? DD has her first fever (she .
6 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jan 4, 2009Re: 3:30 am and counting . fever of 101.7 . shes not eating any solids at all but still breastfeeding alot. .