Other articles:
marc.info/?l=npaci-rocks-discussion&m=132339371003995Does it mean without Lustre, Elrepo's 2.6.39-4 should good enough to support .
www.antepedia.com/detail/p/210914131.html;jsessionid. Lustre file system clone. The main repo is git://git.whamcloud.com/fs/lustre-
https://twitter.com/Whamcloud/status/86305853698867200CachedJun 29, 2011 . #Lustre 1.8.6-wc1 has been declared GA and is available for download at http://
https://wiki.hpdd.intel.com/. /Walk-thru-+Build+Lustre+1.8+on+CentOS+5.5 +or+5.6+from+Whamcloud+gitCachedSimilarAug 10, 2012 . Patches are readily available in the Whamcloud git source repository. A test suite
wiki.opensfs.org/images/. /OpenSFS_Survey_Results_June_2012.pdfCachedLustre 1.4.x or earlier. 1.10%. 1. Lustre 1.6.x. 9.20%. 8. Lustre 1.8.0-1.8.5. 37.90
sulinux.stanford.edu/. / 09a1b9a320ea5e0228dec5544f006b4f8a48d524a541ab2381c408d31af9c. EDU lustre-1.8.6-wc1_2.6.32_71.29.1.el6.x86_64.src.rpm . or when debugging
https://www.zki.de/. /zki/. /zki_sc_2011-Jena_Brent_Gorda.pdfCachedSimilarAgenda. Whamcloud Overview and Lustre Status update – ZKI Jena . 1.8.6
https://downloads.hpdd.intel.com/public/lustre/CachedParent Directory - [DIR] latest-feature-release/ 31-Jul-2014 00:54 - [DIR] latest-
lists.lustre.org/pipermail/lustre-discuss/2011-June/015667.htmlCachedJun 11, 2011 . You should note for the 1.8.6-wc release that Whamcloud is only supporting
www.gridpp.ac.uk/gridpp27/LustreGridPP27.odpCachedQMUL – Lustre Storage Workshop summary . Whamcloud had much of the
en.it-usenet.org/thread/11937/12030/Sep 20, 2011 . . to download Lustre 1.8.5 from the Whamcloud Git repository: git clone . (1.8.6-
https://dvinfo.ifh.de/SL6%20DevelopmentCachedSimilarFeb 27, 2013 . . Lustre: whamcloud actually forged a 1.8.6 release (currently "wc1"), . Lustre
outreach.scidac.gov/fsbp/. /Administration_NICS_Braby.pdfCachedSimilarSep 27, 2011 . current Lustre file system to be SAN attached. . performance Lustre (1.8.6) was
docs.cray.com/books/S-2425-4101/S-2425-4101.pdfCachedSimilarLustre, MySQL, MySQL Pro, NFS, and Solaris are trademarks of Oracle and/or its
copilotco.com/mail-archives/lustre.2012/msg00044.htmlCachedJan 19, 2012 . Dennis If you have questions about Whamcloud Lustre releases then . our 1.8.7-
https://kb.netapp.com/support/index?page=content&id. CachedJun 20, 2014 . Click here to install Lustre from the RPMs on Whamcloud's website. Also, click .
2011.berlinbuzzwords.de/sites/2011. /EricBarton_LightningTalk.pdfCached2011 Whamcloud, Inc. The Lustre . Maintains Lustre community resources. –
lustrechina.csp.escience.cn/dct/. /Y2xiOmNsYjpwZGY6MTM5OTQ=CachedUnique advantage: critical mass for Lustre technology . Whamcloud is widely
https://lists.01.org/pipermail/hpdd-discuss/2014. /000930.htmlCachedMar 19, 2014 . >>>We will be taking 1.8.6 off-line for an "upgrade" ( bare metal > . made >>>>
https://www.olcf.ornl.gov/wp. /LUG_2011_Agenda_rev1.10.pdfCachedLustre 1.8.6 and 2.1 Community releases. Peter Jones, Whamcloud. 9:30 – 10:00
www.hpcadvisorycouncil.com/events/2011/. /9_whamcloud.pdfCached2011 Whamcloud, Inc. Lustre. Status and Roadmap. • Eric Barton. CTO.
www.supercluster.org/pipermail/torqueusers/2012. /014195.htmlCachedFeb 23, 2012 . Such kind of setup in our case (Lustre 2.1.0 and Lustre 1.8.6) results > in Torque
cfile2.uf.tistory.com/attach/1764B5364E927FE80F7FD4Cached기업주도: Whamcloud Lustre Roadmap 발표, DDN Lustre 지원정책 발표. – 연구
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lustre_(file_system)CachedSimilarIn November 2011, a separate contract was awarded to Whamcloud for the .
