Other articles:
Use italics or underlining for the titles of works you refer to in your paper. Any
Please refer to your MLA resources FIRST to match the precise format of your
[This Handout Supports Goal 8]. The Works Cited Page – MLA Format. Basic
A works cited page template that is designed to be compliant with MLA format.
Oct 20, 2010 . Citing Web Pages in a Works Cited List. Basic Format Author's Last Name, First
Oct 8, 2008 . Overview of MLA Style Research Papers · MLA Citation Links . The layout for
FORMAT FOR WORKS CITED PAGES. I. BOOKS: Arrange the information into
Works Cited - MLA Format. We have a subscription to Noodlebib, software which
Nov 16, 2011 . Description and examples of 1998 MLA in-text and works cited citation . To cite
Note: These citations serve as examples of how to format entries on Works Cited
4 days ago . offers examples for the general format of MLA research papers, in-text citations,
General guidelines for works cited in MLA style . . Alphabetize the entries in the
The page itself should be formatted in the following way: The title of the page-
A Sample Works Cited Page. [PLEASE NOTE: Many of these citations are
o d Library. MLA Works Cited. Documentation Guide. General rules: Use 1”
Feb 16, 2012 . This is the "Works Cited Page Format" page of the "MLA Citation Style Guide"
Finally, if you have referenced outside sources, you must include a works-cited
The Modern Language Association (MLA) style is widely accepted in most
Below is at exert of the MLA 7th edition handbook on how to properly format a
Works Cited in MLA Style - Sample Page · Research, Writing, and Style Guides (
Apr 18, 2012 . Whenever you incorporate outside sources into your own writing, you must
MLA Citation Style · Citing Sources in the Text · Works Cited list · Other
Citing with MLA Format (Works Cited Page). Book by a single author: Bernstein,
Jan 22, 2012 . The web page has been redesigned using a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)based
Improve CiteFastCite your work without leaving this page in four easy steps. Cite
1. Type "Works Cited" one inch from the top of your page. This measurement is
Works Cited Page Format. A Works Cited page, in conformity with MLA Style,
Below are standard formats and examples for basic bibliographic information .
Format for Work Cited Pages. The formats shown below for works cited pages
MLA Sample Works Cited Page. Summary: MLA (Modern Language Association)
Jun 27, 2011 . If they look odd on your computer, follow the format shown in the box at the end .
Format the Works Cited page · Contact Us · University of Wisconsin - Madison
Sample MLA Works Cited List (Daly). Daly 7 . This paper has been updated to
Format the Works Cited page. Immediately after typing the final line of your paper,
Below are some basic principles and examples of developing a list of Works
Section 3. Citing Sources in MLA Style. What is a Works Cited Page? The Works
how to cite sources and format the Works Cited page, how to create in-text
Jul 27, 2011 . Logical Fallacies in Writing · MLA Style Papers: Step-by-step . and push the
Jan 31, 2012 . offers examples for the general format of MLA research papers, in-text citations,
Parenthetical notations in your paper list the author's last name and page number
MLA Format: Works Cited (Print Sources) . Start Works Cited on a new page with
Convert your Works Cited into MLA, APA & Chicago Style Formats. Need to cite
Sample Works Cited Entries: APA Format (6th edition) . In Title of reference work
MLA Format. Citing Sources on the Works Cited Page. To see what a completed
Creating a Works Cited page in MLA style. The Works Cited page lists all of the
Book with one author. Brown, Paul. Greenpeace. New York: New Discovery
Making a works cited page in APA format can be tedious or confusing if the style