Other articles:
www.huffingtonpost.com/. /wisconsin-recall-election-races_n_921215.htmlCachedAug 9, 2011 . WASHINGTON -- Following a highly contentious seven-month battle, all but one
www.pewtrusts.org/. /recall-elections-in-wisconsin-test-support-for- republican-programCachedJul 12, 2011 . A series of nine recall elections across Wisconsin, starting Tuesday (July 12) .
dailycaller.com/. /outsiders-spend-millions-on-wisconsin-recall-elections/CachedAug 9, 2011 . Outsiders spend millions on Wisconsin recall elections. . Two Democrats face
patch.com/wisconsin/. /a-look-back-at-the-2011-wisconsin-senate-recall- electionsCachedJul 31, 2014 . Wisconsin made history in 2011, when nine recall elections were held within . A
www.bloomberg.com/. /wellpoint-joins-koch-help-fight-wisconsin-state- senate-recalls.htmlCachedAug 3, 2011 . The first Wisconsin recall, on July 19, saw the Democratic incumbent . Two more
www.dailykos.com/. /-Wisconsin-recall-Conservatives-sending-Dems- absentee-ballots-with-instructions-to-return-them-lateCachedAug 1, 2011 . Wisconsin recall: Conservatives sending Dems absentee ballots with . 11” – the
action.wearewisconsin.org/p/salsa/web/common/. /content?. item. CachedSimilarOn Tuesday, August 9th, we recalled two of Governor Walker's allies in the state
news.firedoglake.com/. /checking-in-on-the-wisconsin-recall-elections/CachedJul 7, 2011 . August 16: General elections for 2 remaining Dem recalls . field, and in that case
wisconsinwave.org/state/wisconsinSimilarThe Wisconsin Business Alliance is a nonpartisan, nonprofit statewide
www.politico.com/news/stories/0811/60515.htmlCachedAug 2, 2011 . The upcoming recall elections of six GOP state senators could flip control of .
https://www.facebook.com/. /Wisconsin-Recall-Elections. / 223694024326732CachedWisconsin Recall Elections: Real Democrats And Fake Ones. 312 likes. The Real
www.prwatch.org/. /front-groups-dive-wisconsin-recall-electionsCachedAug 4, 2011 . Republicans have countered these elections by launching recalls against two
www.wausaudailyherald.com/assets/pdf/u017780885.pdfCachedIt is unprecedented in Wisconsin for nine recall elections to be taking place at the
www.nbc15.com/. /First_Wisconsin_Recall_Election_Sets_The_Stage_For_8 _More_125737068.htmlCachedJul 20, 2011 . MILWAUKEE (AP) -- A Wisconsin state senator has survived a recall election .
wrtl.org/. /coming-down-to-the-wire-recall-elections-on-aug-9-aug-16/CachedJul 28, 2011 . But here we are down to the wire with the first set of recall elections set for
wisdems.org/news/press/category/Jonathan+SteitzCachedSimilarAugust 16, 2011 . Democratic victories in the historic Wisconsin State Senate
gab.wi.gov/elections-voting/2011/recall/july-19CachedSimilarAug 16, 2011 . STATE OF WISCONSIN . July 19, August 16, 2011 Recall Elections . Official
www.prolifewisconsin.org/monupd_files/july1111monupd.htmlCachedThe general election will be held on Tuesday, August 16.
www.newsmax.com/politics/wisconsin-recall-elections. /405435/CachedJul 31, 2011 . Robocalls urging residents of Wisconsin's 32nd Senate District to turn out to vote
talkingpointsmemo.com/. /koch-group-mails-suspicious-absentee-ballot- letters-in-wisconsinCachedSimilarAug 1, 2011 . TPM SLIDESHOW: Mad In Madison: Wisconsin Workers Protest Against . There
www.lifenews.com/. /wisconsin-pro-life-group-recall-elections-could-affect- abortion/CachedJun 29, 2011 . A Wisconsin pro-life group is urging pro-life voters in the state to pay attention .
archive.greenbaypressgazette.com/. /Wisconsin-Democrat-Dave-Hansen- defeats-David-VanderLeest-Senate-recall-electionCachedJul 20, 2011 . 9 when six GOP senators face Democratic challengers followed by the Aug. 16
host.madison.com/data/maps/politics/2011-senate-recalls/CachedDemocrats held on to both state senate seats targeted in Aug. 16 recall elections,
theconservativetreehouse.com/. /wisconsin-recall-challenge-election-today/CachedAug 9, 2011 . Wisconsin Recall Challenge Election – Midnight CST *All Races Called* .
