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Ricardo Chincha and Yingli Tian, Finding Objects for Blind People Based on
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Andrew W. Senior, Chiao-fe Shu, and Ying-li Tian . Lisa M. Brown, Andrew W.
Jan 22, 2012 . Faiz M. Hasanuzzaman, YingLi Tian, Qingshan Liu: Identifying medicine bottles
EDUCATION. Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong,
NOAA CREST Website, Remote Sensing Applications.
Yingli Tian, City College of New York, New York, NY - Business Contact
Yingli Tian, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Fellow Robotics Institute · Carnegie Mellon
Nov 28, 2009 . Video Surveillance Class 1: Introduction. Andrew Senior Rogerio Feris Ying-Li
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. Jeff Steiner, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences; Paris Svoronos, Chemistry (QCC
Jan 7, 2008 . Lisa M. Brown, Andrew W. Senior, Ying-li Tian, Jonathan Connell, Arun .
IBM Corporation. IBM Smart Surveillance System. Yingli Tian. Exploratory
Ying-li Tian , Takeo Kanade , Jeffrey F. Cohn, Eye-State Action Unit Detection by
Coconut Fibre Address: Rm306, YingLi Building, FoTan, ShaTin N.T Contact
Dec 15, 2011 . YingLi Tian, Liangliang Cao, Zicheng Liu, and Zhenyou Zhang IEEE
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Sep 28, 2011. professor of psychology and director of the Program in Cognitive Neuroscience
Mar 20, 2011 . Dr. Ying-Li Tian is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical
Apr 18, 2011 . Digital Video Analytics and Intelligent. Event Based Surveillance. YingLi Tian,
Teresa Bandosz Chemistry. Valeria Balogh Nair Chemistry and Biochemistry.
by Ying-li Tian , Takeo Kanade , Jeffrey F. Cohn .
Professor YingLi Tian from the City College of New York (CCNY) was recently
The Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University was established in 1979 to
Hierarchical Filtered Motion for Action Recognition in Crowded Videos, Yingli
Jun 16, 2009 . Dr. Ying-Li Tian is an associate professor in the Electrical Engineering
Authors: Ying-li Tian · Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon .
Dr. Ying-Li Tian is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical
Yingli Tian, T. Kanade and J. F. Cohn , " Recognizing Action Units for Facial
1. Class 3: Advanced Moving Object. Detection and Alert Detection. Feb. 18,
Andrew W. Senior, Chiao-fe Shu, and Ying-li Tian . Lisa M. Brown, Andrew W.
Yingli Tian Website Papers and Research , find free PDF download from the
Find Westchester homes for sale, market statistics, foreclosures, property taxes,
Yingli Tian [FOAF] . [2], Yingli Tian, Shuai Yuan. Clothes Matching for Blind and
Andrew W. Senior, Arun Hampapur, Lisa M. Brown, Ying-Li Tian, Chiao-Fe Shu
Video Surveillance E6998 -007 Senior/Feris/Tian. 1. Video Surveillance. E6998-
View the profiles of professionals named Yingli Tian on LinkedIn. There are 2
Tian, NY. Guo Feng Tian, Rochester, NY US. Patent application . 02-04-2010.
Ying-li Tian, Takeo Kanade, Jeffrey F. Cohn, "Recognizing Action Units for Facial
Promotional Yingli Tian 2011, Find Various High-Quality .
There is 1 person in the US/Canada named Yingli Tian. Get contact info including
Research Experience: EE Dept, City College of New York New York City,NY.
Yingli Tian [FOAF] . FG'2011. pp.330~335 Cited By 2[Bibtex]. [9], Chucai Yi,
Andrew W. Senior, Ying-li Tian, Max Lu: Interactive Motion Analysis for Video
Find Yingli Tian on WhitePages. There is 1 person named Yingli Tian in
Dr. YingLi Tian gives Keynote Speech at the 6th International Conference.
Find Yingli Tian on WhitePages. There is 1 person named Yingli Tian in
Feb 3, 2012 . Xiaodong Yang, Shuai Yuan, Yingli Tian: Recognizing clothes patterns for blind
View Yingli Tian's (China) professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's
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