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www.heartandstroke.com/site/. /Heart_disease__Warning_signs.htmCachedLearn to recognize the signs of a heart attack so you can react quickly to save a
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circ.ahajournals.org/content/104/11/1212.fullSimilarEach year, ≈1.1 million Americans experience a heart attack; ≈460 000 of them
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www.huffingtonpost.com/arthur. md/heart-attack_b_5639059.htmlCachedAug 4, 2014 . Once you get to the ER, do your best to emphatically say, "I think I'm having a
www.healthxchange.com.sg/. /Heart-Disease-Warning-Signs-to-Watch-Out- For.aspxCachedSimilarIn real life, attacks of the heart and brain do not announce themselves so
www.bbc.com/news/health-29381914Cached4 days ago . Many adults in the UK are unaware of the risk factors for heart disease, according
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abcnews.go.com/Health/HeartDisease/. heart-disease-warning-signs/story?. SimilarFeb 18, 2012 . High blood pressure, stress, and diabetes are all familiar warning signs that
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www.newsmaxhealth.com/. Heart-Attack-Warning/2013/. /512071/Cached6 days ago . James Gandolfini Likely Ignored 4 Crucial Heart Attack Warning Signs, Says Top
www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/. /heartattack/signs.htmlCachedHeart Attack Warning Symptoms 10/20/2011. Heart Attack Clinical Trials. Clinical