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https://www.manpower.usmc.mil/. /MMPR2_SERGEANTS_BELOW_ Cutting[PDF] MCO P1400.32D MARINE CORPS PROMOTION MANUAL, VOLUME 2, ENLISTED . File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
The Army converts the ASVAB subtest scores into five composite score areas, . 0311Rifleman GT=80. 0313LAV Crewman GT=90. 0321Reconnaissance Man GT=105 .
If you go to google and type in "usmc cutting scores" it should be the . MOS Score 0121 Closed 0151 1597 0161 1618 0211 1558 0231 1488 0261 1538 0311 1681 .
Marine Corps Embassy Security Group - General Information: The Marine Security Guard . MARINE CORPS INFANTRY (0311) · Marine Corps League . . LCpls and Cpls earn 100 points towards their composite score upon graduation of MSG School! .
For 0311 and 0341 enlisted mos in the USMC do you have to work with allot of number? . Why do some USMC cutting scores have an NA next to them? .
What is the marine corps cutting scores for October 2009? for 0311, it's not possible to know the answer the scores wont be released until sept 25,2009. .
Purchase Manpower USMC Cutting Scores for €5.00 and appear as the top listing instantly . USMC Current Cutting Scores . 0311 Cutting Score November 2010 .
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25 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Apr 14, 2010So I just looked my cutting score up and being a 0321 its low as fuck, . Since they promote by the larger mos and not Specific like 0311 go reserves and still . Almost 9 years in the Marine Corps and still a Cpl. FML .
What is the marine corps cutting scores for October 2009? for 0311, it's not .
Jan 21, 2008 – The Marine Corps has released its monthly cutting scores .
Sep 15, 2010 – United States Marine Corps Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) List and Marine . 0311 – Rifleman 0313 – LAV Crewman 0321 – Reconnaissance Man . .. Marine Corps Tools. CFT Calculator · Marine Corps Cutting Scores .
1 answerBonus Question. Similar questions: Usmc Cutting Scores Manpower . 0311 1808 0313 NA 0321 NA 0331 NA 0341 NA 0351 NA 0352 NA 0411 1821 0431 1774 .
17 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Dec 16, 2005Well I finally got my cutting score this month. I have a 1370, . The Marine Corps determined how many Cpls, lets say, . . One of the highest was 0311 at a 1921, and one of the lowest was an 0341 I believe at a 1290. .
The Marine Corps converts the ASVAB subtest scores into five composite score areas known as line . 0311 - Rifleman, GT=80. 0313 - LAV Crewman, GT=90 .
scores don't come out till monday. What will the cutting score for an 0311 lance corporal to pick up corporal be in january 2011? closed. USMC cutting score .
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What is the United States Marine Corps' cutting score for 0311 Lance .
Marine-Corps-Cutting-Scores - What is the marine corps cutting scores for October 2009? : for 0311, it's not possible to know the answer the scores wont be .
41 posts - 21 authors - Last post: 6 days agoSome 04 had either a 400 or 700 pt cutting score not too long ago. . Planning on singing up, Reserves, 0311. A friend and co-worker, .
0311 usmc myspace, (alt.) 0311 usmc description, (alt.) 0311 usmc monitor, (alt. ) 0311 usmc cutting score, (alt.) usmc 0311 mos roadmap, (alt.) .
2 answers - May 2, 2009USMC Cutting score question? My husband is currently on a field op . Currently my husband is a Lcpl 0311 infantry. The cutting score in .
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Find 0 questions and answers about USMC-Cutting-Scores at Ask.com Read more. . What is the United States Marine Corps' cutting score for 0311 La. .
May 5, 2011 – ChaCha Answer: Lance corporal to corporal MOS Cutting score .
May 16, 2011 – Cutting scores are published each month by Marine Corps .
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Mar 1, 2010 – Cutting scores are published each month by Marine Corps headquarters in . 0311 1787 0313 1735 0321 NA 0331 1816 0341 1796 0351 1845 .
www.oconus.com/pagetracker.asp?elementID=456&catid=35what is the 0311 cutting score for corpal in the marine corps may . what is the 0311 cutting score for corpal in the marine corps may 2010 The KGB Agent answer: The cutting score for May is not yet released.
21 posts - 17 authors - Last post: Sep 29, 2009I have some Marine Corps IT guys that doubt my estimates are . 0311, 0341, and 0331's were taking about 8-10 years for SNCO. . Last time I checked cutting scores E-4 was in the triple digits and E-5 was low quads. .
20 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Aug 8, 2009Marine Corps Discussions Hop To Forums USMC Communications 0621 .
Cutting scores are published each month by Marine Corps Headquarters in . 0311 /1682. 0313/1599. 0321/1329. 0331/1650. 0341/1636. 0351/1737 . .
Aug 1, 2010 – What is the United States Marine Corps' cutting score for 0311 Lance Corporal to Corporal for May 2009? May 2009 Active Marine Corps From .
2 answers"What is the cutting score for a USMC reservist going from lance Corporal to .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: May 4I need the cutting score to go from E3 to E4 and E4 to E5 in the Marine Corps for an 0311 I tried to look online at marine corps times but .
Mar 8, 2011 – USMC reserve corporal cutting score for 1st quarter of 2011? - AR15. . Reserve Corporal 0311: 1745. fadedsun [Team Member] .
Oct 5, 2010 – Topic: Marine Corps Cutting Scores (all months) . 0311 1832. 0313 1750. 0321 1693. 0331 NA. 0341 1861. 0351 NA. 0352 1763. 0411 1921 .
14 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Oct 9, 2010Cutting Score- a number put out by the Marine Corps for the Promotion of . . 0311, 0331, 0451, 0411, 1341, 1361, 6412, 6433. ANY LUCK? .
Aug 22, 2009 – Cutting scores for september 09 Open Squad Bay. . MARINE CORPS COMMUNITY for Marine Veterans. Marine Corps Community for USMC Marine .
What is the marine corps cutting scores for October 2009? for 0311, it's not .
What are the marine corps cutting scores for January 2010? .
Mar 10, 2011 – Author of the letter to Marine Corps Times sparking the brouhaha is . . it comes to high cutting scores and lowered chances of promotions, . . The only guarantee of of being designated MOS 0311 was to request Sea Duty. .
May 18, 2010 – Cutting scores are published each month by Marine Corps .
What is a Marine Corps cutting score? . Whereas a 0311 may require a 1700 to pick up Corporal. These are determined by people much higher in the chain of .
Feb 18, 2009 – Cutting scores are published each month by Marine Corps Headquarters in . 0311 /1682. 0313/1599. 0321/1329. 0331/1650. 0341/1636. 0351/1737 .
@SnoopyUSMC Only 0311's? Lol. Any Marine has no brains :) Maybe he just didn't want to . Well atleast I like my job, just wish our cutting score wasn't so .
Aug 18, 2000 – Marine Corps Publications Electronic Library .
Mar 8, 2011 – USMC reserve corporal cutting score for 1st quarter of 2011 .