wenku.baidu.com/view/d17722523c1ec5da50e27084.htmlCached2011 Whamcloud, Inc. Lustre technical dream team ? . 2011 Whamcloud, Inc.
twtrland.com/profile/WhamcloudView @Whamcloud's social media analytics, best moments, close network, . #
review.whamcloud.com/#change,410Project, fs/lustre-release . dir name hash under interoperability mode 1.8.6 client
https://lists.sdsc.edu/pipermail/npaci-rocks. /2011. /055751.htmlCachedDec 9, 2011 . Does it mean without Lustre, Elrepo's 2.6.39-4 should good enough to . and you'
www.siteglimpse.com/jira.whamcloud.comRelease Notes - Lustre - Version Lustre 2.1.0 - HTML format . Configure
https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/P3HFY7RCached1 . Which version(s) of Lustre are you running in production today? . Whamcloud
www.docin.com/p-394013923.htmlCachedMay 2, 2012 . 2011 Whamcloud, Inc. Lustre overview and roadmap to Exascale . Maintenance
https://cug.org/proceedings/attendee_program. /pap164-file2.pdfCachedSimilarMay 1, 2012 . Explain the Cray model for integrating Lustre into Cray. ○ Show . CLE 4.0 UP03
www.supercluster.org/pipermail/torqueusers/2012. /014162.htmlCachedFeb 16, 2012 . Such kind of setup in our case (Lustre 2.1.0 and Lustre 1.8.6) results in Torque .
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=651795CachedDec 12, 2011 . Package: lustre-source; Maintainer for lustre-source is Debian Lustre . from
https://github.com/rread/lustreCachedSimilarAug 14, 2014 . Lustre file system clone. The main repo is git://git.whamcloud.com/fs/lustre-
sourceforge.net/p/robinhood/mailman/attachment/mailman. /1/Cached. Alexander, Recently, I also installed Robinhood 2.4.2 and we had lustre 1.8.6.
sulinux.stanford.edu/pub/rpms/centos/6.4/x86_64/. /primary.xml.gzEDU lustre-1.8.6-wc1_2.6.32_71.29.1.el6.x86_64.src.rpm . server and network
www.pgey.com/pdf/intel-q4-4.htmlCached2011 Whamcloud, Inc. Whamcloud Overview • Brent Gorda . Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
www.teraflop-workbench.de/. /WSSP16_2012_COBs_ErichFocht.pdfCachedDec 11, 2012 . . below: Peter Braam). And FastForward I/O and Storage: Eric Barton (Intel/
www.montblanc-project.eu/. /D5.5_Intermediate_report_on_porting. ._v1.0 .pdfCached7.2.1 Porting of Lustre 2.1.x to the Carma DevKit running Linux kernel 3.1.10 . .
https://wiki.ucar.edu/display/dasg/July+2011CachedAug 4, 2011 . Data Analysis Services Group - July 2011. News and Accomplishments. Two
t34490.file-systems-lustre-user.file-systemstalk.us/upgrade-from-1-8-6-to-2-1 -t34490.htmlCachedPost Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 3:58 pm Post subject: Upgrade from 1.8.6 to 2.1?
www.digplanet.com/wiki/Lustre_(file_system)CachedIn November 2011, a separate contract was awarded to Whamcloud for the .
dictionary.sensagent.com/Lustre%20(file%20system)/en-en/CachedLicense · GPL v2. Website, Lustre at Whamcloud . . However, Lustre 1.8.6 and
www.pageglimpse.com/jira.whamcloud.comCachedWhamcloud Company, Whamcloud Wiki, Lustre Download, Wham Cloud,.
www.2898.com/3586718.htmlCached2011年8月25日 . lustre安装出错,请高手指点一下 想要创建ost root@mds1 . e2fsprogs from http://
nyanglish.com/lustre-2CachedLustre 2.1 servers remain interoperable with 1.8.6 and later clients, and is the
www.eofs.eu/. /02_Peter_Jones_Lustre_Releases_-_EOFS_Workshop_Sept_ 2011_FINAL.pdfCachedSimilarSep 26, 2011 . Whamcloud released 1.8.6-wc1 June 2011. – Superset of Oracle 1.8.6 release. –