Sep 29, 14
Other articles:
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  • freakonomics.com/2014/04/15/the-gender-wage-gap-by-state/‎CachedApr 15, 2014 . We have blogged and written extensively about the gender pay gap, much of
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  • www.econlib.org/library/Enc/GenderGap.html‎CachedSimilarWhen economists speak of the “gender gap” these days, they usually are . hours
  • time.com/105292/gender-wage-gap/‎CachedMay 19, 2014 . Whether Abramson's pay did or didn't have anything to do with her dismissal from
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  • www.forbes.com/. /the-gender-pay-gap-is-just-the-beginning-of-americas- pay-inequity-problem/‎CachedApr 10, 2014 . It is often said that working women earn 77 cents on the dollar in the United
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  • www.closethewagegap.com/‎CachedSimilarThe purpose of this website is to educate users about the gender wage gap and
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  • fivethirtyeight.com/. /the-gender-pay-gap-and-womens-representation-in- political-office/‎CachedApr 9, 2014 . Mona and I were struck by the relationship between the gender pay gap and a
  • www.newrepublic.com/. /gender-pay-gap-and-77-cents-claudia-goldin-says- its-real‎CachedApr 29, 2014 . Conservatives were not at all happy when President Obama issued executive
  • https://www.iwu.edu/economics/PPE14/Haas.pdf‎CachedThe difference in income between men and women is of great importance
  • www.payequity.gov.on.ca/en/about/pubs/genderwage/wagegap.php‎CachedSimilarThe gender wage gap is the difference between wages earned by men and
  • themattwalshblog.com/2014/. /thank-god-for-the-gender-wage-gap/‎CachedApr 8, 2014 . The gender wage gap exists, in large part, because women are still more likely to
  • www.washingtonpost.com/. gender-pay-gap/. /9e5cff34-fcd5-11e3-8176- f2c941cf35f1_story.htmlJul 25, 2014 . Yet that doesn't go very far to explain the gender pay gap. As Harvard labor
  • thinkprogress.org/economy/2014/04/08/. /gender-wage-gap-myth/‎CachedApr 8, 2014 . There are many factors that help explain the gender wage gap, but there's lots of
  • www.theguardian.com/. /gender-pay-gap-women-bosses-earn-35-percent- less-than-men‎CachedAug 18, 2014 . Francke said that the likes of the supermarket chain Tesco, which publishes data
  • www.usatoday.com/story/money/. /10/. /gender-pay-gap/1652511/‎CachedSimilarOct 24, 2012 . Women have made tremendous gains in education, employment and earnings
  • https://www.wgea.gov.au/. /behind_the_gender_pay_gap_branded.pdf‎CachedSimilarThe gender pay gap is the difference between the average of all male and all
  • theweek.com/article/index/259622/yes-the-gender-pay-gap-is-real‎CachedApr 9, 2014 . Yesterday was Equal Pay Day, an annual event to raise awareness of the gender
  • www.thenation.com/. /why-we-cant-strip-race-out-gender-wage-gap- conversation‎CachedApr 15, 2014 . Darlene Handy of Baltimore holds up a banner during a rally supporting an
  • www.npr.org/. /50-years-after-the-equal-pay-act-gender-wage-gap-endures‎SimilarJun 10, 2013 . On this day 50 years ago, President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act in
  • https://www.gov.uk/. /Analysis_of_the_Gender_Pay_Gap.pdf‎CachedSimilarThis analysis into how the gender pay gap has changed over time was carried .

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