Other articles:
blog.hubsec.eu/error-handling.htmlCachedSimilarAug 24, 2014 . For example, if both Campsite and Park are given, only objects which are both
For another example, human can identify air pollution or water pollution
We can get both types of places from Wikimapia's API, at photo indexing time, by
www.stoa.org/archives/491CachedOct 2, 2006 . I've been thinking about new ways Wikimapia could be extended with Google
wikimapia.org/api/CachedSimilarExamples. http://api.wikimapia.org/?key=example&function=place.
https://gigaom.com/. /419-google-india-launches-mapmaker-taking-on-wiki- mapia/CachedAug 31, 2008 . Mapmaker itself heavily draws upon edit tools inspired by Wiki-Mapia, however,
www.xbiao.tech/questions/2512531/using-the-wikimapia-org-apiCachedFor example, to find a train station near a particular coordinate: http://api.
For example, Google Maps enables . Other systems, such as WikiMapia (www.
https://media.readthedocs.org/pdf/wikimapia-api-py/. /wikimapia-api-py.pdfOr create new config instance. API.config = Config(delay=2000, language='de'). #
https://stackoverflow.com/. /get-coordinates-from-wikimapia-apiCachedSimilarMar 31, 2012 . Example: <script type="text/javascript" > var apikey = "YOUR API KEY"; var
www.rprogramming.info/search/mirror%20query%20example/60CachedFunction to get polygons in an area from Wikimapia. createWikimapiaAreaURL <-
wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/NominatimCachedSimilarNov 5, 2017 . Several companies provide hosted instances of Nominatim that you can query
asknonymous.info/thread/gis/questions/22172/register.htmlCached[SOLVED] How do I export from Wikimapia to KML | I'm not a API person but a
https://www.programmableweb.com/api/wikimapiaCachedSimilarWikiMapia is an editable interactive map with the stated goal of creating and
The VGI potential of web-based GIS applications such as OpenStreet Map (http://
Google: Google Maps API (2009), http://code.google.com/apis/maps/ (last ac-
https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:TutorialCachedSimilarOct 4, 2017 . This page contains some unpolished quick notes used to present Roan Kattouw's
archivnimapy.cuzk.cz/test/olegsmith-leaflet.geomanager-5dbc31b/CachedExample; Description; Usage; Options; Methods; Source code . Wikimapia API;
https://apiant.com/. /Wikimapia-to-Esri-ArcGIS-Mapping-and-VisualizationCachedConnect Wikimapia and Esri ArcGIS Mapping and Visualization to automate your
https://www.freelancer.com.jm/job-search/wikimapia-api/?new=trueSearch for jobs related to Wikimapia api or hire on the world's largest freelancing
https://sumesecusathesis.wordpress.com/. /openlayers-wikimapia-and-google- maps/CachedSimilarAug 18, 2010 . In our last group advising we were told to find other existing GIS data mapping
https://archive.org/details/LeighBlackall-Wikimapia350CachedSimilarDear Internet Archive Supporter, I ask only once a year: please help the Internet
blog.kownet.info/CachedFeb 9, 2016 . 4. Additional information. The source code attached to this article is available on
blog.cartong.org/2014/10/30/tutorial-using-wikimapia-data-in-qgis/CachedSimilarOct 30, 2014 . Key: in the orange cell in front of Key, enter your API key. If you do not have one,
https://gis.stackexchange.com/. /how-to-export-a-shapefile-through-the- wikimapia-apiCachedSimilarOct 5, 2012 . http://api.wikimapia.org/?function=box&bbox=37.617188,55.677586,37.70507,
https://www.docsity.com/en/geographic. systems. /316115/CachedApr 25, 2013 . Examples of GIS. • Google Earth • Google Maps • CGIS – First Computerized GIS
https://www.w3.org/community/. /2015/. /geoknow-public-datasets/CachedSimilarNov 20, 2015 . Specifically, we developed a parsing tool to communicate with the Wikimapia API
Finally, following the model of the commons, Wikimapia shares the content of its
https://gis.stackexchange.com/. /how-do-i-export-from-wikimapia-to-kmlCachedSimilarMar 23, 2012 . BBox queries: http://api.wikimapia.org/?function=box&bbox=37.617188,
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/. /using-the-wikimapia-org-apiCachedSimilarThe search API requires that you set a search location (long and lat) as well as
https://www.mypresences.com/service/wikimapia/CachedLearn about listing on WikiMapia and how you can maximize your business's
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draft_talk:WikimapiaCachedWould you please give some examples of right "public sources"? --pavlosh 17:27
https://www.bellingcat.com/. /automating-photo-retrieval-for-geolocating- part-2-wikimapia/CachedSimilarMay 13, 2015 . The Wikimapia API is called by making HTTP GET requests (this should sound
https://www.npmjs.com/package/made-in-russiaCachedSimilarA minimalistic GraphQL server example built with Node.js, Express, MongoDB
The first query for the example from Figure 8.3 would be http://api.geonames.org/
Among those built on existing map structures, many rest on the APIs provided by
wikimapia-api-py.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial.htmlCachedSimilarkey, string, 'example', Your Wikimapia API key. url, string, 'http://api.wikimapia.org'
https://dev.opera.com/articles/w3c-geolocation-api/CachedSimilarJun 16, 2010 . For example, you could build a Web service to provide you with information about
https://code.google.com/archive/p/wikimapia-apiCachedSome examples: A module to display additional information about objects in GPS
https://pythondigest.ru/view/1395/CachedFor example, if both Campsite and Park are given, only objects which are both
https://mrazidblack.wordpress.com/. /wikimapia-techniques-shapefile-and- wikimapia-networklink-overlays/CachedSimilarMay 1, 2009 . a. A web page (_wikimapia_kml.html) that will use the plug-in to show GE
https://github.com/Sannis/wikimapia-api-clients/issues/1CachedMay 22, 2012 . Bunch of clients for Wikimapia API. Contribute to wikimapia-api-clients
https://medium.com/. /mapping-cairos-neighborhoods-aa931a5f10ceCachedSimilarJul 25, 2016 . Obtaining neighborhood definition polygons from the Wikimapia API and working
https://www.reddit.com/r/. /how_is_osm_different_than_wikimapia/CachedSimilarSo I'm looking at different platforms to learn how to build an accessibility maps
https://opencrisis.wordpress.com/how-to-guides/. /wikimapia-api/Cachedoptional' API call parameter being not so optional, but the Wikimapia example
https://www.scribd.com/document/. /Wikimapia-API-BuilderCachedWikimapia API Builder (V 1. 0) example. Key Function. box. Category ID. 203.
https://oleg.smetan.in/leaflet.geomanager/CachedSimilarExample; Description; Usage; Options; Methods; Source code . Wikimapia API;
https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyMapia/0.1.1CachedSimilarAug 19, 2014 . Python SDK for WikiMapia (http://wikimapia.org) . About. PyMapia is a Python
https://community.esri.com/thread/61456CachedOct 18, 2012 . I'm trying to query wikimapia, then process the response into a geodatabase
wikimapia.org/api/?action=examplesCachedSimilarThis is your trial API key for using API examples. You can create a regular key