Dec 5, 11
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  • The U.S. Army, the branch of service designated responsible for all U.S. service
  • (2). The Times Atlas of the Second World War pp204,205 (3). Richard Overy .
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  • AXIS, MILITARY, CIVILIAN, TOTAL. GERMANY. 3500000, 700000, 4200000.
  • Not only was the Second World War the bloodiest conflict in human history, it was
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  • People die in war, and a lot of people — servicemen and civilians — died during
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  • Casualties suffered by each nation, as well as a complete World War 2 Timeline,
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  • Feb 5, 2010 . Statistics and facts about World War Two. . Numbers of Deaths. Death figures for
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  • Dumas, Samuel, and K.O. Vedel-Petersen, Losses of Life Caused By War (1923)
  • Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Casualties of World War II. The main
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  • World War II Deaths. Country, Military, Civilian, Total. Soviet Union, 13600000,
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  • Warren County Casualty List of World War II. Source: Buck-Eye .
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  • Large collection of photographs, documents and information .
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