Oct 5, 14
Other articles:
  • https://groups.google.com/d/topic/gnu.emacs.help/jNVvq4e_aq4‎CachedXEmacs vs Emacs (interactive . ) Paul D. Smith, 4/30/99 12:00 AM. I'm looking at
  • manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/gnuserv.1.html‎CachedSimilargnuclient allows the user to request a running Emacs or XEmacs process to edit
  • www.jwz.org/doc/lemacs.html‎CachedSimilarAt the time, the current version of GNU Emacs from the FSF was Emacs 18. .
  • www.softpanorama.org/People/. /history_of_emacs_and_xemacs.shtml‎CachedJun 22, 1992 . I am not big fun of GNU Emacs (see my editors page) and that's why I can
  • edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/Emacs‎CachedSimilarOct 11, 2012 . Emacs is a text editor, and much more. XEmacs provides a comprehensive
  • udel.edu/~pconrad/UnixAtUD/EmacsMainFrame.html‎CachedSimilarTo get started with emacs, open a terminal session (ssh session, or xterm) on
  • www.fi.infn.it/info/xemacs/xemacs.pdf‎CachedSimilarXEmacs è un potente editor, basato sullo GNU Emacs, specificamente . .. if
  • steve-yegge.blogspot.com/. /xemacs-is-dead-long-live-xemacs.html‎CachedSimilarApr 28, 2008 . As for the whole sordid history of the FSF-Emacs/XEmacs schism, you . Doesn't
  • lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-questions/2007. /138901.html‎CachedJan 3, 2007 . Emacs "by default" is very usable in plain FreeBSD ?onsole, also > XEmacs is
  • https://stallman.org/articles/xemacs.origin‎CachedThe roots of XEmacs go back to 1990, when the programmer in charge of
  • askubuntu.com/questions/136030/emacs-which-to-use‎CachedSimilarMay 12, 2012 . If you're installing Emacs onto a server or other environment that lacks . odd
  • https://ccrma.stanford.edu/guides/package/emacs/‎CachedSimilar"emacs" and "xemacs" are two closely related general purpose text editors. .
  • ergoemacs.org/emacs/emacs_vs_xemacs.html‎CachedSimilarThis page is a summary account of my experience with Emacs vs XEmacs. I'm a
  • https://stuff.mit.edu/afs/athena/. /xemacs/lib/xemacs. /sample.init.el‎CachedThis is a sample init.el file. It can be used without ;;; modification as your init.el or .
  • wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Emacs‎CachedSimilarAug 29, 2011 . (Its close relative XEmacs is the second most popular version.) . Emacs vs vi is
  • www.pmwiki.org/wiki/EmacsModes/Emacs‎CachedGNU Emacs and XEmacs — why two of them? . question 93; XEmacs v.s. GNU
  • sourceforge.net/p/open-cobol/mailman/message/21632508/‎CachedRe: [open-cobol-list] XEmacs vs Emacs - with OpenCOBOL. From: Alain <eurlix.
  • superuser.com/questions/73458/where-is-emacs-file‎CachedSimilarNov 20, 2009 . I do not find .emacs file in my home directory or anywhere in my system ! Am i
  • aspell.net/man-html/Using-Aspell-with-other-Applications.html‎CachedSimilarThe easiest way to use Aspell with Emacs or XEmacs is to add this line: (setq-
  • www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsAndXEmacs‎CachedSimilarThe EmacsWiki is for info and discussion about Emacs and XEmacs. . Either
  • https://wiki.python.org/moin/EmacsVsVi‎CachedSimilarApr 20, 2013 . A search online for "philosecurity ninja or pirate" will produce a fun read on Vi .
