Other articles:
wlcentral.org/node/1684CachedApr 25, 2011 . WikiLeaks, however, notes there is reason to be skeptical: . Detention” often
https://wikileaks.org/gitmo/ec_threat_indicators.htmlCachedOn Sunday April 24, 2011 WikiLeaks began publishing 779 secret files from the
wikileaks.org/gitmo/name.htmlCachedSimilarOn Sunday April 24, 2011 WikiLeaks began publishing 779 secret files from the
www.frontpagemag.com/2011/rich. /wikileaks-goes-after-gitmo/CachedApr 26, 2011 . After a rather long lull in activity, WikiLeaks is back in the headlines again. . By
tomweston.net/Wikileaks.pdfCachedDec 4, 2007 . Page 1 of 14 http://wikileaks.org/wiki/
www.thetakeaway.org/. /102648-wikileaks-exposes-deals-transfer-inmates- out-gitmo/CachedNov 30, 2010 . While President Obama has received much criticism for failing to close the
www.wsws.org/en/articles/2011/04/guan-a26.htmlCachedApr 26, 2011 . WikiLeaks has released new evidence of wrongful imprisonment and . a useful
www.motherjones.com/. /click-and-dagger-wikileaks-julian-assange-iraq- video-updatedCachedSimilarJun 2, 2010 . WikiLeaks has revealed the secrets of Afghanistan, the Pentagon, Scientology,
www.guernicamag.com/daily/gitmo_propaganda_2_a_wikileaks/CachedDec 18, 2007 . People stationed at Guantanamo Bay may be changing information on the web to
www.examiner.com/. /reasons-to-release-terrorists-run-a-milk-and-honey- farm-take-up-yogaCachedJun 9, 2014 . Dzhokhar Tsarnaev can attest to the public sympathy one can garnered by
thinkprogress.org/. /wikileaks-cables-reveal-how-u-s-embassy-sought-talking -points-to-deny-abuse-of-bahraini-gitmo-detainee/CachedAug 24, 2011 . The Wikileaks whistleblower group recently released a massive data . Sought '
www.commondreams.org/. /wikileaks-just-8-gitmo-gave-evidence-against- 255-othersCachedApr 26, 2011 . WASHINGTON — U.S. military intelligence assessing the threat of nearly 800
www.worldaffairsjournal.org/. /documented-wikileaks-show-enhanced- interrogation-workedCachedSimilarI doubt it was WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's intent to provide still additional
www.nytimes.com/guantanamo-files/These articles are based on a huge trove of secret documents leaked last year to
prospect.org/article/wikileaks-and-gitmo-ctdCachedDec 10, 2010 . Ben Wittes shares my downbeat assessment of how the politics of WikiLeaks'
fas.org/sgp/jud/faraj/motion279.pdfCachedDec 3, 2010 . Guantánamo Bay prisoners in their habeas corpus petitions. Email from . . 3
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guantanamo_Bay_files_leakCachedSimilarWikiLeaks noted that "our first partner, The Telegraph, published the Gitmo Files
https://www.facebook.com/Inmate1776CachedSimilarhttp://wikileaks.org/gitmo/. Photos. Day 18 Front. Day 18 Back . is the 12th
amsterdamlawforum.org/article/download/250/452Cached1 www.wikileaks.org (accessed on 15 July 2011). 2 The leak . . Files' (
www.wnyc.org/story/126212-wikileaks-gitmo-prisoners/CachedApr 25, 2011 . Karen Greenberg, executive director of the Center on Law and Security at NYU
commons.wikimedia.org/. /File:ISN_00033,_Muhammad_Ahmad_Said_al- Adahi's_Guantanamo_detainee_assessment.pdfCachedDec 23, 2013 . Muhammad Ahmad Said al-Adahi's Guantanamo detainee assessment. .
www.telegraph.co.uk/. /wikileaks/. /WikiLeaks-Guantanamo-Bay-terrorist- secrets-revealed.htmlSimilarApr 25, 2011 . Guantanamo Bay has been used to incarcerate dozens of terrorists who have
www.swissinfo.ch/eng/wikileaks-claims-us-and. -/29295248CachedJan 20, 2011 . A document revealed by whistleblowing internet site WikiLeaks . to accept “
s3.documentcloud.org/. /isn-557-abu-sufian-ibrahim-ahmed-hamuda-bin- qumu.pdfCachedGUANTANAMO BAY. CUBA. APO AE 09360. JTF GTMO-CG. 22 Aprrl2005.
