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Nov 3, 2011 . The sounds a blue whale makes can travel thousands of miles in deep water,
3. To probe (a body cavity) with a sound. v.intr. 1. To measure depth. 2. To dive
Open source travel guide to Puget Sound, featuring up-to-date information on
Here are excerpts from an interesting Wikipedia article on "songs" of Humpback
Whale song is the sound made by whales to communicate. . For more
water sounds called whale "song" (e.g., Winn et aL, 1981;. Payne and McVay .
Feb 17, 2012 . Latest developments on Whale Songs; Blue Whale Song; Calm Seas . . Whale
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . Payne describes the whale songs as "
Said The Whale Howe Sounds lyrics - get synchronized lyrics for Howe Sounds,
Apr 28, 2010 . What created this strange sound in Earth's Pacific Ocean? . Although the sound
Maybe echolot sounds from a spermwhale? . . Regarding Alien, I just found this (
Links to Whale Audio Clips and Whale Sounds at JungleWalk.com. Animal Audio
You are not a member of this wiki. Join now . Welcome to the Hawaiin Islands,
Humpback whales are well known for their songs. Whale sounds are the sounds
The wikipedia article says that some scientists believe it could be an as yet . .
Whale sounds - Wikipedia, the free- encyclopedia. It includes recordings of-
Whale sounds - Description: The word "song" is used to describe the pattern of
Echolocation, the sending of sounds and interpretation of echoes produced, is
The Space Whale trope as used in popular culture, with a list of examples from all
File:Killer whale.ogg. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation,
Whale sounds - Wikipedia :: The free encyclopedia. Whale sounds are the
Mar 3, 2011 . It's quite different from other recorded whale sounds (you can hear samples of
Aug 21, 2011 . The sound is not produced by a form of propulsion, but it is only the air it . . pills
Jan 28, 2012 . Your continued donations keep Wikiquote running! . . to Bush's mime instructor
Sounding is a term used for whales diving. It is typically only used for longer
Whale sounds - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Whale sounds are the sounds
Links to Dolphin Audio Clips and Dolphin Sounds at JungleWalk.com. Animal
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: . Humpbackwhale2.ogg (Ogg
They do so by emitting clicking sounds that bounce off prey or other objects. The
Dec 10, 2011 . A wiki article on cymatics. . with Snowflakes; 4 Connection with Plants; 5
Top questions and answers about Whale Song Whale Sounds. Find 584 .
Chapters: Whale, Dolphin, Cetacea, Blue whale, Whaling, Cetacean intelligence,
Fred assured me the floorboards were sound. . . See also Wikisaurus:sound . ..
The enigmatic songs of whales travel across oceans. The enigmatic songs of .
The sound is also home to thousands of invertebrate species, 200 species of fish,
Wikia. Skip to Content Skip to Wiki Navigation Skip to Site Navigation . aka
This City's a Mess Howe Sounds Curse of the Currents The Light is You My
sound generation propagation and reception in a toothed whale . http://en.
What sound does a whale make? In: Humpback Whales [Edit categories]. Answer
Toothed Whale (Order: Cetacea, Suborder: Odontoceti) - Wiki . Vocal chords are
Feb 14, 2009 . If you find a topic you want to see Wikinews cover, why not create an . .. melon-
All whales are very noisy. They squeak, moan, groan, and sigh to talk to each
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: . The ethereal whale "songs"
What do whale sounds sound like? In: Whales [Edit categories]. Answer: Improve.
Welcome to whalesong.net Whale sounds - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia:Featured sound candidates/Killer Whale Call. From Wikipedia, the free
I took my car down to the waterfront Put it in park, yeah I got some plans for us We
Once the Bounty arrived in 1986, Uhura reports that she is recieving whale songs
Humpback whales are well known for their songs. Image via Wikipedia. Although
Whales sing songs to communicate with other whales. The term song refers to