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Dec 27, 2008 . After 15-17 wipes. we where all used to it. then tera was kind . Now Malice
PVE Rankings for WoW Players & Guilds, Popular Items, and Realm Stats.
Voidzones Give Buffs, 2 recent reports. Wipes on Trash, 16 recent reports. Worst
43, Focus (10) · Arathor-US, Jul 10, 2011, 1320, 25. 44, Wipes on Trash · Arathor-
Sep 3, 2008 . We have a serious shortage of those two professions in our guild. . of the fight is
Oct 31, 2011 . Welcome to the Wipes on Trash guild website. We're a 10-man progression
WoW guild progress for Wipes on Trash of Arathor - GuildOx World of Warcraft
Arathor (US) Guild Scoreboards . .. 2758374.634442%, Wipes on Trash · Arathor
The trash in Gruul's lair (what little of it there is) is on an hour respawn. . Kara
Wipes on Trash on Arathor (US) Scoreboards . .. Show More · See how Wipes on
House of Arathor, located on Argent Dawn, is looking for well geared, . and not
[Archive] Page 2 Qt3 Guild on Arathor thread Games. . It was a tough run with a
Aug 7, 2010 . If you see a guild listed here which you know has disbanded, please . We Wipe
Your all purpose World of Warcraft related Achievement site. Compare yourself to
Oct 31, 2011 . Previous Guild Experience: (Wipes on Trash, Arathor, Zastin) I only left because
Official Arathor Realm Forum unofficial forums - arathor.net - Which are tons
Jun 27, 2007 . Officers should stand proudly at the head of the guild, facing the same . After two
Guild Message of the Day - April 26th. Guildies with Facebook . Ancient Order of
The Spine Challenges Top Guilds. It has been . Spec, Guild, Realm, Normal,
25-man and 10-man guild ranking for US-Arathor in the World of Warcraft (WoW)
When I looked up "PvPers Arathor", however I was a little confused at the .
WoW guild progress for Wipes on Trash of Arathor - GuildOx World of Warcraft
wipes on trash arathor wipes on trash arathor guild, Manufacturers Directory -
25-man and 10-man guild ranking for US-Arathor in the World of Warcraft (WoW)
Alert icon. Sign in or sign up now! Alert icon. Loading. Uploaded by chanfle98
Jun 30, 2011 . PVE Rankings for WoW Players & Guilds, Popular Items, and Realm Stats.
Sign in or sign up now! Alert icon. Loading. Uploaded by chanfle98 on Oct 18,
Apr 20, 2012 . Current progression and ranking details of the 10-man World of Warcraft (WoW)
Compare yourself to your guild, your realm, or the world! . Wipes on Trash
( let's keep the wipes on the trash before a secret?) ;) . What started last year as
Arathor. Profile · Souldier. 85 Gnome Warlock. Wipes on Trash . Wipes on Trash
PVE Rankings for WoW Players & Guilds, Popular Items, and Realm Stats.
Prairie purchased item Erupting Volcanic Legwraps. 10 hours ago. Nehmi
. Brings all dead party and raid members back to life with 35% health and 35%
Sep 23, 2009 . If you want to see your guild (or a sweet forum thread full of drama . . Wipes on
Sep 5, 2009 . Randyflagg. Human Death Knight. <Wipes on Trash>. Arathor . I'm not a person
testguild, 1 recent reports. The Underground, 12 recent reports . Legacy Of
“Alliance Guild of Arathor About us An up and coming guild formed by some old
Wipes On Trash Guild Arathor. No results, sorry. Try less words? ie. Wipes On
Detailed guild history for Wipes on Trash, US-Arathor: rankings, . www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/arathor/Wipes+on+Trash - Cached - SimilarWoW Guild Wipes on Trash @ Arathor :: WoWProgress - World of . Detailed guild history for Wipes on Trash, US-Arathor: rankings, boss kill history,
Jun 29, 2010 . Your account from any Guild Launch site is valid here. Email . Server : US -
. of Cataclysm raid · 2.1, Candy for all real guild but rotten egg for fake guild · I
Jul 20, 2011 . DECLINED - App: Peraley - by Agriäs Oaks - Viewtopic for the Guild . that title
Adwarfdk guild, 3 recent reports. Ascent, 7 recent reports . Legacy Of Arathor ·
It looks like you're trying to visit the guild site that used to be at http://wipes.
Oct 31, 2011 . Sanjira Combat Rogue - Arathor - Viewtopic for the Guild website for . Currently
Our guild is <Undergeared> on the EU-Arathor realm, Horde side. . . have any
Legion Of Hell; Arathor (Up); Level 25; 292 Members . Recent Guild Perk . nice
Souldier - Arathor -. Server: Arathor Faction: Alliance Wipes on Trash is a 10-man