www.alternet.org/. /wisconsin_recall%3A_dems_take_back_2_seats_from_ gop%3B_republicans_retain_control_of_state_senate%3B_tamperin. CachedAug 9, 2011 . *CORRECTION: This piece originally stated that the two state senators facing
www.motherjones.com/. /wisconsin-recall-americans-prosperity-dark-moneyCachedSimilarAug 5, 2011 . The $31 million spent on the recalls—the six August 9 elections and two more
www.freerepublic.com/focus/bloggers/2764716/postsCachedAug 16, 2011 . Posted on August 16, 2011 at 6:11:23 PM PDT by Nachum . McCabe added the
mediamatters.org/research/2011/08/12/right-wing. /181342CachedAug 12, 2011 . The $31 million spent on the recalls -- the six August 9 elections and two more .
hotlineoncall.nationaljournal.com/archives/. /the-wisconsin-r.phpCachedJul 12, 2011 . The Wisconsin recall elections officially kick off today with . August 16:
richardcharnin.wordpress.com/. /16/can-the-gop-win-the-aug-16-democratic -recall-elections/CachedAug 16, 2011 . Richard Charnin August 16, 2011 Election results are always a function of voter
www.politisite.com/. /16/wisconin-recall-election-results-august-16-2011/CachedAug 16, 2011 . Check back right after the polls close for election results as they are posted by the
www.csmonitor.com/. /In-final-Wisconsin-recall-signs-of-a-national-tea- party-backlashCachedSimilarAug 16, 2011 . Wisconsin will hold its final two recall elections Tuesday amid signs that the
www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/127831843.htmlCachedSimilarAug 16, 2011 . Six months of political warfare reached its conclusion Tuesday, with the final
ballotpedia.org/Recall_of_Wisconsin_State_Senators_(2011)CachedSimilarMay 9, 2014 . Recall campaigns directed against 16 Wisconsin state senators were .
www.co.walworth.wi.us/. /ElectionResults/ Recall%20Election%20website%20posting.pdfCachedJul 19, 2011 . Recall Election - State Senate District 22. July 19, 2011 Primary/August 16, 2011
www.reuters.com/. /us-wisconsin-recalls-idUSTRE77F2W820110817CachedSimilarAug 17, 2011 . "Wisconsin now emerges from this recall election season with a united
www.aflcio.org/. /Right-Wing-Money-Fuels-Fight-Against-Wisconsin- RecallsCachedAug 3, 2011 . 9 recall elections pit working family candidates against the six incumbent Walker
scottwalkerwatch.com/august-16-recall-election-results-for-state-senate- district-12-and-22/CachedYou can view August 9 results where Democrats Jessica King and Jennifer
hotair.com/archives/. /wisconsin-senate-recall-elections-round-2/CachedJul 19, 2011 . Today is the second round of four in the elections of Wisconsin's Recall Madness,
www.isthmus.com/daily/article.php?article=34322CachedAug 10, 2011 . Scott Walker's policies. All senators facing recall today are Republicans, while
www.theatlantic.com/. /08/. wisconsin. recall-elections. /243419/CachedAug 10, 2011 . No Closure for Wisconsin After Recall Elections Fail . . one-vote majority
www.globalpost.com/dispatch/. /wisconsin-senators-recall-electionsCachedTwo recall elections in Wisconsin are being held Tuesday, to determine the
legis.wisconsin.gov/spotlight/spotl495.htmCachedAug 23, 2011 . Governor Walker signed SB-148 and 149 as 2011 Wisconsin Acts 43 and 44 on
www.usatoday.com/. /2011-07-12-wisconsin-recalls-fake-democrats_n.htmCachedSimilarJul 12, 2011 . Fake Democrats lose in Wisconsin primary recalls . are the first in a series of
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wisconsin_Senate_recall_elections,_2011CachedSimilarSee also: Wisconsin gubernatorial recall election, 2012 . . Holperin) prevailed in
www.thenewamerican.com/. /9531-wisconsin-recall-elections-attract-national -attention-fundsCachedAug 8, 2011 . The elections for the other two incumbent Democrats will take place on August 16
crooksandliars.com/kenneth. /wisconsin-recall-results-and-openCachedBy Kenneth Quinnell August 16, 2011 6:00 pm - Comments . Democrats win five
www.nytimes.com/2011/08/17/us/17wisconsin.htmlThe vote drew an end to an unprecedented series of recall elections that had
www.washingtonpost.com/. /wisconsin-recall-election. /gIQAgSSt6I_story. htmlSimilarVoters in Wisconsin recalled two of the six Republican State Senators in
politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/. /wisconsin-recall-elections-underway/CachedJul 12, 2011 . The winners of the GOP primaries will face Democratic incumbent state senators