Other articles:
Maltz demonstrates, however, that under Burger the Court's ideological . of the
Rather than total revolt against the Warren Court, McMahon posits, Nixon . and
11. courts of appeal: appellate courts that review all final decisions of district
Feb 24, 2010 . doctrine of the Warren Court (Fallon 2002; Feld 2002; Keck 2002; Lain . .
In dubbing the Warren Court's first nine terms (1953-1961) as the era of the . of
Oct 25, 2004 . Political Ideology and the Justices of the Warren Court . product of the Court's
pragmatic in its constitutional choices in contrast to the Warren Court, which is
Nov 4, 2005 . But ideology took on greater importance beginning in the 50's, with Brown v.
The Warren Court refers to the Supreme Court of the United States between . ..
Warren Court 3 (Oct. 16, 1956 to March 24, 1957 0.44 years). Warren Court 4 (
Apr 7, 1994 . Nixon, recoiling at what he and other Republicans regarded as the judicial
The Burger Court marks the tenure of Warren E. Burger as Chief Justice of the .
Few would dispute the characterization of the Warren Court as the most activist .
Sep 9, 2005 . This chapter overviews the Burger Court and situates it in the political and legal .
The Ideological History of the Supreme Court, 1937–2007 . 0.18, 0.52, 0.58,
What is the basic ideology of the Warren Court? In: US Constitution, US Supreme
As shown below, the ideological direction of the decisions invali- dating federal
Feb 28, 2007 . Since the Rehnquist Court took a different ideological tack in each of these
stresses instead politics, philosophy, and ideology.1 Under this regime, an
Burger Court business decisions and found that a small set of ideological .
Jan 10, 2012 . The Roberts Court, Ideology, and Statistics . For example, the Warren Court
Most of these decisions date from 1962, when those who shaped the dominant
Read Warren Court Precedents in the Rehnquist Court at Questia library. . of the
Despite its conservatism, the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Warren E. . the
By the time of Gault and the Warren Court's "Due Process Revolution," the
In The Chief Justiceship of Warren Burger, 1969–1986, Earl M. Maltz offers a .
Apr 10, 2010 . One element consistent of the political processes since the Warren court is the
sults of regressing economic and civil liberties votes on the ideological value
When is the Supreme Court engaging in ideological activism, be it liberal or
local success is the increasingly conservative ideology of the Court from the
Two-Tiered Constitutional Review in the Warren Court . .. 1143. A. The Lochner
Courts' Competing Ideologies, 72 GEO. L.J. 185, 189–97 (1983) (describing, but
cases exemplified the Warren Court's ideological battle against communism
ideology of the Warren Court, this is not surprising. The cumulative ef- fect of the
of Supreme Court ideology, and in particular one which can be used in models of
of regressing economic and civil liberties votes on the ideological value scores. It
Most of these decisions date from 1962, when those who shaped the dominant
The Warren Court (1953–1969) dramatically expanded the force of . . Most
The Warren Court was viewed as a judicially active court, noted for . it is also a
Jul 24, 2010 . The courts led by Chief Justices Warren E. Burger, from 1969 to 1986, . But the
fact, the Warren Court itself only applied this fundamental interest analysis to
Mar 27, 2012 . The thesis is that the Supreme Court, unbound by any court above it, . a political
Warren Court vs. Conservative Ideology When Dwight D. Eisenhower appointed
Warren's term, which lasted until 1969, was arguably one of the most significant
values of all Supreme Court justices from Earl Warren to Anthony Kennedy.
The first is its examination of the important Court decisions of Warren Burger's
Burger Court business decisions and found that a small set of ideological .
the basis of the organizational needs of the Court and not ideology. 4. On the
Unlike much of that work, however, it is based on empirical social science, not