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15 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Mar 2, 2008SAWs have been redesignated as "Automatic Rifles" and SAW gunners are now designated as "Automatic Riflemen", don't ask me why. .
Marine Corps Times reports that they could be fielding the IAR by this summer. BRB, switching my MOS from 0311 (Rifleman) to 0331 (Machine gunner) .
The riflemen employ the M16A2 service rifle, the M203 grenade launcher and the squad automatic weapon (SAW). Riflemen are the primary scouts, assault .
100+ posts - 29 authors - Last post: Jul 20I saw the obituaries today and noticed that Medal of Honor winner William Barber had . . Army Infantryman (the Rifleman type) is 11B, not 0311. . . They will not be a Fire Team Leader, or the SAW gunner, but the Rifleman? .
Feb 28, 2011 – or reconnaissance MOS (0311 - rifleman, 0321 - recon- naissance Marine, 0331 - machine gunner, 0341 - mortar- man, 0351 . . **Furthermore, the saw blast from shooter's position after second portion of the course with the .
Aug 29, 2011 – . the M203 grenade launcher, the M249 SAW, and you will spent some . MOSs like 0311 rifleman, 0331 machinegunner, 0341 mortorman, .
0311. 01-03-2009, 02:45 PM. Check out the contracts awarded by the USMC to HK, Colt & FN. . Even talking with my cousin who was a SAW gunner he even relayed how . . Recently the "American Rifleman" had a piece on a project to build a .
i want to be an MOS 0331..machine gunner..i like m249 SAW. .
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i.e. Mortarman, assaultman, machinegunner. During your rifleman training you train . Being an 0311 is alright but EVERYONE in the USMC is a trained 0311. .
I came, I saw, I conquered ! . 0352 - TOW gunner . You'll split off into platoons, with all 0311/0313/0321s doing the Rifleman package, 0331s go learn the .
10 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Aug 16You don't just sign on as a Auto Rifleman.. you sign Infantry. . . From listening to what infantry Marines say, the SAW gunner is probably a new .
Portland, Oregon Area - Instructor at Mt. Hood Community College - Mt. Hood Community College
Kalamazoo, Michigan Area - 0311 - Rifleman at United States Marine Corps/Resident Assistant at Western Michigan University - United States Marine Corps
MOS 0331 - SAW Gunner. Lance Corporal. S. Fragtrup. MOS 0311 - Rifleman. Private First Class. H. Højholm. MOS 0621 - Field Radio Operator. Private First .
20 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Dec 8, 2007My son Ray graduated also on 12/4 from SOI and he is 0311.and is now . . He said he was in Fox Co, he is also rifleman (SAW gunner) unless .
22 posts - 17 authors - Last post: Jun 28, 2002What exactly would a rifleman company be used for (if I'm not just confusing . . A SAW gunner is not a rifleman, a medic is not a rifleman, a sniper's . . A Rifleman also means an 0311 assigned as “Rifleman” which is one of .
70+ items – . Marine Corps weapon systems such as the M249 SAW, AT-4 .
As a United States Marine, Jacob, an 0311 (rifleman), served as a SAW-gunner .
8465-01-532-2396 saw gunner set 73.61 None 8465-01-532-2308 alice . 8465- 01-494-6455 rifleman set 266.63 None . Postal0311 [Life Member]. 1/31/2008 .
When you go to Infantry school(0311) are you randomlly assigned a gun or are you . within a 4 man riflemen fireteam the automatic gunner carries the SAW .
1 post - Last post: Jul 14, 2007Squad Automatic Rifleman I've been spinning through the posts lately and I've . background: M249 SAW Gunner USMC 0311, Mk19 Gun Commander. .
But if you asked rifle platoon squad leaders to point out their SAW gunners, you'd . 0331s (machingunners) and are still required to become proficient as 0311s .
Apr 11, 2011 – Don't swap SAW gunners out every time a group of new .
27 posts - 18 authors - Last post: Jul 2The reason why the Marines wanted to replace the SAW with an . . BTW: does anyone know if IARmen will hold Rifleman or Machine Gunner MOS? . . an 0311 who previously held the saw gunner spot in a marine fireteam. .
Nov 25, 2010 – The riflemen employ the modern service rifle/carbine, the M203 grenade launcher and the squad automatic weapon (SAW). Riflemen are the primary scouts, assault . (1) Machine Gunner, 0331. (2) Infantry Assaultman, 0351. .
