Other articles:
Aug 24, 2009 . Library Guides. WISCAT - Finding Items in Wisconsin Libraries. Placing
Aug 11, 2010 . Where: Mid-Wisconsin Federated Library System, 112 Clinton St, Horicon, . 1:00
A complete list of libraries that have submitted order forms for .
Library. How to Search WISCAT. WISCAT is the statewide catalog of materials
Jan 2, 2012 . WISCAT is Wisconsin's statewide library catalog, containing almost 6 million titles
Initiating Your Own ILL Request Using The. WISCAT Catalog. You must be a
Casual conversations with Wisconsin library users and non-library users alike .
Jul 30, 2007 . WISCAT is the state of Wisconsin catalog. Here you will find bibliographic records
WISCAT is one way Wisconsin's libraries discover and share materials through
Oct 25, 2005 . The libraries listed in WISCAT are willing to loan many of the materials through
Aug 24, 2009 . Library Guides. WISCAT - Finding Items in Wisconsin Libraries. Home.
Contact: Show All, Elaine Baribeau, Library Media Specialist .
Jul 14, 2010 . to build a bridge between WISCAT, OCLC, and other Auto-Graphics customers'
WISCAT. Manitowoc Calumet Library System. 17 November 2011. Vickie Long,
Nov 23, 2011 . The Fond du Lac Public Library has two catalogs - one for FDL items and Wiscat,
. for WISCAT and Linked Systems Reference and Loan Library .
Wisconsin's WISCAT libraries have been joining the Auto-Graphics Inter-System
Sep 1, 2010 . WISCAT and Your Library's Website. by Charles Clemence. As libraries have
Aug 24, 2009 . Library Guides. WISCAT - Finding Items in Wisconsin Libraries. Searching
Requesting Items in WISCAT. Your library is making it possible for users to locate
Wiscat. Wiscat · General · Library Catalog. How Do I. ? Get a library card? Check
Jan 23, 2012 . SuperiorLRC's Library. >WISCAT Journal Request. You must enable JavaScript
WISCAT Software. There is an annual $200 license fee for libraries that require a
The libraries listed in WISCAT are willing to loan materials through statewide
WISCAT is the statewide bibliographic database for Wisconsin. It contains 6.7
WISCAT is a library card catalog of items in many, many libraries in Wisconsin
Apr 1, 2010 . I can't recommend it enough for all those library folk in Wisconsin. In anycase,
Dec 20, 2011 . WISCAT is a fully featured, highly customizable tool that allows resource sharing
Oct 13, 2011 . WISCAT as originally conceived was intended to be primarily a cataloging tool.
Patron Initiated Requesting Statistics. 438 libraries use. WISCAT ILL. 84 libraries
A project of the Resources for Libraries & Lifelong Learning team, Department of
May 19, 2011 . The data can then be sent to a third party to be entered into the WISCAT union
Acronym Finder: WISCAT stands for Catalog of Wisconsin Library Holdings. This
Top 10 Countries. Z39.50 Targets Library Catalogs searchable in WISCAT. New
The number of unverified or reference interlibrary loan forms that were completed
Search WISCAT second. The WISCAT library catalog is a statewide library
Jul 1, 2010 . Wiscat is a database of library holdings throughout the state in public and
Dec 16, 2011 . WISCAT is a catalog of the print and non-print material available at most
Wiscat is a statewide database for searching catalogs of libraries throughout
How to Use LTC Student–Initiated Interlibrary Loan (WISCAT). Materials not
Dec 7, 2010 . The Wiscat database is produced annually by the Wisconsin Division for Library
Linda Bailen, NWLS ILL/Reference Librarian, will discuss interlibrary loan issues
91 items . McCloskey/Library Instruction—Revised July 26, 2010. Richard J. Brown Library.
SuperiorLRC's Library. >WISCAT request. You must enable JavaScript to use
WISCAT is the statewide bibliographic database for Wisconsin. It contains 6.7
Merrill Public Library Your library since 1891. | Interlibrary Loan for Merrill
Jan 20, 2012 . 100 Anniversary - with Audio For YOUTUBE · 100 years Final - Seriously ·
WISCAT contains material in all formats, including books, serials, video
ILLiad—ILL Management • WISCAT to ILLiad input • LVIS—Libraries Very
Library. Physical & Virtual Resources Reference Links Library Services . Visit