Other articles:
Feb 29, 2012 . Lexington, KY - When my husband and I discovered that we were expecting our
Old wives tales about pregnancy and baby gender are just that-old wives tales.
Aug 26, 2011 . Dedicated to all my friends who are currently pregnant =D. Some of the
Many old wives' tales, especially those surrounding pregnancy and childbirth,
Old wives' tales are little more than super-circulated rumors. Never proven to . If
Learn about the most common old wives tales around how to tell if you're carrying
Mary Murry is a certified nurse-midwife in the Department of Obstetrics &
Your doctor is the only one who can say for sure, but you can find out which
May 24, 2010 . There are a whole range of rumours and myths surrounding pregnancy from
Are you having a boy or a girl? These old wives' tales are a fun (but not scientific!)
Learn how to tell if you are having a boy or a girl with our complete list of gender
Mar 24, 2012 . Hi Girlies! How are you on this gorgeous Saturday? After a pretty awful week on
Just-for-fun old wives' tales to predict the gender of your baby, from Chinese birth
But I am planning on a pregnancy and have tried many old wives tales to try and
Jul 29, 2009 . Strange folk lore and old wives' tales have been passed down from families of all
Oct 12, 2011 . BALTIMORE - Why do we cling to old wives' tales when we live in a world rich
Sep 11, 2011 . Old Wives' Tales . convenience store; purchase an over-the-counter home
Feb 12, 2008 . Of all the old wives' tales out there, most pertain to pregnancy. Whether it be
Apr 19, 2007 . Old wives' tales are oral traditions passed down through generations. Pregnancy
These are just two of the countless old wives' tales which claim to predict the sex
It's all great to hear advice during your pregnancy, especially unwelcome advice.
Jan 26, 2009 . Hello there! If you are new here, please subscribe to our RSS feed to stay up-to-
Pregnancy Information at StorkNet's Pregnancy Channel.
Jul 1, 2008 . Reading through a pregnancy manual I came across some of these ancient
May 24, 2011 . Women used to get their pregnancy information from other women—the “old
Share your pregnancy related old wives tales and myths.
Feb 17, 2012 . Our interactive, just for fun, old wives tale gender predictor will predict the sex of
Which are fact and which are fiction? Get the truth behind 10 common maternity
Find out what to expect from your pregnancy during each .
Are they just old wives' tales? Hispanic moms-to-be often hear lots of pregnancy
Also My son wanted nothing to do with his Aunt when she was pregnant and she
So you're pregnant. Congratulations! We know that one of the first questions that
Today old wives' tales are still common among children in school playgrounds.
Fetal heart rate and gender prediction Announcement - post is pinned and allows
Anyone who has ever been pregnant has had to suffer through a supersitition or
Old wives tales - we know they're not true but we love them anyway! There are
The prevalence of old wives' tales regarding pregnancy covers just about
There are so many old wives tales floating around during pregnancy that it is
By Nadine Bells Pregnancy is exciting; it's hope and fear and the unknown all
Feb 4, 2005 . If you're trying to get pregnant there are some common myths that can prevent
Olds wives tales abound in pregnancy, how can you tell fact from fiction when it
There are many often-told tales about a pregnant woman carrying high or low.
Jun 24, 2010 . As if you're not bombarded with enough information and facts while you're
Old Wife Tale Gender Predictor. Gender Predictor using Old Wife Tale signs. It's a
The Old Wives Tales abound about the gender of your unborn baby. During
One of the most common gender-predictors is the way you carry your baby.
There are a lot of old wives tales regarding pregnancy. Everything from taking
Wondering if your little bundle of joy will be a boy or a girl? Read on for some of
These are the best of the best of old wives' tales and pregnancy folklore.
Many myths and Old Wives Tales about pregnancy have persisted through the