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Aug 2, 2011 . It doesn't matter if they're a documentary or fiction. I just want to see some good
There are still a number of people who ask “What is the need for all this . our
Leading up to the war, some European countries had weakened their own . .
The Home Front - World War 2. An overview by Robert . . The large-scale
World War Two was not caused solely by short term events in the 1930's such as
World War II, or the Second World War (often abbreviated as WWII or WW2), was
Some of the effects of World War 2 were the destruction of cities and families and
25 -August - Orders to invade Poland are canceled. 1-Sep . . 19 British
The main causes of World War II were nationalistic tensions, unresolved issues,
Some victims were saved, some were lost. This might be due to the lack of
Jun 14, 2010 . I study WWII history for hobby and have been reading about the roles . User
The WWII years as the Japanese period in Southeast Asian history. . Summary –
Essential Questions: “What were the advertisements doing to promote a uniting
Find 36 questions and answers about Results of WW2 at Ask.com Read more. .
While industry and commerce were affected, individuals felt the effects more
Find 34872 questions and answers about Long Term Effects of World War 2 at .
In the last stages of the war, two radically new weapons were introduced: the . ..
. a crash course in the major events of WW2 . Most of us know who Hitler was
Charleston being a large navy and military area, the violence did escalate, but
A devestating consequense of ww2 was 40 million dead, 20 million of who were
The effects of World War II had far-reaching implications for most of the world. . .
Sep 26, 2011 . There were numerous causes of World War 2, but the most . effects of World War
Oct 17, 2011 . In some cases family members were separated and put in different camps.
Apr 9, 2010 . History - What effects did WWII have on racial tensions in the US? . to places
Mar 14, 2008 . In some notable cases, doctors have performed experiments on themselves .
What lessons were learned from the Great Depression and from World War II,
California, Santa Barbara, discusses the effects of the massive industrial
What were some of the affects and results of world war 2? Posts 1 - 4 of 4. World
Causes of World War 2 - the root causes of World War 2. . The backbone of
There are several causes of ww2, one being that Hitler wanted to create a super-
Mar 17, 2010 . For some reason all attacks were ordered to be carried out . and reset torpedoes
They were forced to evacuate their homes and leave their jobs; in some cases
This report describes the effects of the atomic bombs which were dropped on the
Feb 5, 2010 . The war's effects were varied and far-reaching. . New Deal mitigated some
There are two types of energy that may be transmitted to the target; kinetic and . ..
This page is closed to edits. Unfollow. follow. [report abuse]. Can you answer
Description of the effects of field artillery fire in World War 2. . There are
Answers - What are the causes and the results of world war 2? . new borders
the cold war nuclear age middle east probelms (the brits decided how to divide up iraq iran shiite shia etc. .got it all wrong) etc
There must have also been positive effects of World War 2, I wonder . The UN
New advances in technology changed warfare in WW2. . more people and
What effects did American involvement in WWII have on rural life? . Just to set
Post World-War 2 – Edgewood/Aberdeen Experiments. . . interpretation of the
Feb 1, 2011 . Information about the main causes of world war two. . In theory the League of
Questions are in no particular order, so take your time and go through the entire
This would, it was hoped, reduce the effects of Allied air power and keep open .
Economic problems were among the fundamental causes of World War II. . .
Some 70 nations took part in the conflict, and fighting took place on the
There are many causes of the war and some of them go back to the end of the