  • https://github.com/alexott/muse/‎CachedSimilarFeb 12, 2013 . A working copy of Emacs or XEmacs is needed in order to compile the Emacs
  • mwolson.org/notes/PlugEmacsBasics.html‎CachedNote: Some of what I say in this section may be subject to bias, since I help to
  • www.nongnu.org/emacs-tiny-tools/keybindings/index-body.html‎CachedSimilarAug 9, 2008 . Things are not black or white and people have different habits and not everyone
  • www.reddit.com/. /emacs/. /does_anyone_out_there_still_use_xemacs_or_ some/Nov 24, 2013 . Note to my fellow GNU Emacs users- I don't need to be sold on sticking with GNU
  • www.opencobol.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id. ‎CachedXEmacs vs Emacs - with OpenCOBOL. (Posted in the Forum and sent to the list)
  • ess.r-project.org/‎CachedSimilarEmacs Speaks Statistics (ESS) is an add-on package for emacs text editors such
  • www.mcw.edu/PCOR/Education/SAS/XEmacs.htm‎CachedSimilarJul 15, 2014 . GNU Emacs and XEmacs FAQs. How do I use the GNU Emacs or XEmacs editor
  • www.xemacs.org/About/XEmacsVsGNUemacs.html‎CachedSimilarMar 28, 2013 . XEmacs vs. GNU Emacs. Much of this page was written over a decade ago, by
  • https://blogs.oracle.com/khb/entry/the_sad_saga_of_xemacs‎CachedThe sad saga of xemacs vs. gnu emacs. By khb on Dec 12, 2005. I'd been a
  • https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2004/08/msg00564.html‎CachedAug 9, 2004 . Emacs, XEmacs and Qt vs. compose . I cannot use the compose key mechanism
  • unix.stackexchange.com/questions/28837/gnu-emacs-vs-xemacs‎CachedSimilarJan 11, 2012 . After using Vim for the past couple of years, I'm switching to emacs as part of my "
  • barry.warsaw.us/elisp/‎CachedSimilarI don't spend much time maintaining or developing lisp packages much these
  • amitp.blogspot.com/2007/. /weekend-project-xemacs-to-emacs.html‎CachedSimilarJan 20, 2007 . Around 1992 or 1993 I switched from Epoch to Lucid Emacs 19, and it was
  • https://dague.net/2008/05/19/the-switch-from-xemacs-emacs/‎CachedMay 19, 2008 . I've always felt the root of the emacs vs. vi holy war (which is one of the . mentor
  • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XEmacs‎CachedSimilarSeveral of XEmacs's principal developers have published accounts of the split
  • www.cse.msu.edu/Facility/Howto/TextEditing.php‎CachedSimilarVI and Emacs will always work through an ssh connection. Emacs (and XEmacs)
  • www.verilog.com/emacs_install.html‎CachedSimilarJan 8, 2013 . put the file verilog-mode.el in this directory, and call the file verilog-mode.el; edit
  • https://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~dscott/782/XEmacs.pdf‎CachedSimilarEnter XEmacs with the command xemacs or from a menu. Emacs uses control
  • stackoverflow.com/. /xemacs-vs-emacs-which-is-better-for-programming-c‎CachedSimilarwhich is better editor for C++ programming XEmacs or Emacs? . Wikipedia
  • tonic.physics.sunysb.edu/docs/emacs/xemacs.html‎CachedSimilarFor example, if you distribute copies of a such a program, whether gratis or for a
  • forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-235412-start-0.html‎CachedI'm having trouble merging latex-preview with only xemacs. . if you don't have
  • www.thecodingforums.com/. /re-gnu-emacs-and-xemacs-schism.726948/‎CachedJun 30, 2010 . Many people look at the split between GNU Emacs and XEmacs and are >
  • www.heikkitoivonen.net/blog/. /switching-from-xemacs-to-emacs/‎CachedSimilarJan 11, 2009 . It is now 2009, and I think Emacs has long since eclipsed XEmacs in . stuff like
  • www.perlmonks.org/bare/?node_id=461968‎Cached. this as well. Thanks! PS Emacs vs xEmacs in case anyone wants a look. . I
  • https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2002-January/017692.html‎CachedJan 8, 2002 . Two solutions: 1) Open a second emacs window explicitly. open xemacs once
  • arstechnica.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=571160‎CachedUmm, no. Where do you get your misinformation? Xemacs and GNU emacs are
  • www.linuxjournal.com/article/195‎CachedSimilarFeb 1, 1997 . Most Linux users have probably used the Gnu Emacs text editor at one time or
  • www-numi.fnal.gov/offline_software/srt_public. /XEmacs.html‎CachedDec 15, 1999 . 12/1/98: You have sent a rather thorough list of issues with the latest xemacs
  • https://www.gnu.org/. /emacs/. /Difference-between-Emacs-and-XEmacs. html‎Cached8.6 What is the difference between Emacs and XEmacs (formerly Lucid Emacs)?

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