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May 30, 2010 . Jump to: navigation, search. You can use websites like http://whois-search.com
Domain Name Search Mobile App FREE! All Mobile Services > . Search for a
Retrieving Info From A Whois Query Can some one give me a little step by step to
This is what you are seeing when you perform a WHOIS lookup at a central
Jan 1, 1993 . Keywords: whois, network solutions, domain whois, whois domain, who is,
Jan 1, 1993 . InterNIC, internic,network information, domain registration.
Oct 12, 2010 . or you can alternatively use. List<string> info = Whois.lookup("google.com",
Sep 15, 2009 . Enter the domain you want to lookup, do not use www, just domain.com. 3. Select
Domain name whois lookup service, ip lookup, my ip address information, IP and
DNS411 uses "Smart Whois" to search all available domain registries, including
.com .co .net .org .info .pro .mobi .biz .ca .us .de .eu .name .asia. ICANN Certified.
Whois. Who is internic.ca? Whois lookup at GoDaddy. Featured Alexa Site Tools.
"Smart Whois" searches all available domain registries, including country codes,
Oct 22, 2001 . InterNIC (1453 bytes), Red Bar.gif (7505 bytes) . Whois Search . For Whois
Internic.net - Internic detailed information. . Our IP WHOIS lookup tool will
When I do a WHOIS lookup of microsoft.com, msn.com, hotmail.com using a web-
[Archive] Internic whois lookup oddity Domain Names.
Affordable Domain Name Registration and Website Hosting at Internic.ca.
public class Whois { public void whois(String query) throws IOException { whois(
Dec 21, 2011 . Stop on by and view webpages that are complementary to Internic. . Listing of
InterNIC—Public Information Regarding Internet Domain Name Registration
Sending query "nameshoe.com" to server "whois.internic.net": Sending query "
it depends on the whois server you're querying. Each domain registrar has their
Dec 3, 2007 . Use the /s switch to bypass an InterNIC whois lookup. You can specify DNS
Registry Whois Search. Registry Whois: Domain (ex. internic.net) Registrar (ex.
www.internic.net; Network Solutions WHOIS Lookup Provides domain name
Despite this change, InterNIC still operates a lookup database, called the WHOIS,
But uk.com is an InterNic domain. I couldn't 'handle' a WHOIS.INTERNIC.NET
Xmarks site page for internic www.internic.net/whois.html with topics, reviews .
The InterNIC site now provides WHOIS lookup services to identify the owner of
WHOIS Lookup For Domain Name internic.ca, IDN Domain Support.
Jul 11, 2011. hosting, Web site design, SSL certificates, e-commerce solutions, and internet
If you are not sure that the domain name of your choice is available, you can do a
You can do that here and now, directly with the InterNIC [results will open in a .
Nov 25, 2008 . The only thing I could come up with was to screen scrape the public Whois
This is what you are seeing when you perform a WHOIS lookup at a central
Complete whois domain name search for all domain names in the world. Search
Verisign WhoIs Domain Name Search - WhoIs Lookup for all .com, .net, .jobs, .tv,
http://internic-whois.com. It includes full data output, not just available or
Transfer DomainsTransfer your domain to internic.ca and take advantage of our
Querying for a network will fail utterly since those are not kept in the whois.
prepend an equals sign for an exact match, otherwise you'll get anything that
Jun 8, 2006 . Google Custom Search . A little function to query some NIC databases. . array(
Discover who owns a website or domain name by searching our WHOIS
I made a whois query for "microsoft.com" and got back hacked data, . retrieves
Oct 26, 2011 . Similarity: allwhois.com is 83% analogous to internic Popularity: . WHOIS
search the whois internic database to see who owns a domain name. Domain
This section will help you understand and troubleshoot some of the InterNIC
Internic - Nominet Approved UK Domain Name Registrars, offering easy domain
To guarantee a successful whois query, you must query internic.net which