Mar 29, 12
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  • I'm having some problems getting a simple Do While loop to run. . . The first part
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  • VB for next loop, do while loop, while wend, do loop while and do until loop
  • Feb 11, 2009 . Loop Until ActiveDocument. . Microsoft Word VBA Discussions . may be able to
  • You can use VBA Kill statement to delete files, as in: . Do While MyFile <> "" .
  • note that you don't have to put the words do . loop, around a while ..wend
  • Hi, Word VBA code was written in finding the word in a document and trying .
  • Jul 28, 2005 . This article is excerpted from chapter six of the book Access VBA Programming .
  • Dec 19, 2003 . WHILE loop and simply wanted it to run from any point in the document until . .
  • Verify P'word . Yet the Do While loop continues. . rst1.MoveNext. Loop Loop. If
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  • Jul 13, 2010 . There are many different types or iterations of loops in VBA but some of the main
  • Excel VBA Script Do While Loop trouble Office Development. . 3) The cell to the
  • The code to be repeated is placed between the key words. . Exercise 2: Do
  • Loop. Do . Loop While. Do . Loop Until. Microsoft Support site or the Excel VBA
  • Do Loop Sub OurDo() Do <Code to repeat> Loop While <Whatever> End Sub
  • The While statement always checks the condition before it begins the loop.
  • Aug 19, 2011 . How to use VBA in MS Word or MS Excel with MS Access Database? June 6 .
  • Mar 23, 2005 . application fast. now i written find.execute method in do while loop. . Have you
  • May 31, 2010 . Word of caution, VB resolves objects properties at runtime, and Text is a property
  • Nov 13, 2005. dynamic or static?. Get Microsoft Access / VBA help and support on Bytes
  • I'm trying to write a VBA macro that takes the cell values in a given column, row
  • What statement can i use to break out of a loop? how do i call a procdedure?
  • May 5, 2011 . I am writing a macro in VBA and for some reason I cant find the solution to this
  • This code was written for Word 97 and worked fine for Word 2000. No guarantees
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  • May 6, 2005 . I cannot find a way in which to exit from a while loop! This might be a stupid .
  • Feb 28, 2012 . Note: Debug may be a reserved word in visual basic this may cause the code .
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  • Do-While loop with ActiveCell : ActiveCell « Excel « VBA / Excel .
  • Feb 10, 2010 . I use a Do While loop. If "| Not rated" is . microsoft public mac office word (1699) ·
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  • Jul 21, 2009 . While loop with out Run time Error . EXIT DO will usually EXIT a DO loop. .
  • While. Wend is VBA's version of the While. Wend looping structure used by
  • VBA offers developers all the common logic options available in other languages,
  • Likewise, you don't change just one word in a document; you might change all .
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  • Jan 7, 2008 . I am using Access to edit a number of word documents in a folder. . Do While
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