Other articles:
Feb 15, 2012 . She was growing hops on the same 1000 acres in the Willamette Valley .
Dec 31, 2009 . The Cascades are more strongly flavored than Willamette and are a totally
The common hop is a dioecious (plants are usually either male or female)
Don't be afraid to substitute Saaz, Hallertau, Spalt, Liberty, or Mt. Hoods. . .. We
Hops descriptions including alpha acid content, aroma profile, common uses,
Profile: Poor aroma; Sharp bittering hop. Usage: Bittering for ales. AA Range: 8 -
The best recipes for egg substitute willamette hops curated from the top recipe
Feb 5, 2012 . Interestingly, a couple of sources mentioned that Willamette hops can be used as
Dec 3, 2010 . We are often asked how the “Hop Substitution Charts” available on the . in the
Apr 6, 2010 . At any rate, my newest experiment was to test if the variety of hop used for .
Turbodog is a dark brown ale brewed with Willamette hops and a combination of
Hops. 0.75 oz (21 g) East Kent Golding, 5.8% Alpha Acid, for 60 minutes (If E.K.
Recommended substitute for UK Fuggle, Willamette, Styrian Golding, US
Pedigree, A triploid seedling of the English fuggle variety . www.highgravitybrew.com/BeerHops/willamettehopsprofile.html - Cached - SimilarHop Variety Descriptions - FreshopsAroma hops have a lower alpha acid percentage and an oil . www.freshops.com/hops/variety_descriptions - Cached - SimilarUSDA Named Hop Variety Descriptions - FreshopsHistory of Hops in the Willamette Valley . .. substitute. Not grown commercially in
Guide to hops for homebrewers and beer enthusiasts. Lists hop . www.beertutor.com/articles/hops_guide.shtml - CachedHop Profiles - HomebrewStuffSubstitutes: Willamette, East Kent Goldings, Styrian Goldings. GALAXY [PELLET]
HomeBrew4Less.com Hops Cross-Reference Chart />www.homebrew4less.com/docs/Hops_Cross-Reference_Chart.html - Cached - SimilarWhat's a balanced bittering hop for both English and American ales . Apr 5, 2011 . What's a good, balanced bittering hop that will let me keep just one . Both are
May 4, 1995 . Since information is in short supply on some of these hops, you'll see . . Range:
For a complete copy of the USA Hop Variety Manual (updated March 2011),
Type, Alpha Acid %, Origin, Recommended Usages, Substitute . Fuggle, 4-6,
Ahtanum is a hop variety that in its aroma/flavoring is similar to Willamette in .
In the table below I have listed some common substitute hops for quite a few
Hi, this is our hop profile page. I hope it is helpful in your brewing adventures.I'm
Willamette is a good hop in darker beers (flavor/aroma), and would probably be a
Hop Variety ---> Possible Substitutes Admiral ---> Target . Fuggle ---> Willamette
Hop Variety Comparison Chart.kotmf.com/articles/hopslist.php - Cached - SimilarThe Northern Brewer Homebrew Forum • View topic - Willamette vs . Do you guys thing KG would be an acceptable or "better" substitute hop? PS. The
Hops in pellet form for making beer. . 4-6%, Willamette, Styrian Golding, US
So how do I choose the right hops for my beer? With such a . byo.com/resources/hops - CachedBeer Styles - American Blonde Ale: Style Profile - Brew Your Ownsubstitute with Willamette, Glacier, U.S. Fuggle, U.S. Tettnang or. Styrian Golding
WILLAMETTE Bittering Hops, Find complete details about Bittering Hops from
Hops. 0.75 oz (21 g) East Kent Golding, 5.8% Alpha Acid, for 60 minutes (If E.K.
Aug 28, 2007 . Released from the U.S.D.A. hop breeding program in 1976, Willamette is a
Aroma Hop mild and pleasant, slightly spicy with a hint of citrus. Typical Brewing
Re: Check out the price on Willamette HOPS! . a Pilsner since it is a clean hop,
This item: RiteBrew - Willamette Pellet Hops - 1 oz. by RiteBrew $1.39 . ..
Hop Substitution Chart. Homebrewing recipes. Articles about . www.brew365.com/hop_substitution_chart.php - Cached - SimilarWillamette Hops | Brew DudesJan 8, 2008 . I learned that too from him.) Now for the hop profile: Willamette hops are a hybrid
You can substitute this hop with Fuggle UK hops, Willamette hops, Styrian
I would dry hop with either or both of the C hops. I have never . In fact I avoid
Accented by spicy notes in the finish, this hop has a mild and . www.mrbeer.com/category-exec/category_id/203 - Cached - SimilarFresh Beer Every Friday: December 2010Dec 31, 2010 . I've seen that Willamette are good substitute hops for English Fuggle hops.
I was picking up supplies and found this handy dandy hop profile sheet put
Hops substitution, if you're unfamiliar, is just as it sounds: During the brewing .
Quick DetailsType:Hop ExtractSpecifications$2.99Name: Willamette Grown:US
Name, Alpha Acid %, Typical Beer Styles, Possible . www.schiesshouse.com/hop_properties_chart.htm - Cached - SimilarA Question of Pedigree -- The Role of Genealogy in Hop SubstitutionsTo home brewers, reading the labels in the hop section of the local supply store