20 posts - 14 authors - Last post: Jun 22The SAW sucks donkey dick. I am a USMC 0311 (Infantry). That weapon goes down so much in use that the gunner might as well be using a .
As a United States Marine, Jacob, an 0311 (rifleman), served as a SAW-gunner ( M249 Squad Automatic Weapon) also known as a Light Machine Gun in combat .
Jun 29, 2011 – Marine fire teams have been built around a 0311 infantry rifleman . Nine SAWs will be kept in each rifle company, but they'll largely be in . . “There's an extra piece of plastic in the way,” one Marine gunner said of the PMAGs. .
7 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jul 10Well, unless you are an 0331, 0332, or a M-249 SAW gunner, it is very . This is what diferentiates an 0311 (Infantry Rifleman) from an 0331 .
Jul 29, 2009 – A short guide on how to become a SAW Gunner in the US Marine Corps. . you carry more weight than the average rifleman. what more could you want coming straight . I am in the Marine Corps and my mos is 0311 infantry. .
Aug 23, 2008 – I'm an 0311 and I shot platoon high at bootcamp, and the highest of both 0311 . Let's not forget these are 240's so all of us SAW gunners have it . Every US Marine is a Riflemanby TellTheMarines91899 views · Thumbnail .
The riflemen employ the M16A4 service rifle, the M4 carbine, the M203 .
2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Mar 16As a United States Marine, Jacob, an 0311 (rifleman), served as a SAW-gunner ( M249 Squad Automatic Weapon) also known as a Light .
MOS 0311 -- Rifleman. . employ the M16A2 service rifle, the M203 grenade launcher and the squad automatic weapon (SAW). . (1) Machine Gunner, 0331. .
Aug 18, 2011 – If I wanted to become a 0311 Rifleman in the Marines, I will get 03xx, this means that I would get . I could get stuck as artillery or SAW Gunner. .
My son (the oldest at 4) is mt Rifleman, my oldest girl (2) will be my SAW gunner and this girl will be the a/gunner. And since my wife's always on the phone and .
United States Marins Corps. twentynine palms, california US; 0311-riflemen/ SAW gunner. 10102006-present. Login. Email. Password. Keep me logged in .
Aug 29, 2011 – . the M203 grenade launcher, the M249 SAW, and you will spent some . MOSs like 0311 rifleman, 0331 machinegunner, 0341 mortorman, .
56 posts - 42 authors - Last post: Dec 27, 2007he's headed for Baghdad in October as a SAW gunner. . 1 old 0311 . As a Rifleman in the Marines, I learned 3 people I wanted to protect .
(The one on the left is a rifleman and the one on the right is a machine gunner) . . The riflemen employ the M16A4 service rifle, the M4 carbine, the M203 grenade launcher, and the M249 squad automatic weapon (SAW). .
0331 is not saw gunner, its machine gunner. . scores and actions during SOI.. you'll be assigned a job in the 0300 field, 0311 rifleman, 0352 towgunner etc etc, .
His primary MOS is normally an infantry or reconnaissance MOS (0311 - rifleman, 0321 - reconnaissance Marine, 0331 - machine gunner, 0341 - mortarman, .
2 answers - Oct 24, 2009Also is being a SAW gunner fun at all? Any SAW gunners from Afghanistan I . What exactly is your job as an 0311 Rifleman in Afghanistan? .
May 2, 2011 – [ Translate this page ]Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about 0311 rifleman /saw gunner (United States Marine Corps), a collection of .
46 posts - 17 authors - Last post: Feb 9, 20070311-Rifleman, first 6 years. . . Most infantrymen are 0311 (Riflemen) so .
20 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Jun 30Marine fire teams have been built around a 0311 infantry rifleman carrying a SAW . .. I was a SAW gunner, and I know how military use them. .
6 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Jul 9, 2008[Archive] 0311 Rifleman Question Ask A Marine. . Automatic Rifleman (SAW Gunner), Assisstant Automatic Rifleman (A-Gunner), or Pointman. .
Aug 29, 2011 – . the M203 grenade launcher, the M249 SAW, and you will spent some . MOSs like 0311 rifleman, 0331 machinegunner, 0341 mortorman, .
ill put what I know (I am not infantry) 0311-basic rifleman 0321-Recon(I think) 0331-SAW gunner 0369-infantry platoon leader 0302-infantry officer(I think) .