Dec 25, 11
Other articles:
  • Nov 22, 2010 . MATLAB Programming/Inserting Newlines into Plot Labels . new lines when
  • One only needs to utilize the basic Matlab functions such as title, xlabel, ylabel,
  • (Redirected from Notes on Matlab, LaTex, xfig, and EPS figures) . New Roman');
  • You have collected your data, loaded it into Matlab , analyzed everything to death
  • Matlab question: this might be really simple but I can't figure it out. . and xlim and
  • Dec 8, 2011 . MATLAB Central, File Exchange, Answers, MATLAB Newsgroup, Link Exchange,
  • MATLAB places the string 'axis label' appropriately for an x-axis label. Any text
  • Feb 7, 2011 . 'XTickLabel' is the property in which MATLAB stores the strings used to label the
  • The plot command is used to generate plots in matlab. . for h=1/32') >> xlabel('x')
  • Nov 7, 2008 . have greek letters in a Matlab figure title or plot label, you must set the "
  • Apr 1, 2005 . Matlab is a superb tool for advanced plotting of data. . cos(theta); plot(theta,y)
  • cd /usr/local/matlab-R14-1/etc lmstat -a h = findobj(gca,'Type','patch'); set(h .
  • Oct 5, 2011 . xlabel (Matlab function). Display a string along the x axis. Matlab/Scilab
  • set(gca,'XTickLabel',{'.1','.2','0.3','.4','.5'}) also, i often chance t, so is there a way to
  • You can add free-form text annotations anywhere in a MATLAB figure to help
  • I try to have two plots next to each other with a rather large font for the xlabel.
  • Plotting Options and Tips for Matlab . The commands for setting the axis labels
  • Oct 13, 2011. the python and ipython shell (ala MATLAB®* or Mathematica®†), web
  • MATLAB coolplot guide. . My name is Chibi Top and I'm a MATLAB hacker and
  • usage: xlabel (text) ## ## Defines a label for the x-axis of the next plots ## ##
  • Matlab is a computational environment that supports matrix computations and . .
  • In Matlab, plotting refers to producing 2-dimensional graphs, while meshing
  • Jun 6, 2011 . Hello, I am putting a label on a graph using xlabel, and I want to increase the size
  • Using matplotlib should come naturally if you have ever plotted with matlab, and
  • Jul 28, 2010 . Below is my code, but in the graph the xticklabels are not equally spaced. Is it
  • Tips. Reissuing ylabel command causes the new label to replace the old label.
  • matlab.tmbundle - TextMate support for Matlab / Octave.
  • Re-issuing an xlabel , ylabel , or zlabel command causes the new label to
  • May 28, 2010 . Is it true that x-axis tick label font size cannot be controlled independently of y-
  • Currently, MATLAB supports the following eleven font families: . Example: xlabel
  • MATLAB axes have things called properties. One of these properties is called
  • T,D(:,4),'g--'); xlabel('Time (h)','fontsize',18); ylabel('Variable (nM)','fontsize',18);
  • xlabel matlab free Download - windows software at .
  • This MATLAB function labels the x-axis of the current axes.
  • xlabel('Time (Years)') ylabel('Population Size'). This is the simplest way to add
  • Reissuing an xlabel , ylabel , or zlabel command causes the new label to replace
  • This MATLAB function plots the columns of Y versus the index of each value . x
  • In addition, an attempt is made to adjust the size and placement of the axis and
  • File exchange, MATLAB Answers, newsgroup access, Links, and Blogs for the
  • The plot function in Matlab is used to create a graphical representation of some .
  • As in Matlab, the commands title , xlabel , and ylabel assign strings to the graphs.
  • xlabel, ylabel, zlabel. Label the x-, y-, and z-axis. Syntax. xlabel(' string ') xlabel(
  • Aug 29, 1996 . One of the most important functions in Matlab is the plot function. . . x-axis label (
  • set(gca,'XTickLabel',1:numel(A_c)); A_c is an array that stores my 5 values. The
  • comp.soft-sys.matlab . . xlabh = get(gca,'XLabel'); set(xlabh,'Position',get(xlabh .
  • Note that MATLAB does not display the x-, y-, and z-axis labels in a new font until
  • Creating Line Plots with MATLAB. This page . The effect of the labeling
  • Jul 25, 2008 . A MATLAB tutorial on how to create better figures and plots. . the data title('
  • Can anyone tell me how to make a xlabel for a figure using LaTeX properties? I

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