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Local deformation near bends in strike-slip faults can produce pull-apart basins
oblique-slip faults connecting the discontinuous ends of the strike-slip faults; (3)
The Western fault zone may have been reactivated later as a wrench fault. The
Like any fault, wrench faults can develop bends in a variety of . Trough is a
These faults absorbed the movement along the major strike-slip fault. The early
coinciding with the initiation of deposition within the Devonian basin. A N-S
the Rocky Mountain belt (Fig. 2). Several writers have hypothesized a wrench-
New Zealand, California. Constructive plate boundaries with oblique extension.
The basin margin faults are now part of a pattern of strike-slip faults which .
Elastic Rebound in a Strike-slip Fault . [Other names: normal-slip fault, tensional
Strike-Slip Fault Systems (2). • Termination of strike-slip fault. • Strike-slip
Feb 15, 2010 . CatatumboExamples of playtypes. A) Anticline related to a wrench fault. B)
Estudios geol., 43: 435-443 (1987). STRIKE-SLIP FAULTS IN THE SOUTHERN
Inclined dip-slip faults in which hanging wall has moved down . Basin and
Based on similarities with other well-documented strike-slip basins, we conclude
complex wrench fault network at Rulison Field, and its linkage to enhanced . ..
Jan 24, 2006 . Wrench-fault and half-graben tectonics in the development of the Palaeozoic
Strike-slip/Wrench fault basins. GEOL 755 – Basin Analysis. Spring 2009.
the Geological Conference on Exploration in the Murzuq Basin held in Sabha, .
strike-slip faulting. This is taken to indicate modification of the initial basin style by
It is a major left-lateral strike-slip fault, more than 1300 km in length, and . .. THE
Dextral wrench faulting on these structures during the Tertiary controlled the
Mar 24, 2005 . of narrow depositional basins) was driven by transtension (i.e., wrench faulting,
the faults, and the deformation is partly distributed outside the fault zone. The
structural movement (sagging, normal faulting, or wrench faulting). These
along major strike-slip faults throughout the world (e.g., Aydın and Nur, 1982;
The mid-Cretaceous Methow Basin is interpreted as a wrench-fault basin
Aspects of the topic strike-slip fault are discussed in the following places at .
Content Type, Conference Paper. Title, Wrench Faulting in Andaman Forearc
Abstract: The Chumstick Formation represents a Paleogene, humid-tropical,
with emphasis on the relations between defor mation patterns along strike slip
1n this paper, 1 reserve transform fault only for strike-slip faults in oceanic crust .
For most exploration purposes, strike slip, oblique slip, and wrench fault systems
Apr 14, 2009 . Strike-slip basins are incredibly variable and no one . basins at edges. •
on the bending or stepping geometry of the strike-slip fault or fault zone, and thus
Hydrocarbon aspects of the wrench fault system are well evidenced in the north-
Laramide wrench faults, basement-cored uplifts, and complimentary basins in
Basins formed through strike-slip action occur where a vertical fault plane curves.
seismic profile across a convergent strike-slip fault zone in the Ardmore basin (
Title, Basin Formation, Structural Traps, and Controls on Hydrocarbon
May 4, 2010 . 25'. Diagrammatic block-diagram of a left and right lateral, tilted, wrench-fault
South of the basin, present day crustal deformation is dominated by NW-trending
strike-slip fault: technically only refers to orientation of net slip vector, hence the .
(2001) Barnes. Journal of Structural Geology. Read by researchers in: 100%
Fault striations, McArthur Basin, NT. 55 thrusts; (ii) dip-slip movements follow
east, and are continuations of wrench faults recognized to the south. The wrench
development of pull-apart basins, related to the extensive strike-slip faulting
Strike slip basins on the scale of 40–80 km2 on such faults may be ephemeral