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Jun 8, 2011 – Archive. Posts Tagged 'R4 3DS Gold 1.4.2u' .
9 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jun 18How do I know if my AK2I can already run on a DSI 1.4.2u?-- Page 1 GBAtemp .
Die M3i Zero 3DS ist die neueste Entwicklung auf dem Gebiet der Flash-Cartridge- Technologie für die Nintendo DS Lite. Der M3i Zero ist ein Adapter, .
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A DSi console with firmware lower than 1.4.2 (1.4.2E, 1.4.2J, 1.4.2U & 1.4.2A); If you don't have a DSi with firmware lower than 1.4.2, you have to use a DS .
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YouTube - DSTTi 3DS FW Issue 2 min - May 23, 2011 - Uploaded by thema6ician
R4i Gold en DSi 1.4.2u (LEAN LA DESCRIPCIÓN) - YouTube 2 min - May 28, 2011 - Uploaded by hikaru86chile
17 posts - 13 authors - Last post: May 11Nintendo DSi Menu Ver 1.4.2U o This update provides behind-the-scenes improvements to system performance aka blocks shitty game copiers. .
Now,iSmart DS iSmart Premium is Compatible with DSi firmware 1.4.2U iSmart DS arrive cool2deal on Sep 04,2010.This card is known to be a good alternative .
6 posts - 6 authors - Last post: May 12Worldwide Nintendo coverage. All the latest news, reviews, screenshots, videos for Wii, DS, WiiWare, DSiWare, Virtual Console and Retro .
8 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jun 8Like a dolt I upgraded my little girls DSi ..so when it went to 1.4.2U ..the error message is there when trying to use the Acekard 2i (which .
Mar 6, 2010 – 1 x Acekard 2i for DS / DS lite/ DSi / DSi XL / 3DS cartridge v2.0/1.4.2 ( compatible with 3DS version 2.0 and DSi version 1.4.2U) .
Below is a brief history of previous updates to the Nintendo DSi Menu or system features. May 10, 2011. Nintendo DSi Menu Ver 1.4.2U .
May 11, 2011 – Then I tried the patch on 1.4.2U firmware DSi and got, “An error has occurred. Press and hold hte Power Button…” I have the “Dorasu” Acekard .
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How to Run Acekard 2i on DSi 1.4.2U - YouTube 5 min - Jun 8, 2011 - Uploaded by QajsProductions
14 posts - 11 authors - Last post: Jul 10A DSi Console with Firmware lower than 1.4.2 (1.4.2E, 1.4.2J, 1.4.2U & 1.4.2A) e.g 1.4,1.3 or 1.2 OR a DS Lite Console .
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Below is a brief history of previous updates to the Nintendo DSi Menu or .
Die M3i Zero 3DS ist die neueste Entwicklung auf dem Gebiet der Flash-Cartridge- Technologie für die Nintendo DS Lite. Der M3i Zero ist ein Adapter, .
Connecting the Nintendo DSi hand-held gaming device to Facebook is possible, . As of publication, the current version of the DSi system is 1.4.2u. .
I got a r4i gold V2.0 for my dsi. I accidentally u…
Jun 12, 2011 – A DSi Console with Firmware lower than 1.4.2 (1.4.2E, 1.4.2J, 1.4.2U & 1.4.2A) e.g 1.4,1.3 or 1.2 OR a DS Lite Console .
Jul 18, 2011 – I accidentally updated my dsi's firmware to 1.4.2U. . Is there a upgrade for the R4 that will make it work on a dsi with firmware 1.4.2U? .
DSi Update 1.4.2 U (BLOCKS Flashcarts! DO NOT UPDATE!) - YouTube 5 min - May 10, 2011 - Uploaded by Schlupisnoopy
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Acekard 2i 3DS pour Nintendo 3DS 2.0.0-2U & DSi XL 1.4.2U + 4Go Micro SDHC Carte [acekard-2i+microSD-4GB] - L'adaptateur Acekard 2i 3DS est la dernière .
15 posts - 7 authors - Last post: 3 days ago1.4.3C came out at the same time as 1.4.2U. So it seems that the Chinese DSi Software version is always at a higher number than the rest of .
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Sep 23, 2010 – R4i-SDHC V1.4.1 Red PCB cart supports Nintedo DSi XL 1.4.1, DSi LL 1.4.1 . R4i -SDHC V1.4.1 Supports DSi 1.4.2C, 1.4.2J, 1.4.2E and 1.4.2U, .
Already upgraded for 3DS and DSi Firmware Version 1.4.2U. NO Need for Chip Upgrade by the customer. Please download system file before using the product: .
Acekard 2i 3DS pour Nintendo 3DS 2.0.0-2U & DSi XL 1.4.2U + 8Go Micro SDHC .
"Can R4i Gold run on DSi firmware 1.4.2U?" - Find the answer to this question and millions more on Yahoo!7 Answers.
Dsi 1.4.2u update - YouTube 2 min - May 26, 2011 - Uploaded by esmith867
The version of this item is 1.4.1. Already Compatible with DSi Firmware Version 1.4.2U You don't need to upgrade Chip for 1.4.2 .
4 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jun 11Problem with R4i Gold DSi 1.4.2U Help Pls TT. Post by lukiki » Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:57 am. Hi, i m r4i gold user and recently i accidentally .
YouTube - Updating Nintendo DSi XL To Ver 1.4.2U 2 min - May 14, 2011 - Uploaded by iPodHacker1O1
8 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jul 6I have the DSi XL and iEDGE card. All was fine until my son updated the firmware to 1.4.2U. The iEDGE card was on version 1.11. .
R4i Rot für DS,DS lite und DSi, DSi XL Konsolen Diese Karte ist kompatibel zur der DSi . DSi Firmware: bis 1.4.2E / 1.4.2U / 1.4.2J. Kernel Updatebar: .
1.1.0-1U)Support DSi Ver 1.4.2E, Ver 1.4.2J, Ver 1.4.2U, Ver 1.4.3C. 2011-05-30 Trackback URL R4 designer. *Update the firmware of the R4i SDHC RTS card, .
A DSi Console with Firmware lower than 1.4.2 (1.4.2E, 1.4.2J, 1.4.2U & 1.4.2A) e.g 1.4,1.3 or 1.2 OR a DS Lite Console 2.AceKard 2i Card Loaded with latest .
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1 answer - Apr 16Top answer: iEdge is upgradeable, though it can't support v1.4.2, but i think the iEdge team will release an pather soon, you can wait a few days.
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Professional dstt ds 1.4.2u dsi 1.4.2u, buy dstt ds 1.4.2u dsi 1.4.2u .
Items 1 - 15 of 31 – dstti gold 1.4.2u dsi 1.4.2u DS Card Wholesale Online Store, buy dstti gold 1.4. 2u dsi 1.4.2u free shipping Cheap Price.
8 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jun 27The card isn't updated, is there any way to update it? I just have my DSi on 1.4 .2U, nothing more. How can I update it? Or is it impossible? .
AceKard2i working on Nintendo DSi 1.4.2U - YouTube 2 min - Jun 9, 2011 - Uploaded by luigidude15
May 18, 2011 – Archive. Posts Tagged 'R4i 1.4.2u' . It then upgraded to R4i SDHC 1.4 due to the firmware 1.4 in Aug 2009. In Sep 2010, it was further .