Other articles:
It's from another plugin called *well, obviously* Widget Logic. This plugin can
Apr 28, 2010 . I figured there was probably a WordPress plugin that could help. It took only a few
[Plugin: Widget Logic] HELP condition to test HOME but not BLOG pages (both
Widget Logic is cool but it does not help get widgets in the center column of a
Mar 2, 2010 . to help us improve the WordPress.org site! Home · Showcase . Widget Logic.
Official qTranslate Support Forum . versions of every widget and display them
Sep 23, 2010 . Thanks for the clear help. I keep coming back to this post, since I just installed
Widget Logic Help (4 posts). AaronHodges. Member Posted 1 year ago #. Hello. I
Aug 10, 2008 . I already use a Widget Logic plugin—but this one is how it should be . . I have a
Apr 29, 2010 . Luckily there are two plugins that can help us out here. Widget Logic and Section
Support for WordPress eCommerce TheCArtPress. Search for: Search these: .
Jan 5, 2011 . Widget logic is an excellent plugin to help control where widgets are displayed, if
I'm struggling to get widget logic to work with hybrid. My particular issue is I have
I know this is an issue with a plugin, widget logic, and not necessarily the . that
I'm using widget logic and to remove widgets on singular post pages. I'd like div.
Thanks a bunch to Colin and Sayontan for all of their help with Widget logic. I
Apr 29, 2011 . Using some basic PHP operators (&& = And, ||= Or, !=Not) you can create some
6 days ago . WordPress Help. How to Use Widget Logic for WordPress. One of the more common
Sep 3, 2011 . With Widget Logic, you can drag a new widget into your sidebar, add the .
Mar 7, 2011 . Did you ever want to display a particular widget on one page, but not on . You
i have read some of the support forum posts re multiple categories and showing
Would really appreciate if any one could help me out with this: how to get the
I'm using widget logic to define when to show certain widgets in my . Over 35
Feb 11, 2011 . The Widget Logic plugin lets you choose where you want what when. . I like to
Is there any way to use Widget Logic with BuddyPress? How can one show
Jul 19, 2011 . Why is Widget Logic included in the settings area of Related plugin?. Community
WPML support and development. Log in . I installed widget logic in order to
Hi, I'm trying to get a widget to appear on a category archive page and each post
Oct 6, 2011 . Tools like the WordPress widget logic tool are great to help with a task like this.
Widget Logic Help Needed (1 post). gurudesignco. Member Posted 6 months ago #. I
widget logic not working with blog sidebar?? 1 post from 1 voice. Started 1 week
Widget logic plugin helps to display (show) or hide widgets in particular posts,
Hi. I have got a text box widget in my primary sidebar which I would only like
Third Party Components & Plugins (BuddyPress Support). Post your add-ons .
I believe you can use Widget Logic to help you change which sidebars appear on
Widget Logic allows you to determine what sidebar gets featured on what page .
I am not sure what to test. What other information would you need to help me
[Plugin: Widget Logic] Help with widget statement (4 posts). powerkor. Member
Snippet from http://wordpress.org/support/topic/a-little-js-widget-logic-code-
A professional discussion forum for Apple's Logic Pro Digital Audio Workstation
Mar 29, 2011 . Widget Logic is a plugin that allows controlling where widgets display using PHP
The version of Widget Logic is Version 0.48 and is the current version. http://
I could use some help figuring out what conditional logic to use with the tabber
Introducing Widget Logic – a subtle plugin to help you customize the use and
I want to have sidebar widgets on single post's. I am able to do this using Widget
Help In Shaping WordPress Themes . But then I'm using widget logic to allow
May 3, 2009 . Widget Logic for WordPress helps you achieve exactly the same. Take full control
Widget Logic allows widgets to appear or not depending on standard WP
widget logic help (10 posts). theodion. Member Posted 1 year ago #. I cant get