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Jul 15, 2010 – Aspect ratio: 1.33:1. 16:9 useable frame area: 13.4sq. mm (75%). normal frame rate: 16fps. Super-8 frame dimensions. Camera aperture size .
Jump to The 1.33:1 Aspect Ratio Picture: Here we compare the picture quality of a standard 1.33:1 aspect ratio image, where DVD can not make .
The standard analogue television screen ratio today is 1.33:1. The Aspect Ratio is the relationship between the width and height. A Ratio of 1.33:1 or 4:3 means .
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Silent films were shot at a 1.33 aspect ratio, with each frame using all of .
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However, digital cameras capture images in the narrower aspect ratio of 1.33:1. Also known as 4 by 3, this is the shape of most computer monitors and .
11 items – Criterion Series 1.33 to 1. Sometimes called NTSC, Academy, or 4:3, the aspect ratio of these home theater screens is the shape of televisions made .
For example, the standard TV set is built with an aspect ratio of 1.33:1 (or 1.33x1). This simply means that if it would be 1.33 feet wide if it were 1 foot tall. .
Also note that the television aspect ratio is listed as 1.33:1. This is another way of listing aspect ratios—dividing the width by the height (e.g., 4/3 = 1.33). This is .
Nov 9, 2008 – A discussion in the The Day the Earth Stood Still [VHS] forum.
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The aspect ratio of an image is the ratio of the width of the image to its height, . .. 1.66:1 ratio (a compromise between the 1.85:1 theatrical ratio and the 1.33:1 .
The easiest way to compare aspect ratios is to reduce them to lowest terms by doing a simple division: 4/3 = 1.33, and 24/18 = 1.33, so 4:3 is the same as 24:18. .
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May 3, 2010 – This aspect ratio is 4:3, or 1.33:1 (1.33 times as wide as it is high). When referring to the aspect ratio you generally refer either to the terms “4 by .
30 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Sep 11, 2009I have an MKV file which is 960 x 720 and I need to convert it to 638 x 480, adding side borders to fill in the 16:9 screen. As I am using avisynth, .
Feb 28, 2009 – World of Warcraft Addons, Interfaces, Skins, Mods & Community.
But 720/480 = 1.5 which is an impossible aspect ratio for a movie. . . is that a part from the source frame, having an aspect ratio of 1:1.33 or 4:3 is being cut out. .
I'm trying to load some HDV 1080i footage into after effects and am getting odd results. The footage is 1440x1080i from an HV20. It has the 1.33 stretch to get it to .
1 post - Last post: Mar 15, 2010So the 800x600 or 1.33 aspect ratio is what you need. Find your self a image, the bigger the better (I would never go lower than 800x600) .
1.33:1 aspect ratio: refers to a screen that is 1.33 times wider than it is high. This is equivalent to a display that is 4 units wide by 3 units high. See 4:3 full .
Unlike 35mm, an understanding of 16mm aspect ratios is very basic. 16mm film stock has a frame aspect ratio of 1.33:1 That is, the width of the frame is 1.33 x's .
3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Aug 11The aspect ratio is 1.37, but the closest lens and aperture plate we have to that is 1.33. How much of a difference will playing a 1.37 film with a .
Film aspect ratios are often written as decimal equivalents, such as 1.33, 1.85, and 2.40. The larger the decimal number, the wider the image. An aspect ratio of .
Aspect ratio. The viewable area of a display, for example, most common computer monitors and televisions have an aspect ratio of 4:3 or 1.33:1. However , this .
Instead of 1.85:1, other countries have used more modest enhancements of the original 1.33 aspect ratios for their theatres, both the 1.77:1 ratio used for HDTV, .
The black bars, sometimes referred to as "letterboxing", allow the original aspect ratio to be preserved on a standard US television, which has an aspect ratio of .
16:9 (1.77:1) is an aspect ratio with a width of 16 units and height of 9. . Content creators frame critical content or graphics to fit within the 1.33 raster space. .
Now if you divide 4 by 3, you get a value of 1.333 and that number is its picture aspect ratio. 4 x 3 or 1.33 ( really 1.33:1) - both can be used as terms to describe .
Mar 6, 2000 – There's a reason for that, and it's all about something called aspect ratios. . almost all films had a standard aspect ratio of 1.33:1 (technically, .
Aspect ratios are sometimes written as a single number, the result of dividing the width by the height. For example, 4:3 could be expressed as a 1.33 aspect ratio. .
The higher the aspect ratio, the wider the image (or screen). For example, standard televisions have an aspect ratio of 1.33. That is because the screen is 1.33 .
One common widescreen aspect ratio is 1.78:1, or 16/9. This is the native aspect ratio of widescreen TVs. Standard TVs use an aspect ratio of 4/3 (1.33:1). .
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An article about movie aspect ratios. . be shown on a widescreen, the "aspect ratio" of almost all commercial movies was 1.33:1 (or, 4:3, to put it another way). .
The aspect ratio of the golden rectangle is 1.618. One might presume (although I' ve found no evidence so far) that the 1.33 aspect ratio is a compromise .
For example, 1280x1024 & 1280x960 use 1.25 & 1.33 aspect ratios respectively. Any objective/subjective thoughts as to why you choose one aspe.
Sep 10, 2010 – The two most common aspect ratios heard mentioned are 4:3 (1.33:1, or traditional TV) and 16:9 (1.77:1, "widescreen" TV). Film releases are .
1 post - Last post: Jul 19, 2008Home audio & video: Watching movies with 1.33 aspect ratio on 16:9 HDTV - Read home and audio discussions and get tips and advice on this .
The broadcast format of SD is 4:3 which corresponds to the 1.33 aspect ratio. The broadcast format of HD is 16:9 which corresponds to the 1.78 aspect ratio. .
Silent films were shot at a 1.33 aspect ratio, with each frame using all of the negative space between the two rows of film perforations for a length of 4 perfs. .
Feb 27, 2009 – IMPORTANT : This set is ONLY for the 1.33 aspect ratio .
Why would you shoot a modern film in 4:3? Meeks Cutoff Fish Tank Rain Guy and Madeline on a Park Bench and not a film but HBO's The Wire. I guess I'm…
Conventional 35mm film has a 1.5:1 aspect ratio. Most "point & shoot" digital cameras produce photos with a 1.33:1 aspect ratio while digital SLR cameras .
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1 answer - Feb 5, 2010Top answer: 1.33:1 is considered full screen 4:3 not 16:9 or also known as wide-screen. Do you have wide screen and have black pars next to it when watching wide screen .
1.33:1 aspect ratio Fixed Frame Home Cinema and Presentation projection screens from Harkness, Screen International, Beamax, Sapphire.
In cinematic terms, these ratios are expressed in the following manner: 4x3 is referred to as a 1.33:1 aspect ratio (1.33 units of horizontal width against 1 unit of .
For instance, the aspect ratio of a traditional television screen is 4:3, or 1.33:1. High definition television uses an aspect of 16:9, or about 1.78:1. Aspect ratios of .