fpif.org/wikileaks_juveniles_at_gitmo_not_products_of_a_little-league_team /CachedMay 1, 2011 . We're honored to have Michael Busch dissecting the latest WikiLeaks document
wikileaks.org/gitmo/CachedSimilarWikiLeaks Reveals Secret Files on All Guantánamo Prisoners . .. are available
www.npr.org/2011/04/28/. /new-republic-what-wikileaks-hath-wroughtApr 28, 2011 . He is the author of Guantanamo and the Abuse of Presidential Power. WikiLeaks
newsbusters.org/. /ny-times-uses-wikileaks-discredit-guantanamo-bayCachedApr 28, 2011 . . of detainees at Guantanamo Bay prison released by Wikileaks were . Read
www.huffingtonpost.com/. /wikileaks-gitmo-guantanamo-bay-bbc_n_ 853522.htmlCachedApr 25, 2011 . WikiLeaks Gitmo Files: Why Did A Detainee Have The BBC's Number? [UPDATE]
www.netadvisor.org/wp. /Abu-Sufian-bin-Qumu-Wikipedia.pdfCachedJun 2, 2014 . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Sufian_bin_Qumu#cite_note-MotherJo. . "
fpif.org/wikileaks_gitmo_guards_rewards_system_for_detainees_backfires/CachedMay 6, 2011 . We're honored to have Michael Busch dissecting the latest WikiLeaks document
boingboing.net/2011/05/03/in-wikileaks-gitmo-d.htmlCachedMay 3, 2011 . CNET: "Recently-released WikiLeaks documents show that detained al Qaeda
my.firedoglake.com/. /ex-guantanamo-detainee-fights-back-against-gitmo- lies-in-new-wikileaks-release/CachedApr 25, 2011 . After the release of Wikileaks Guantánamo Files Detainee Assessment . . http://
www.democracynow.org/2010/. /wikileaks_cables_reveal_us_tried_toCachedSimilarDec 1, 2010 . . into torture at Guantánamo Bay and CIA extraordinary rendition flights. .
www.redstate.com/. /wikileaks-listed-bin-ladens-courier-from-gitmo-file/CachedMay 11, 2011 . The PDF file on the site in slow to open, the Gitmo file even has the courier's
www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/. /AR2007120301976.htmlSimilarDec 4, 2007 . . of a March 2004 manual of Gitmo's "Standard Operating Procedures" for Camp
www.tacticalmediafiles.net/article.jsp?objectnumber=52643CachedSimilarApr 25, 2011 . Wikileaks: The Guantanamo Files: 779 classified prisoner dossiers revealed .
fowlchicago.wordpress.com/. /wikileaks-releases-latest-cache-on-us-militarys -guantanamo-bay-torture-camp-the-detainee-files/CachedOct 25, 2012 . We reprint below the press release published by WikiLeaks.org announcing their
cableweek.org/united-states-prisoners/Cached#WikiLeaks: Australian Mamdouh Habib [former Guantanamo prisoner] was
gawker.com/. /wikileaks-documents-reveal-a-stinky-crazy-guantanamo-bayCachedSimilarApr 25, 2011 . Among the cache of documents allegedly leaked to Wikileaks by PFC Bradley
theredphoenixapl.org/. /wikileaks-revelations-about-gitmo-bad-news-for- obama/CachedApr 27, 2011 . In May 2009, when U.S. President Barack Obama was defending his decision to
www.alternet.org/. /7_shocking_gitmo_revelations_from_wikileaksCachedApr 25, 2011 . The incoherence behind Gitmo is finally coming to light.
rixstep.com/1/20110507,00.shtmlCachedMay 7, 2011 . http://counterpunch.org/shamir05042011.html . Shamir digs into the WikiLeaks
www.cnn.com/2011/US/05/12/wikileaks.plots/CachedSimilarMay 12, 2011 . In the latest WikiLeaks dump of classified government documents, hundreds of
archive.wired.com/politics/onlinerights/news/2007/11/gitmoCachedNov 14, 2007 . Image: Wikileaks.org. A never-before-seen military manual detailing the day-to-
www.cnet.com/. /wikileaks-releases-secret-guantanamo-prison-files/CachedApr 25, 2011 . Nearly 800 secret dossiers from Gitmo are being released over the . of the
theconservativetreehouse.com/. /breaking-bowe-bergdahl-released-u-s- traded-5-gitmo-detainees-for-his-release/CachedMay 31, 2014 . Abdul Haq Wasiq: http://wikileaks.org/gitmo/prisoner/4.html. Mohammad Fazl:
www.poynter.org/. /wikileaks-gitmo-files-leaked-to-new-york-times/CachedWikiLeaks' 'Gitmo files' leaked to New York Times. avatar by Steve Myers
https://wikileaks.org/gitmo/prisoner/7.htmlCachedHow to Read WikiLeaks' Guantánamo Files ? . Some examples are available on