Mar 4, 12
Other articles:
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  • GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL, VOL. 24, 183-192 (1989). Wrench faults, pull-apart
  • (2003) Vauchez, Tommasi. Geological Society Special Publication. Read by
  • wrench fault ( ′rench ′fölt ) ( geology ) A lateral fault with a more or less vertical
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  • Monte Marshall, and examine the geology exhibited in the walls of the canyon. .
  • In a trigonometric system, a strike slip fault at an angle 0 < θ< 90° to σ1 is . .. such
  • strike-slip fault (str k sl p ). n. Geology. A fault in which surfaces on opposite sides
  • strike-slip fault: strike-slip component, but dip unspecified. wrench fault: strike-slip
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  • San Andreas Transform Fault on the Carrizo Plain. Areas of strike-slip .
  • Sign In. Published by the Geological Society of America . It is concluded that
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  • 38, p. 1-16. Moody, J. D., and Hill, M. J., 1956, Wrench-fault tectonics: Geological
  • Geologists are now finding numerous wrench-fault zones, especially in rocks of
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  • strike-slip fault (str k sl p ). n. Geology. A fault in which surfaces on opposite sides
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  • Wrench faults (Geology). Please provide your name, email, and your suggestion
  • In reality, many faults show a combination of dip-slip and strike-slip motion.
  • Like any fault, wrench faults can develop bends in a variety of ways . older faults
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