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Detailed guild history for Wipes On Trash, US-Auchindoun: rankings, boss kill
Information. Description: This group is dedicated to the World Of Warcraft guild
. of the Phoenix on the EU - English - Auchindoun server of World of Warcraft. .
Feb 14, 2012. the World of Warcraft (WoW) character "Swaggoo" on US-Auchindoun. .
Mar 23, 2009 . Novus <Wipes On Trash> of Auchindoun. 80. The most recent post I could find on
. endgame content and don't get negatively affected by wiping. . We enjoy
Feb 21, 2008 . The Auchenai Crypts are a wing of the the Auchindoun instance that is meant for
7, Breakfasteat. Wipes on Trash (. US-Baelgun, 50359. 8, Eriya. Concilium · EU-
Sep 18, 2011 . “is a new Raiding guild on Auchindoun. All of it's members . . “Were the last 3
. will disappear once translation has comnpleted! Wipes On Trash. Server,
Alert icon. Loading. Uploaded by Healsforfood on Nov 26, 2008. Wipes on
Auchindoun is a former draenei holy site and Horde fortress in the middle of the
Wipes on Trash (10) · Baelgun-US, Apr 6, 2012 03:49, T13H 6/8, 19935.87. 4,
Vilianda: Fun but in the end easy boss . just the sheer amount of trash to clear .
Feb 12, 2009 . Wipes on Trash vs Sartharionby Healsforfood216 views · Naxxramas 10 player -
Auchindoun is a former draenei holy site and Horde fortress in the middle of the
any encounter that you can nail tactically but then still wipe to over and over to . .
Sethekk Halls is a wing of the Auchindoun instance. It's geared for 5 level . 3.1
Nov 24, 2008 . In heroic mode, most trash is on an approximately 8 hour respawn timer. . After a
Apr 23, 2009 . Rhinehart <Wipes On Trash> of Auchindoun. 80. Q u o t e: It's true that almost all
. Pandaria Talent Calculator Play with the upcoming talent system and give us
Auchindoun is a former draenei holy site and Horde fortress in the middle of the
Feb 23, 2008 . The last instance in Auchindoun is the Shadow Labyrinth, and is meant for
Wipes on Trash vs Sapphiron (Heroic). Sapphiron boss kill with The Hundred
Since then Auchindoun has just been going downhill. . even if i find myself
Auchindoun is a former draenei holy site and Horde fortress in the middle of the
http://www.wowjutsu.com/us/auchindoun/Ally%20Intelligence There is all the
Apr 15, 2012 . Sethekk Halls is a wing of the Auchindoun instance. . Several enemies can fear
Detailed guild history for Wipes On Trash, US-Auchindoun: rankings, boss kill
The Shadow Labyrinth is one of four instances in Auchindoun. . Normal trash
Auchenai Crypts is a wing of the Auchindoun instance. Its entrance can be . 3
I'm curious in how many Death Knights make use of this ability?www.threadmeters.com/hC7q5b/Raise_Ally/ - CachedDisease Glyph/Pestilence Bug - World of Warcraft | TMApr 16, 2009 . Novus <Wipes On Trash> of Auchindoun. 80. Q u o t e: I believe I've found a
Realm History stands as the most flexible, user-friendly, cross-realm platform
Jun 13, 2011 . We have with us, Azuriel of Auchindoun-US, who will be sharing their . it is hard
I wouldn't care how many wipes it took, but to kill HC Ragnaros would be
Guild Message of the Day - September 24th. New applicants . tgt.guildzilla.com/?start=10 - CachedDominium of Auchindoun (EU)Dec 28, 2011 . The wipes were due to getting used to the damage/mechanics on . So far
Arena Junkies: Warsabi @ US-Auchindoun - Arena Junkies. Jump to content .
Apr 15, 2012 . The Mana-Tombs are a wing of the Auchindoun instance. . as each hit could
Arena Junkies: Roosterman @ US-Auchindoun - Arena Junkies. Jump to content.
Romulo and Julianne- Wipes on Trash. . Wipes on trash doing the Opera event
Wipes on Trash vs Sapphiron (Heroic). Sapphiron boss kill with The Hundred
Wipes on Trash. . Eksor of Wiping on Trash getting the Unholy Infusion part of
< Wipes On Trash >. Auchindoun. 142. Re: Welcome: Please . OMG finally
Featuring mobs that aggro wipe, Casters that polymorph tanks, and Sorcerers .
The Mana-Tombs are a wing of the Auchindoun instance. It is accessed north
Bad Boys on the Auchindoun server. 1:12. Added: 3 . I'm Jitterz teh Gnome on
Dec 14, 2011. of Warcraft (WoW) character "Swaggootwo" on US-Auchindoun. . Eclipsys,