Mar 4, 12
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  • Tectonics – Strike-slip faults jpb-2011. 147 movement within the wrench zone
  • A lateral fault with a more or less vertical fault surface. Also known as basculating
  • Definition of strike-slip fault – Our online dictionary has strike-slip fault information
  • 1208 Regmatic shear pattern. 1227. Definition of wrench fault. 1208 Major
  • Define wrench fault. What is wrench fault? wrench fault meaning, synonyms and
  • kinematic data support the interpretation that the fault formed as a low-angle
  • All these faults clearly conform with the usual definition of strike-slip faults,
  • major wrench faults elsewhere in the world. Detailed . angles to the main trace
  • geological faults in earth, ground faults, types of faults, strike slip faults, reverse .
  • By definition, the hanging wall occurs above the fault plane and the footwall . 3.1
  • strike-slip fault. —n. a geological fault on which the movement is along the strike
  • wrench fault ( ′rench ′fölt ) ( geology ) A lateral fault with a more or less vertical
  • fault interpretation. This study shows the importance of characterizing the
  • Jan 23, 2012 . Strike-slip fault system coincides with flower structures on the seismic lines (
  • cutting wrench faults. Quantitative Interpretation: In order to model the Debolt
  • 5), Stage II hydraulic joints on the whaleback (at 0 and 1), and the Stage IV
  • Definition of wrench in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of wrench. Pronunciation
  • 11, 3.1.3, wrench, strike slip, A strike slip fault in which the faut plane is more or
  • The statement "that feature is either a fracture or a fault" is exactly equivalent to .
  • Laramide wrench faults, basement-cored uplifts, and . This interpretation of
  • May 26, 2010 . strike-slip fault download as jpeg download as tiff. Strain partitioning. Definition of
  • Tureng - Turkish English Dictionary. Auto Complete : On | Off . The Free
  • Divergent Wrench Faulting in the Belize Southern Lagoon: Implications for
  • Touhuanping Fault, an active wrench fault within fold-and-thrust belt in .
  • [Archive] PT (i2/x2) Error Codes & Meanings Reference Information . Got an
  • Definition of wrench fault – Our online dictionary has wrench fault information
  • Unfortunately, different authors use strike-slip fault terminology in different ways,
  • Aspects of the topic strike-slip fault are discussed in the following places at .
  • Get the FREE one-click dictionary software for Windows or the iPhone app. Noun:
  • Sep 20, 2010 . A fault in which blocks of rock slip sideways past each other; also known as tear
  • strike-slip fault (str k sl p ). n. Geology. A fault in which surfaces on opposite sides
  • SEGIAAPG Case Histories and Interpretation. Wednesday Afternoon. Wrench
  • Among several possible origins, we find that the data are most consistent with
  • Strike-slip faults are either right-lateral or left-lateral. That means someone
  • “Pull-apart” origin of the central segment of Death Valley. . Geometries and
  • May 20, 2011 . The Preliminary Wrench Fault Tectonic Map (PWFTM) of Eastern Montana
  • Case Studies · Curve Mnemonic Dictionary · E-mail Subscriptions . The motion
  • (Click to enlarge) fault normal fault reverse fault strike-slip fault (Precision .
  • Intraplate strike-slip fault systems can accommodate tens to hundreds of . .. x is
  • of slip is horizontal the fault is known as a strike-slip fault. Oblique-slip faults have
  • Define wrench. What is wrench? wrench meaning, synonyms and audio
  • associated with these wrench faults present considerable problems of
  • Wrenched meaning , Definition of wrenched , what is wrenched .
  • strike-slip fault: technically only refers to orientation of net slip vector, hence the
  • Integration of these data with log, facies, hydrocarbon show, and production
  • Wrench Fault meaning , Definition of wrench fault , what is .
  • Case Studies · Curve Mnemonic Dictionary · E-mail Subscriptions . A type of
  • Definition of faults . Faults that combine reverse or normal slip with strike-slip
  • by means of analogue modeling . packs producing grabens, thrusts and strike
  • Expressions, Domain, Definition. Wrench fault · Mining, A transverse strike-slip

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